"A good journey!" Chen sighed, "May there be no war in the underworld and no black jue."

PS: It's a bit messy, I really don't know how to write the result of Lord Madara.

Chapter 743: The Failed Five Shadows Talks

"Walk all the way!" Uchiha Tatsu took out the Meteor Knife in his hand with a flat face, and then sighed softly: "May there be no war in heaven and no black end."

Uchiha Madara, a generation of heroes, has calculated for a lifetime, but the result is only calculated by the black, embarking on a road that is destined to be impossible. Even until he died, he didn't realize how stupid and ridiculous what he was doing.

Uchiha Chen did not solve Madara's happy confusion. This poor old man, even in the form of Shura, still cares about the peace of the whole world and still has compassion for all beings.

Perhaps his actions were not right and were not understood by the public, but this was not the reason for killing him in one stroke. The so-called justice and evil have always been written by the victors.

Where is there absolute justice and evil? Perhaps in the hearts of many people, Madara is like a big villain, an endorsement of evil.

But for Madara, these people who are trying to obstruct themselves and the world peace process are not bad guys? Is it the endorsement of evil?

All justice and evil cannot be summarized in a single sentence.

Maybe Madara never thought that he would have such a day, right? Chen laughed secretly in his heart.

But how strong you were in your lifetime, how to survive the wind and rain, even if you can move mountains and seas, step into the sky and frighten the earth, arbitrarily forever, after death, you will be nothing but loess.

Thinking of this, Chen inevitably felt a deep emotion in his heart. What would he do if this situation is the case? What if he had such a day in the future?

Involuntarily, Chen subconsciously had a higher pursuit of his own strength, and his willingness to travel to other worlds became more profound.

No one wants to become a piece of loess after death, and nothing is left. Isn't Da She Maru doing so much forbidden art research to achieve immortality?

Thinking in this way, after experiencing life's insights, the control of one's own strength has been taken to a higher level. His own realm has also been continuously improved.

Although the improvement of his realm could not immediately increase Chen's strength, at least Chen did not lag behind in realm anymore.

Because of the rapid increase in strength, Chen did not have a realm that matched his own strength, so Chenkong had such a powerful strength, but there was no realm that matched it. He didn't even know what he should do with such a strong strength.

The reason why the system didn't remind him was because the realm needs to be experienced by himself. At the beginning, the system forcibly stuffed Chen an unfamiliar memory was the limit he could do. He can only rely on subtle tasks to change Chen.

Those absurd things seem to be unreasonable, and the tasks given by the system seem to have no connection at all.

In fact, Chen had a lot of experience and sentiment. Only in this way can Chen get more exercise, allow Chen to experience more things and accumulate more insights.

Just like today, after seeing Uchiha Madara's old and tragic life, Chen's accumulated foundation was finally released, which prompted him to enter a state of epiphany.


After a long time, Chen woke up from a state of epiphany.

"What's wrong with me?" Chen couldn't help but wonder. Feeling the power in his body, he found that his control of his power has once again increased to a level.

If he could only control less than 70% of his strength before, then he can now control at least 90% of his strength.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for entering the state of enlightenment, and the realm has been further improved." The system answered and explained in due course.

"Boundary!" Uchiha Chen lowered his head and shook his fist, feeling that the strength in his body was easier to control, and there was no sense of stagnation before, such as the command of an arm, it was not too cool.

Chen closed his eyes, this kind of arm-like feeling: "Cool!" He couldn't help but vomit: "Speaking of the system, why didn't you tell me that the advancement of the realm would give me such a big increase in strength!"

"Ding, you never asked the host before. The host has always only cared about his own strength and didn't pay too much attention to the realm, so the system did not push."

"Um!" Chen smashed his mouth, feelings still his fault? Who knows that improving one's own strength also needs to improve one's realm, and it's not about cultivating immortals, so Chen subconsciously ignored the polishing of his state of mind.

"You must remember to remind me next time there are such things!" Chen Lao blushed, and after holding back for a long time, he was speechless, and finally came out.

After Uchiha Madara's death, there is no one in this world who can stop Chen.

