"Not long ago, Uchiha Tatsu appeared in the Ninja World and declared war on everyone or all Ninja villages. He will visit various Ninja villages and countries in the near future."

"Hiss!" Hearing what Sarutobi Rizen said, Rao Shibo Feng Shuimen was already mentally prepared and couldn't help taking a breath.

"This...this is too big to play, right? Who does he think he is? Six immortals?" Bo Feng Shuimen couldn't help thinking like this in his mind.

"In this case, even the first generation of Naruto and Uchiha Madara wouldn't dare to say it?" Hafeng Mizumon frowned, "How could he say such nonsense words? Could it be someone else pretending to be? "

"Absolutely impossible." Sarutobi Rizen shook his head solemnly, "A person's appearance can be faked, but the aura that he carries is absolutely not deceiving. He is the only one who can have that aura! "

Sarutobi Rizhan's eyes were solemn, and it was obvious that he was also quite jealous of Chen. It is absolutely impossible for a person who can forcibly take Nine Tails from the hands of Konoha's many shadow-level super shadow-level powerhouses.

Especially now that Chen still has a nine-headed beast, although he doesn't know what he is going to do, don't forget that the kaleidoscope writing wheel can control the tail beast.

With Yichen's strength and the nine-headed beast, perhaps what he said may not be impossible to complete. Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hizaki suddenly felt that his thoughts were a little absurd.

"Then what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Cold! Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, really when we Konoha is afraid that he will not succeed?" Tuan Zang glanced at the elder who was talking.

But he was just talking about it, Danzo also knew in his heart that if they really wanted to fight, their Konoha's strength alone was not enough.

"If you want me to say, I shouldn't have agreed to let that kid come to our Konoha Village. It's all right now. I didn't take it as a help. Instead, I raised a white-eyed wolf." An elder said angrily.

Hearing the words of the elders, everyone was silent. When things reached this point, if they said in their hearts that it would be impossible without complaints, and it would be impossible to find Chen to vent, then it was natural that he strongly recommended Shigeru Hagaki and others to Chen. It became a catharsis of their anger.

Maoshuo Hagaki's face was a bit ugly, the elder's sentence was clearly referring to Sang Huai who was cursing him with Maoshuo Hagi.

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore!" The second generation of Hokage keenly noticed the change in Shigeru Hagaki's face, frowned, and scolded the elder who had spoken.

"It's not that you didn't know the situation at the beginning. The information passed by Maoshuo had clearly explained all the hidden dangers. Which of you didn't know it clearly? Why, now that you see that the situation is not right, just take others to vent your anger?"

"Be angry with others Uchiha Tatsu, don't fight in this den. I watched this kid grow up, and I believe him!" The second generation Hokage knocked on the table and cursed the elder present at a dog. Bloody head.

"Okay, the matter has reached this point. What we should discuss now is not whose responsibility, but now we should think about how we should do it, to what extent, and what should be remedied."

Three generations of Hokage thought for a while, but still did not speak, and looked at Shigeru Hagaki in a blink of an eye, motioning him to speak with a little encouraging look.

Seeing the eyes of the three generations of Hokage, Shigeru Hagaki understood the plan he was thinking in his heart. Obviously he had thought about it, but Shigeru Hagaki didn't think about it for a moment, and after thinking about it, he left it behind. .

Unexpectedly, the three generations of Hokage would go with him. Looking at the situation, it seemed that he wanted to bring it up first.

Shigeru Hagi was a bit entangled. He has always kept his promises, and he has never done anything to abandon his promises. It would be better for him to do this kind of thing than to let him go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

When everyone saw the eyes of the three generations of Hokage, they seemed to understand, and they used their eyes to signal Hagaki Shigeru, expecting, worrying, sympathizing, and gloating.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Six: A Message to Konoha

Everyone understood the meaning of the three generations of Hokage. At this time, Shigeru Hagaki could no longer play stupid.

