It wasn't until this time that everyone remembered that the guy in front of him was not such an easy master to deal with. Back then, he killed more than half of the elders in Konoha Village with his own power. Some time ago, one person forcibly took Konoha's Nine Tails.

Looking back, everyone couldn't help but sweat on their foreheads, what kind of existence they were actually fighting against.

Under Tatsun’s pressure, Shigeru Hagaki stood up, and said blankly to Tatsun: "Uchiha Tatsumi, this is Konoha, even if you are high in strength, you can’t insult us wantonly, otherwise I will fight for it. This life has to ask you for advice and advice!"

Chen looked at Hagimu Maoshuo, and his murderous aura was directed at him alone, and his violent aura hit Hagimu Maoshuo unscrupulously.

However, Shigeru Hagaki did not regress, even if he was almost unable to withstand the oppression, he still stood in place, looking at Chen stubbornly, showing his attitude.

It took a long time for Uchiha Tatsuno to speak slowly: "I originally thought you were good, and I admire you, but I think someone like you will definitely not change his position easily!"

"To protect your apprentice is to keep my promise. Even if I do it again, I will do it again, but since your Excellency insists on fighting Konoha, then I will fight for the village, and I will die without regrets! "

Shigeru Hagaki stood stubbornly, and everyone looked at him, even if he was crumbling, he still had to stand on Chen reluctantly, and they were all moved. What kind of will is this?

"Huh!" Uchiha Chen slowly withdrew his momentum: "For your face, I will let you go this time. This time I am here to inform you that the unification of the Ninja world is the general trend. Who dares to obstruct it? Then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Chen said, his eyes condensed, and a pair of reincarnation eyes appeared in his eyes.

"This...this is..."

"Reincarnation Eye..."

"Then I will tell you, even if I fight for this life, I will stop your conspiracy!"

"Then you come on, I'll wait!" Uchiha Tatsu sneered, opened the space, and no one else took the two little guys away. No one in the room dared to stop.

Chapter 747: A war initiated by one person

Uchiha Tatsun smiled lightly, opened the space, and left with the two little guys without anyone else. No one in the audience dared to step forward to stop him.

Chen didn't let go of any cruel words before seeing this. After all, swaying people away in front of them was already the biggest excitement for them.


"Damn it! How dare you ignore us so much!" Tuan Cang Qi, but he slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily.

"Enough, what's the use of being wild here? What can you do? You have the ability to suffocate with others." Sarutobi slapped a suffocated cigarette, stomped his foot and slammed back without hesitation.

"Shut up!" Danzo yelled, pointing at Sarutobi.

"Okay, don't quarrel, I gathered everyone to discuss how to deal with Uchiha Tatsu, not for you to fight in the nest!" Senshou Jianma impatiently separated the two.

In Konoha, since the death of Uzumaki Mito, the highest seniority in the entire village is Senshousuma. As the master of two people, only he can suppress them.

Sarutobi and Danzo sat down angrily. This is not the first time the two have quarreled, but both of them understand in their hearts that, unlike the past, the two may not have returned to what they used to be. Cooperate and have a happy relationship.

Especially after Bofeng Water Gate became Hokage, Danzo's thoughts began to take place gradually. Regardless of whether it is public or private, Danzo should not get along with Sarutobi Hizen too closely.

The power of the first group of Naruto is too great, the elder group will definitely not look at their power, so they found the disciple of the second generation of Naruto, not only strength but also status, Danzo is qualified to be the elder group of this generation. The leader.

Naturally, Danzo was upgraded from a Naruto advisor to a leader of the elders. Starting from the public heart, Danzo no longer had one mind with Sarutobi.

Yu Shi, Dan Zang originally thought that after the three generations abdicated, Hokage's position would be his turn. That's right, Dan Zang never gave up his dream of being Hokage from beginning to end, but his best friend became Hokage. Then he suppressed the desire in his heart.

He has already thought about it. After the three generations abdicated, he will be in the position. He will continue to hold on for a few years, and work hard to develop Konoha better. When the three ninjas, Maoshuo, and the next generation of ninjas have enough seniority, they will give up. come out.

But I didn't expect that there was a wave of wind and water in the middle, and anyone who was taken away from Hokage wouldn't be in a good mood, right?

Why can a junior like Bofeng Shuimen become Hokage but not me? Why is everyone optimistic about this wave of feng shui gate, even his master did not express any objections?

With such thoughts in mind, Danzo finally embarked on a path that is indistinguishable from the parallel world.


Two flowers bloomed with one branch each, not to mention that Konoha Village was preparing to deal with Uchiha Tatsu's troubles. After Tatsun separated Mu Dun's clone, he stayed in Unin Village, waiting for the final battle three days later.

That’s right, Chen gave the ultimatum to the five great nations just three days later. He has had enough time to come to this world, and there is no time to go on the ink. In order to be able to finish his work in one battle, Chen gave the Ninja world the most time to let them. Gather the biggest people to stop yourself.

After this war is over, the world will usher in the ultimate peace.

In the era when Erzhuzi and Naruto were still babies, there was no Senju Zhuma, Uchiha Madara, and even the Six Ways of Immortals. No one in this world could stop Tatsuno from unifying the human world.

Three days passed quickly.

In order to prevent Uchiha Tatsun’s “conspiracy” to maintain the “peace” in the hearts of himself and others, the five powers finally abandoned their hatreds and worked together to defeat Tatsun, the great demon king.

As a result, within a few days after the end of the third Ninja War, the fourth Ninja War kicked off.

Unlike the previous Ninja Wars, this time the Ninja Wars were all nations uniting to deal with one person, and the ordinary people who received the news couldn't help but feel an uproar.

The ninjas were not surprised by the civilians. After all, the world of Ninja and the civilians was too far away, and they didn't even know Chen's fear.

Especially those who have been in contact with Uchiha Tatsun, only they can understand how terrifying Tatsun's strength is.

End Yangu, this is Chen's choice of battlefield, where the battlefield is open, and he is not afraid of causing innocent sacrifices.

Originally Konoha disagreed. After all, this belonged to the land of fire and couldn't stand the opposition of other countries. In desperation, Konoha had to agree, after all, there was no better choice.

The people of Konoha could clearly see that after they gritted their teeth and agreed, the faces of people from other countries showed smirking expressions.

In Sumanaya, Tatsun stood alone on top of Uchiha Madara's head, closed his eyes, and didn't even look at the ninjas gathered underneath.

When his strength reached his realm, the number had no effect on him. Even the shadow rank powerhouse was just a punch in his eyes.

Only an opponent like the Super Shadow Rank, the God of the Upward Ninja World, could barely survive a few rounds in his hands.

"Have you finally arrived?" Chen slowly opened his eyes, looked at the restless crowd below, and couldn't help but smile.

I saw Chen's eyes wide open. At this moment, a pair of reincarnation eyes were unreservedly displayed in front of everyone. This may be the first time Chen unreservedly demonstrated his strength after coming into this world.

"Since everyone has arrived, let me say a few words."

Uchiha Chen stood in the sky, standing in the air looking at everyone condescendingly, Chen slowly said: "I think everyone should know my name, I won't say more, I have only one purpose!"

Chen stretched out a finger and pointed at everyone: "That is the unification of Ninja World!"

Even if he knew Chen's purpose a long time ago, when he heard Chen say it himself, there was still an uproar on the court.

"Asshole! How can you be so arrogant!"

"Everyone, let's kill him!"

"You big demon, pay back my companion's life!"


"Humph!" Chen frowned, and couldn't help but bring a trace of coercion when she spoke, and the powerful aura pressed them to not lift their heads.

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