"How is the situation now? Yaqi Orochi has escaped?" Maitreya took a breath and finally recovered: "Why can't I see anything now? What's the matter?"

Because Uchiha Tatsun deliberately guided and isolated the explosion from the outside world, but visually there was no way to isolate it. Maitreya looked at Uchiha Tatsun curiously.

However, what she saw was a dazzling white light, just confirming Uchiha's position in front of the source of the sound.

"Yaqi Orochi?" Uchiha Tatsun asked back, and finally chuckled slightly, the laughter was full of randomness.

"It's probably blown to ashes now."

He said casually, as if he didn't take Yaqi Orochi into his heart at all.

"What?" Maitreya exclaimed, with a face full of disbelief. After all, she knew the power of Yaki Orochi, but Uchiha Tatsun actually said that he had been blown to ashes?

"What the **** is going on? Why can't I feel the breath of Yachi Orochi?" Maitreya frowned. Uchiha Tatsumi's words made her a little confused. What is it that Yachi Orochi has been blown to ashes? ?

Can you still say that Yaqi Orochi was defeated by you? It was blown to dust like Ultraman hit the little monster?

To know that Yaki Orochi is not only powerful, but also immortal, Maitreya would rather believe that Yaki Orochi has escaped, and he does not believe that he was blown to ashes by Uchiha Tatsumi.

Uchiha Tatsumi could hear the distrustful tone in Maitreya’s words. He smiled lightly and didn’t refute anything. He just spoke faintly, “It’s not possible now. Waiting for the explosion to disappear and you’ll know it. ."

"Explosion?" Maitreya was puzzled, and felt a little unbelievable at what Uchiha Tatsu said. Suddenly, her eyes widened: "You...you mean..."

"Yes, Yaqi Orochi blew himself up, and now it is estimated that the corpse has turned to ashes."

Maitreya couldn't believe it, Uchiha Tatsun actually completely suppressed Yaki Orochi.

She originally brought Uchiha Tatsumi here as a psychological comfort. She didn't think that Guo Tatsun could really withstand Yaki Orochi. After all, Maitreya was ready to die from the beginning.

In the end, Tatsun made a joke with her. Maitreya only wanted to confine the Yaki Orochi to the valley, but Uchiha Tatsuno actually killed the Yaki Orochi.

Although Yaqi Orochi is immortal, it does not mean that he is dead after he explodes, but this is almost subverting news for Maitreya.

It turned out that the invincible Ochi Orochi could really be defeated, it turned out that in her opinion the invincible Ochi Orochi would also die.

This news gave Maitreya a glimmer of hope of victory in her heart, and it was not until this time that she truly believed that Chen had the strength to drag her out of the abyss of despair.

Chapter 724: Dead but not stiff

Until this time, Maitreya truly believed that Uchiha Tatsu had the ability and strength to drag her out of the abyss.

If Uchiha Tatsun only gave her a little hope before, then Tatsun has become her greatest hope now.

"If this is the case, that would be great!" Maitreya's eyes revealed unconcealable joy, "As long as the Orochi dies every time, his strength will drop by one point. Similarly, he must be sealed. The price will be reduced a lot."

If he could kill Yaqi Orochi a few more times, then Maitreya would not have to prepare such a complicated seal, only a simple seal, or even a modification to the seal set by her mother before.

Uchiha Tatsumi raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that he was doing the right thing by mistake. Originally, he just wanted to restrict Yachi Orochi to the valley. As a result, Yachi Orochi became unbearable and blew himself up and made Uchiha. What Chen didn't expect was that Yaqi Orochi could really be reborn.

Listening to Maitreya's tone, every time the eight-qi big snake is reborn, the strength in the body will be weakened by a few points.

"Meaning, as long as I let Yaqi Orochi explode several times, the cost of sealing him can be negligible, right?"

"That's right." Maitreya nodded, with an expression of excitement on his face. If the Yaki Orochi can be completely sealed this time, although it will not be able to completely free the Miko clan from the fateful entanglement, but at least 100 There is no need to worry that Yachi Orochi will break the seal within the year.

This also means that at least within three generations, there is no need to worry about the harm of the Yaqi Orochi, and one hundred years later, it can continue to be maintained only by continuing to reinforce the seal.

Thinking about it this way, the smile on Maitreya's face couldn't be concealed at all. Although Uchiha Chen's face was not visible at this moment, her voice gradually softened.