He shook his head with a wry smile, and stood up and said, "Sorry for the three generations of adults. If it is a battle, I will be the first to rush forward without saying anything. It doesn't matter if I lose my life, but let me do something like that..."

Mao Shuo looked embarrassed, so he just kept silent.

Hearing the words of Shigeru Hagi, there was an uproar on the court.

I didn’t expect that Shigeru Hagaki actually chose this way in the end. You must know that he is the head of Konoha's Anbu, and everything is for Konoha’s interests. Even if he said such things, what tricks Uchiha Tatsuki did? Are they all fascinated?

Not only Hagigi Shigeru, but everyone who has had close contact with Chen doesn't seem to have a bad impression of him, and even vaguely maintains it.

Regarding this point, everyone is inexplicable, and the question is not clear, the answer is vague, and it is useless at all.

"What the **** is it?" Someone who didn't react, saw that everyone's eyes were not right, and couldn't help but quietly ask the person next to them.

Seeing that there was still a fool who hadn't reacted, he didn't tease him, just curled his lips and said, "Have you forgotten the two young geniuses who are about to graduate from our ninja school?"


"Didn't you forget? The two little geniuses were the guy named Uchiha Tatsu who stayed in Konoha. Before that thing happened, didn't you often see them dangling in the street?"

"So that's it!" The person suddenly realized and said quickly: "What are you waiting for, act quickly, and take care of so many things."

"Master Danzo has arranged for the Anbu people to monitor the two little guys, just waiting for Master Naruto to speak."

Tuan Zang sneered: "Hmph, it's high-sounding. Could it be that you are still facing that person in your heart, are you going to take refuge in the next step?"


"Well, Danzo, don't say a few words." The second generation of Hokage scolded, which also prevented the quarrel between the two people.

Shigeru Hagi took a look at the second generation of Hokage, stood up and said: "Everyone knows that Shigeru Hagi once promised Uchiha Tatsumi to take care of his two little apprentices in Konoha. If so, If I want to deal with Uchiha Tatsuno, I don’t care about any tricks I use. Even if I take the initiative to deal with him, I will have nothing to say, but if I let the two innocent children start, I’m sorry I can’t do it.”

"I have never done anything to betray my vows in my life. Konoha should be protected by us instead of venting my anger with the two children!"

"Well said!" At this moment, a strange voice suddenly appeared in the field.

"Who! Who is it!" Hearing this voice, everyone couldn't help but become nervous, the second generation of Hokage stood up and shouted.

"Aren't you discussing how to deal with me? What? Now that I am here, I dare not talk about it?"

A dark and deep cave suddenly appeared at the meeting site. One foot stepped out of the twisted cave, and everyone looked nervously at the person who was about to appear.

"Uchiha Tatsuo!" The second generation of Hokage's eyes condensed!

Chen leisurely walked out of the cave, holding two awkward little guys in his hands. He laughed and joked at everyone: "Why, aren't you discussing how to deal with me? Now I am here. , Don't hesitate to use any tricks!"

"Uchiha Tatsun, don't be too proud, this is Konoha!" Danzo stood up, looking at Tatsun with cold eyes, and the threat was self-evident.

Looking at him contemptuously, Chen recklessly said arrogantly: "I know it is Konoha, if you feel unhappy, just kick me out, but... do you have that strength?"


"If you add the old man!" The second generation of Hokage and the third generation of Hokage stood up at the same time.

"And me, as Hokage, I can't watch your Excellency run rampant in us Konoha!" Bo Feng Shuimen also stood up, and at the same time stretched out his hand to pinch the trait of Kunai, and started to fight if there is a big disagreement.

"Yes, this is Konoha, don't be too mad!"

"Yes! And me!"

"Also add an old man!"

"Don't take yourself too high!"


The elders in the field stood up and spoke, chattering like a downtown area selling vegetables.

Chen frowned and snorted coldly: "Noisy!" His whole body suddenly burst out, and a cold murderous aura enveloped the entire field.

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