Uchihatatsu wrapped his hands around his chest, closed his eyes and quietly waited for the rebirth of Yachi Orochi.

Ten minutes can be said to be very long, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye. Countless black qi merged with the small dark purple Oki Orochi, and the body of the Oki Orochi continued to expand and expand.

Power is constantly gathering on Yaqi Orochi, his strength is gradually recovering, ten minutes has passed in the blink of an eye.

When Yaqi Orochi appeared in the valley again, he laughed frantically, and the laughter was full of frantic flavor.

"Hahahaha, no matter how strong you are, are you still dead? This uncle will never die. As long as human beings are not dead, it is still 20,000 years away from wanting this uncle's life!"

The violent voice of Yaqi Orochi resounded throughout the valley, and he barked wildly, without paying attention to Uchiha Tatsumi.

After all, in his opinion, Uchiha Tatsumi is strong, but it is impossible to escape from the damage of his self-destruction, especially because there is still the oil bottle of Maitreya behind him. If there is no Maitreya, perhaps Yaki Orochi would not dare to say that.

But Uchiha Tatsu has to spare his energy to take care of the Maitreya who has no power to restrain the chicken. How can he escape from the injury of his self-destruction?

"What are you laughing at?" Uchiha Tatsumi's faint voice came into Yaki Osna's ears.

At this moment he couldn't believe his ears.

What did he hear? Uchiha Tatsumi's voice? Isn't he still dead? No, impossible, how could Chen be alive in such a strong explosion? It must be auditory hallucinations.

"Why? Don't believe your ears?"

Chen's voice came into his ears again, this time he heard it very accurately, not a hallucination.

"Is it a ghost?" Yaqi Orochi guessed subconsciously, and then he left this guessing behind.

When he lowered his head and saw Uchiha Tatsun and Maitreya standing in front of him looking at him with playful eyes, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Why?" Orochi Yaqi widened his eyes and looked at the two unscathed people in front of him. He felt that he had been deceived.

How could this be possible. Seeing that neither of them had any damage to their clothes, could it be that his self-detonation couldn't even touch the clothes of both of them?

"No, it must be an illusion!" Yaqi Orochi shook his huge head, looked at the two men with ferocious eyes, and shouted hysterically, "Why, why did you two have nothing to do!"

"Obviously, I have already blew myself up, why did you two have nothing to do!"

"Oh?" Uchiha Tatsuno raised his brows: "Then what do you think we are going to do? The ones who die like you don't even have ashes?"

Uchiha Tatsun wanted to provoke the Yaki Orochi, as if he didn't put Yaki Orochi in his eyes at all, and he didn't have any sense of fear at all.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! This uncle must kill you!" Yaqi Oro screamed, lowering his head, and struggling to stretch his tentacles, rushing towards the two Uchiha Tatsumi.

Facing the tentacles of Yaki Orochi, Uchiha Tatsumi was not as stunned as before. After all, Yaki Orochi had blew himself up once, but now he has just reshaped his body, and the power in his body is no longer as abundant as before.

Compared with the previous Yachi Orochi, his strength has dropped by at least 30%.

Don't think that 30% is very small, not to mention the realm of Uchiha Chen, even if it is a shadow-level powerhouse, losing 30% of the strength, it is also a very fatal thing. You must know that the victory or defeat is often at that moment.

The loss of 30% of the strength means that the amount of Chakra is less than half of the others.

Not to mention the Yaqi Orochi. Yachi Orochi, who had lost 30% of his strength, had no way to inflict damage on Uchiha Tatsumi.

If the previous Yaki Orochi can still cause trouble to Uchiha Tatsumi, now Tatsumi has completely ignored Yaki Orochi.

Contempt the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

Having said that, Uchiha Tatsu took out the Meteor Blade, and the tentacles of the Yaki Orochi were not something ordinary kunai could resist after all. Only the magical weapon like the Meteor Star and Meteorite can resist it.