"Thanks, thank you." Maitreya's head lowered gently. It was only at this moment that she showed the style that a woman of this age should have, the most touching and glamorous indispensable thing with her head down.


The smoke disappeared and the dust settled. The explosion outside Susano was completely over. The aftermath and the radiation from the explosion itself gradually disappeared, but Uchiha Tatsuno did not release Susano for the first time.

Although it seemed to be safe now, Chen knew that the poison gas of Yaqi Orochi had not been completely dispelled.

If Suzuo Nenghu was relieved now, Chen would not matter, but Maitreya could not bear it. Her physical fitness was not good, and it would definitely cause irreparable damage.

Anyway, the white light covering his eyes has disappeared. Uchiha Tatsu can take Maitreya forward with Susao's strong defensive ability. After all, Maitreya does not need to perform the sealing technique, and it does not matter if he does not communicate with the atmosphere of the world.

Pushing the Susanoh, Uchiha Chen walked step by step toward the place where the Yaki Orochi blew himself up, and through Susanoh Maitreya, he could see the movement outside.

I saw that the place where the Yaqi Orochi blew himself up didn't even leave any ash, but Chen did not leave there, but waited quietly in place.

I don't know how long it has passed, even Uchiha Tatsumi felt a trace of impatience.

"Wait a minute, Yachi Orochi hasn't reborn so quickly."

Maitreya comforted, she clearly saw the impatient Uchiha Tatsu's face, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only try to comfort her.

Sure enough, after I don't know how long it took, Uchiha Tatsu found that the place where the Yachi Orochi blew itself had a trace of dark purple energy lines that could not be traced. If you don't observe it carefully, you can't see clearly, it's too small.

"Come!" Maitreya's eyes condensed, and she really knew nothing more about the aura of the big snake.

The traces of dark purple energy lines stayed in place without movement. Slowly, from all directions, deep purple energy lines gradually began to converge toward the darkest line.

It was only at this time that the traces of energy lines could be observed with the naked eye.

The energy lines converging from all directions continue to condense, and in just a cup of tea, a small snake with the thickness of a baby's arm is gathered.

Looking at this little snake that had just condensed, a trace of killing intent flashed in Uchiha Tatsu's eyes.

"No!" Maitreya hurriedly stopped Uchiha Tatsu who wanted to take action: "Now Yaki Orochi is in the process of rebirth, if I forcibly interrupt his rebirth, I don’t know what will happen, I can’t guarantee it will be. What happened? If you want to weaken the Orochi Orochi, you can only kill him again after he is completely reborn. Now even if this energy is eliminated, it will not have any effect on the weakening of the Orochi Orochi."

"Huh, is that so." Uchiha Chen snorted, and slowly put away the long knife in his hand. If Maitreya talks a step further, the long knife will directly pierce the body of the small snake that the big snakes just gathered. .

"Then we can only wait like this?" Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, and his face couldn't hide his impatience. How long has this been, the rebirth of Yaki Orochi is so slow that he can only weaken him. Wait until he is completely reborn.

Time is simply too late, how many times will the speed be weakened? Uchiha Tatsuno's time is simply not enough, where does he have so much time to spend with Yaki Orochi here?

"Don't worry, it was really slow at the beginning, but it will get up soon later." Maitreya could only comfort Uchiha Tatsuno continuously.

After all, she can't live without Uchiha Tatsun now, once Tatsun leaves, Maitreya has no way to restrict Yaki Orochi. If Yaqi Orochi was allowed to escape from the valley, even the sealing technique would not be able to restrict him.

"Huh!" Uchiha Chen snorted, closed his eyes, sinking his consciousness into the system, and stopped watching the process of the rebirth of Yaqi Orochi.

"System, can you calculate how long it will take the Yachi Orochi to rebirth?"

"Ding! The system is calculating..." The system replied to Chen's question after being silent for a second: "According to the system's calculations, at the current speed, it will take about a day for the Yachi Orochi to completely regenerate.

But the system felt a power that was not part of the Naruto world system. With the addition of this power, the Yachi Orochi could be reborn in about ten minutes. "

"Ten minutes?" Uchiha Tatsuno nodded thoughtfully, "Since there are only ten minutes, then wait."

Seven hundred and twenty-fifth chapters: the incredible snake

"Ten minutes?" Uchiha Tatsumi thought thoughtfully, "Since there are only ten minutes, wait a minute."

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