Hei Jue popped a head out of Huiye's sleeves, and looked at the two gloomily at Huiye and said, "Mother, the others are just a bunch of miscellaneous fish. Only these two guys are a little threatening. , As long as we kill the two of them, the others shouldn't worry about it."

Hei Jue's relaxed tone did not put other people in his eyes at all. Although everyone was angry, they knew that what he was talking about was the truth and could not argue.

But at this moment, the Senjuzu Zhuma sitting on the side suddenly opened his eyes, and he could see that the breath of the entire body between the pillars had changed. The eyes were painted with a layer of oil, and the body was full of natural chakras.

Although it is difficult to communicate chakras with other attributes in this space, natural energy exists no matter where it is. Even if it is difficult to communicate in this space, it is not impossible. It is slower, but it is still useful.

Feeling the change in my brother's breath, he couldn't help but feel happy, and said: "Brother, are you done?"

"Ah." Zhujian glanced at Feujia faintly and nodded calmly. After entering the fairy mode, Qianshou Zhujian's temperament has also become much calmer and calmer.

Taking a step towards the front, the pillars looked at Datongmu Kaguya with dignified eyes. He hadn't sensed it before. With the increase of strength, Qianshou Zhuma felt Kaguyaji's unfathomable depth more and more.

In front of Kaguya Ji, the pillars were like a flat boat under the turbulent sea, teetering in the storm and thunder, the pillars felt his lack of strength for the first time, or he felt fear for the first time.

"This kind of strength." Senju Zhuma took a deep breath and shook his head to try not to think so much. After all, Naruto Sasuke was still fighting. Zhuma couldn't fight with the two juniors and they were just comfortable. Waiting for the outcome of the battle in the rear.

"Next, it's time for me to play, and I can't just fight with you." Qianshouzhuma muttered. Immediately, his hands were sealed, mobilizing the Chakra in his body as much as possible.

"Xianshu·Mu Dun·Birth of the Tree World!"

Huge trees rise from the cliff and grow parallel to the opposite cliff.

"In this way, we can also join the battle!" Qianshou Zhuma nodded in satisfaction. As expected, the natural energy is much different, and it can quickly promote the growth of the Chakras with the Mudun attribute in the body, even if there are no other chakras like this. The place can also perform Mudun Ninjutsu.

Everyone nodded and said: "Yes, we have to contribute!" They know they can't do much, but even if it's just a comfort, they have to tell Naruto Sasuke that they are not fighting alone, they also have companions. of.

"Hmph, what can you trash fish do!" Hei Jue said disdainfully, and didn't pay attention to them at all. No matter how many trash fish are, it is only trash fish. Ants will never be able to bring down an elephant. Truth, and Kaguya Ji is the unmatched elephant, they are just a group of self-deceiving ants.

"You are not ashamed!" Senjuzuma gave a cold smile, jumped, and stood on the trunk with Naruto Sasuke.

Chapter 804: Fighting Kaguya Ji

Senjujuan jumped forward, and the fellow Naruto Sasuke stood together, and his whole body had begun to tremble, not because of fear, but because of the excitement of the battle.

In any case, he has always been a fighting lunatic, obsessed with fighting, and it is precisely because he is obsessed with fighting the strong that he has slowly grown from a weak child to a giant in the ninja world. There may be fear in Senjujuami, but he has never been afraid of fighting!

"Come on, let me see how great the goddess of the ancestor of the Ninja world, Uyuki Kaguya, is amazing!" Senjuzuzu kept his breath and stared at Kaguya tightly, keeping a vigilant posture at all times.

"That's what you want to die?" Hei Jue said coldly, "Don't think that you are a dead person and you won't die again. I will let you know that even if you are already dead, you will die again!"

Hui Ye took a deep look at Qianshou Zhujian, raising one hand flat, and a bone spur emerged from her palm. Only when Hui Yeji screamed, the bone spur was so thunderous. The potential stab to the Qianshou Zhujian.

"Kill the ashes!"

"Be careful!" Jian Jian was startled, and he subconsciously yelled out of fear of Kaguya Ji's strength. In the face of Kaguya Ji's attack, none of them dared to take it lightly.

This is a good interpretation of the wave of wind water gate for them, otherwise, why his broken hand has not been able to grow? You must know that he is a dead person, and he will recover no matter how badly he suffered in the state of reincarnation.

Facing this kind of damage that was directly wiped out on their souls, they really had nothing to do. Looking at the oncoming bone spurs, they had such guesses in their hearts.

Senjujuan heard the cries of Kaoma, and understood in his heart that there must be something wrong. When he was fighting Uchiha Madara, he did not see how the four generations tore off his arms, so there was no one about it. Very good understanding.

At this moment, he heard the call from the door, and subconsciously used a substitute technique to exchange positions with himself.