"Ding Ding Ding"

The tentacles of the Yaqi Orochi kept colliding with the Meteor Blade, and the metal slamming sound only when the sword collided, sparks scattered.

He continued to attack the two with his tentacles, Yachi Oro couldn't help but gasp, and the prolonged high-intensity attack made him feel a little short of breath.

Looking at the two unscathed, Yaqi Osha felt a little angry.

"Why, why can't you die!"

Yaqi Orochi roared in a low voice: "Why can't you two die honestly! You guys will die once for me, okay!"

Furiously attacking the two with their tentacles, the deep purple energy jade in the mouth is constantly condensing, and the big snake can no longer take care of so much under the hysteria.

Since the self-detonation could not hurt the two of them, he didn't know what other way he could escape.

If he can't escape, Yaqi Orochi is cruel and might choose to blew himself up again. Anyway, he has blew himself up once, what else is unacceptable?

As long as he can escape, Yaqi Orochi can do everything, even if he dedicate everything to the devil, oh, this won’t work, after all, he himself is also a devil.

Judging from the basic situation, the Yaqi Orochi is indeed no different from the devil, both of which are deceptive and seize what they want.


Deep purple energy jade continuously spouted from the mouth of Yachi Orochi, attacking both Uchiha Tatsumi and Maitreya.

Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes narrowed. After all, there is still a Maitreya behind him, if you don't need to be Xu Zuo Nenghu, the aftermath of the energy jade explosion will definitely affect Maitreya.

Uchiha Tatsuno had to turn on the Susano once again, took out the double-edged blades hanging on his back, the double-swords were in front of him, and the full energy jade blow set off a burst of explosions on the double-edged blades, but it did not hurt the two of them. .

With Susano's protection, Yachi Orochi couldn't hurt them at all. Such a full-bodied chakra coat, even a few more attacks will not help.

Chapter 726: Tragedy of the Serpent

Under the protection of Susano Nogo, the attack of the Yaki Orochi was painless to the two of them. The thick chakra coat wrapped them up, and the 360-degree protection was more than just talking. That's it.

The Orochi Yachi stared fiercely at the surface of Uchiha Tatsuno's body. His eyes were cold and full of hatred. If they could kill people, maybe the two would have died thousands of times.

The current Yachi Orochi has long since lost the thought of vainly trying to swallow Maitreya, and now he only thinks about how to escape from birth.

After all, under Uchiha Tatsu's protection, he had no way to break through Tatsu's blockade and swallow Maitreya. If he could, he had actually considered how to escape from the beginning.

This is what he should do most, not thinking about how to swallow Maitreya all day.

Yaki Orochi didn't know where Uchiha Tatsuta came from. This strength is too strong and too outrageous, anyway he was once a world-destroying ancient beast, but in the end he had nothing to do with Uchiha Chen.

Uchiha Chen sneered, no matter how Yaqi Orochi attacked him with the energy jade, he remained motionless, and with Yaqi Orochi's strength, he could not break through his defense.

"Damn kid!" Baqi Orochi couldn't help but complain.

Uchiha Tatsumi was only taunting slightly. The double-edged blades in his hand waved back and forth, fending off the tentacles of the Oki Orochi, and kept pushing towards him. Tatsumi found the Oki Orochi slowly moving towards the valley.

Don't think about it, this is the prelude of Yachi Orochi preparing to escape.

"Don't let him run away! Stop him!" Maitreya couldn't help shouting when he noticed that the Yaqi Orochi was slowly approaching the valley exit.

"Damn it!" Yaqi Orochi glared at Maitreya with resentment. Without Uchiha Tatsu's protection, Maitreya would have already died in his hands. Why would it be her turn to be arrogant here?

Seeing that Maitreya had discovered his intentions, Yachi Oro no longer concealed it at all, and did not launch an attack on Uchiha Tatsumi, and rushed straight to the mouth of the valley.

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