At the same time, the Five Ninja Conference was unfolding in secret, and the shadow secrets of the five great nations rushed to the territory of Yunokuni and started a series of consultations.

But the ending was not ideal. Whether it was the third generation of Tuying or the fourth generation of Shuiying, there was no peace in his mind.

The two Ninja villages are dead enemies, how can they make peace so easily?

Even if the fourth generation of Hokage and the fourth generation of Fengying try their best to match, it will not be able to satisfy other countries.

There is no way, everyone represents their own country, even if it is for a common purpose to deal with Fu Chen, more or less hope that their country can benefit more.

Even the four generations of Hokage and Fengying didn't dare to make too much concession. Even if they agreed to those excessive conditions, the members of the Presbyterian Church would not agree to it.

Just like this, fighting each other haha, after the Five Shadows Conference lasted for three days, there was still no substantial progress.

When they finally made up their minds and prepared to put their bottom lines on the open to discuss, there was a major turmoil in the Shinobi world. After receiving the news, they had to hurriedly end the meeting and rush back to their Shinobu village. .

"What's going on?" After the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Fengshuimen returned to Konoha Village, they came to the Hokage Building as soon as possible, and held the Hokage Conference: "What's the matter of calling me back in such a hurry, now Gokage The conference has reached a critical time."

"Come on!" Tuan Zang waved his hand: "What is the Five Shadows Tournament, do I still not understand their old-fashioned personality? They are all the masters who do not see the rabbits and scatter the eagles. This Five Shadows Tournament does not matter! "

For the third generation of Naruto, the current Naruto consultant Sarutobi Rizan took a cigarette, knocked on the table and watched everyone open the door to Bo Feng Shui: "Now I am calling you back because the matter is beyond the limit of our ability to bear."

Chapters 744 to 745: Konoha's Discussion

Bo Feng Mizumen frowned. He had been busy wrangling with other Ninja village shadows before. He was so busy that he didn't have the intention to care about what happened in the Ninja world.

Wunin talks and talks about all kinds of things that are enough for him to drink a pot, and when he thinks of this, Bo Feng Shuimen can't help but rub his head. This Hokage is really not something ordinary people can do.

"What has happened to make you so nervous for the three generations of adults?"

"That person has appeared!" Before Sarutobi Rizen spoke, Qianshoujian took a deep breath, and said with a heavy face.


"Uchiha Tatsuo!"

"It's him?" Bo Feng Shuimen was surprised. He is no stranger to Chen. Not to mention that they had a relationship in Konoha Village. The nine tails in his wife were forcibly looted by Chen.

Although Xiaojiao’s life was not a major issue, Chen hurt his wife under his nose. If he can endure this wave of Fengshui, he doesn’t need to do this for the fourth generation of Hokage. NS.

Subconsciously squeezed his fist, clenched his teeth, Bo Feng Shuimen forced himself to calm down, and said calmly: "What earth-shattering thing did he do this time?"

"This, let the old man say it." Three generations of Hokage took a look at Shigeru Hagi and took the words with a sigh.

Originally, this matter was mainly reported by Shigeru Hagaki, the head of the dark ministry, but considering the relationship between Shigeru Hagaki and Chen, everyone had to subconsciously wear colored glasses to see Shigeshu Hagaki.

Naturally, Shigeru Hagaki understood this, and he didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction with what the third generation of Hokage said, and even glanced at him gratefully.

He is relatively light, like Nara Luhisa, who is one step closer to Uchiha Tatsu, is now under house arrest and guarded by Anbe, and is not allowed to leave the house for a half-step without special reasons.

It is not so much house arrest as it is to protect them in disguise.

Who didn't know Konoha's relationship with Chen? Now Chen is making such a big noise, let alone a person who vents his anger, if it weren't for them to be of great use to Konoha, it can't be said that they have been thrown out as abandoned sons and left to everyone's disposal.

Obviously they are all sensible people, so no one is making trouble at this critical time. Even the fanatical fan of Tatsunatsu like Nara Luhisa is staying at home obediently at this moment.

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