I saw the bone spurs pierced directly into Senju Zhujian's body, leaving only a small section of the tail outside. In the next second, the body between the pillars burst into smoke and turned into a big tree.

At the juncture of the moment, the pillars used a substitute technique to replace the big tree at the foot to see if they had escaped. I saw that the big tree actually began to decline after being hit by the bone spur, slowly turning gray-black from the wound, but it turned into a fly ash in two seconds.

As soon as Zhu Jian's heart slammed, he was almost so close. Fortunately, he reminded him that the bone spurs would pierce into his body.

Between the pillars, he could already feel the breath of the bone spurs that threatened his soul. If it was a little later, it might not be the big tree but him who turned into fly ash.

As for the question of whether he can recover after being turned into ashes, Shijian didn't want to answer, and didn't dare to try.

Thousands of hands jumped away, and after a distance from Kaguya Ji, he looked at her with jealousy. Anyone would be jealous of such inhuman methods.

"Xianshu·Wooden Dun·The technique of killing thorns!"

Countless branches stretched out from the big tree and ran towards Kaguya Ji, trying to tie her up, only to see that Qianshou Zhuma did not stop the movement in his hand, but continued to seal the seal.

"Xianshu·Wooden Escape·Tree Bound Eternal Burial!"

Countless tree strips surrounded Kaguyaji, and at the same time the big tree approached Kaguyaji, and the pillars tried to squeeze it directly.

Countless tree stalks were tied up, and they continued to absorb the chakras in Kaguya Ji’s body, but when they started to absorb the chakras, they were surprised to find that the tree stalks that had absorbed the chakras were slowly dying out. Together with the big tree, it was wiped out and turned into a cloud of ashes.

"What?" Chu Jian asked in surprise. The tree bar was unable to successfully absorb the chakra. The Tree Bound Eternal Burial is the assassin of the Qianshou Zhujian. It is so powerful that it can continuously absorb the chakra from the enemy and make up Own loss, and then trapped the enemy in a sea of ​​trees layer by layer.

But now Shuhai's tactics could not be deployed at all. The tree strips turned into powder after contacting Kaguya's Chakra, unable to form combat effectiveness at all.

A trace of chakra in Huiye's body can cause several big trees with five people to wither. The growth rate of the big trees can't keep up with the speed of consumption.

Zhu Jian's face was serious, and when he saw it, he gave up his control of Shuhai. Since ninjutsu has failed, there is no need to waste it. Shuhai is the foundation of their foothold. If there is no big tree to support them, they are even qualified to fight. nothing.

Kaguyaji was expressionless, and after destroying the wooden escapes that surrounded her, she waved her sleeves, and stretched out a beautiful hand from her sleeves, clenched it into a fist and slammed it down.

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

Kaguya Ji slammed a punch into the air, and the invisible air current dissipated the surrounding Mu Dun, and came straight toward the crowd.

"Dodge!" A few people did not dare to fight against each other, and jumped away. This move is biased towards the combination of the Hyuga Clan's gossip empty palm and strange power fist.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The air flow passed through the crowd and hit the cliff, deeply piercing the entire cliff, almost half of the cliff was knocked down and fell into the magma.

"Naruto, we can't attack passively anymore, we must take the initiative!" Sasuke turned his head to look at Naruto, and said in a positive tone.

"what should we do?"

"Listen to me." After Sasuke finished speaking, he didn't explain too much. There is no need to explain too much to this Tie Hanhan, as long as he is obedient.

Picking up the Kusana sword in his hand, Sasuke rushed towards Kaguya Ji, constantly avoiding Kaguya's attacks, waved Kusanaru sword, and thundered Chidori in his hand.

"Take advantage of it now!" Sasuke roared, and immediately waved his arm and pasted it towards Naruto.

Upon seeing this, Naruto nodded intently, and at the same time stretched out his hand to put his hand on Sasuke's hand, and lifted the power of six yang in his body to cooperate with Sasuke's Chidori.

"Combined Ninjutsu·Shikuden·Hikaru Hayate Jet Black Arrow Zero!"

The ninjutsu in his hand threw towards Kaguya Ji, the two did not stop their steps, and at the same time stretched out their left and right hands, while Kaguya Ji was busy coping with the attack, they clung to Kaguya Ji's right and left.

Chapter 805: The opportunity to seal

"Good opportunity!" Sasuke's eyes lit up, and he opened his hands vigorously, and while Kaguyaji was busy dealing with the attack, he clung to Kaguyaji's right and left together with Naruto.

Naruto Sasuke and the other two exerted their power at the same time, and the six powers in their hands began to operate, preparing to take advantage of the situation to seal Kaguya Ji.

It seemed that she had guessed the two people's thoughts, Kaguyaji frowned slightly, waved her hand to fend off the attack of the two, but how could the combined attack of the two be so easy to resist?

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