It was Uchiha Madara who suffered a big loss without precaution, and suddenly he insisted on this move. Kaguyaji was still a little strenuous. The dark black burning traces and traces of burns were clearly visible on the hands burned by ninjutsu. A crack torn by a spiral pill.

Kaguya Ji didn't stop at the same place and grabbed her hands. Before the two of them had formed an encirclement, they jumped and jumped out of their attack range.

"Want to run?" Sasuke's eyes condensed, and then he roared like a madman: "It's not that easy."

Sasuke's left eye flashed through the Gouyu reincarnation eye, and the Kusanaru sword that was thrown by Sasuke before disappeared in place with a slight flash. Kaguya Ji only felt a force of strength all over her body.

Her body was pulled and moved involuntarily in the direction of the two of them. Kaguya Ji subconsciously wanted to resist, but at this moment, her body suddenly disappeared in place, swapping positions with Kusanaru sword. Appeared between two people once.

"Wh...what?! How could this be possible!" Hei Jue in Kaguyaji's sleeves gave a shocked tone, as if he couldn't believe what happened before him.

In fact, there was a trace of doubt on Kaguya Ji's face. She didn't understand why she still appeared in the same place after she had escaped from the combined attack of the two.

"Is it the power of that eye?" Hei Jue thought thoughtfully.

Kaguya Ji did not sit still. If the two of them were allowed to come, she would definitely be sealed up again. This was definitely not the result she wanted to see, nor was it the result Heijue wanted to see. It was hard to make her mother. After being resurrected, how could it be possible to just sit and wait for death?

"I will never allow you to destroy this beautiful world again!" The cold voice said from Kaguya Ji's mouth.

Immediately, she stretched out a hand, and a dark space crack appeared from her hand. She stretched out her hand and no one noticed that the same space crack suddenly appeared behind Sakura.

Kaguya Ji's show hand stretched out from the crack in the space behind Sakura and grabbed Sakura's back collar and pulled her directly into the black hole, pulling her in front of her to resist the attack of the two for herself.



Both Naruto Sasuke were taken aback at the same time. According to this posture, if the two insist on going forward, it is not clear whether they can seal Kaguya Ji, but Sakura will definitely die.

"Naruto Sasuke..." Kozakura cried out in shock, and then as if reacting, she shouted at them both loudly: "Leave me alone, it's important to seal this woman, come on!"

The figures of the two of them paused, as if they were thinking hard about something. Suddenly, Sasuke's eyes flashed fiercely, and his heart was cruel. His figure continued to rush forward, as if he didn't care about Sakura in front of him.

"Sasuke!" Naruto couldn't help but yelled. Now something happened. Sakura was taken hostage by the enemy. Sasuke didn't seem to care about his teammates at all, but how could Naruto not care?

He didn't want to give up by himself. What's more, the one who was taken hostage by Kaguya Ji was his first love, the current teammate, and the feelings he had for many years, how could he give up.

The six powers in his hand had already dispersed, and seeing that Sasuke continued to advance forward without Gu Xiaoying's safety, Naruto couldn't help but flashed in front of Sasuke to block Sasuke's attack.

"Naruto, let me go!" Sasuke was expressionless, watching Naruto's voice, and said softly: "You should know that the only people who can seal Kaguyaji are two of us. As long as we can seal Kaguyaji Ninja. There will be peace, so it doesn’t matter even if one person is sacrificed for this."

Listening to Sasuke's words, although Sakura is mentally prepared, she still feels a little sad, yes, after all, that is her favorite person. For so many years, she has always thought about marrying Sasuke and having children in the future.

Although Xiao Sakura also had the idea of ​​sacrificing herself to complete the entire Ninja World, but the words spoken by Sasuke, her favorite population, still made her feel uncomfortable.

Even with that, Sakura's head couldn't help lowering, she didn't shed any tears, because Sakura knew that this was a necessary sacrifice. If she sacrificed herself to save the entire Ninja World, she would endure this choice. Can't help but choose.

After all, so many people have been sacrificed in this war. There is not much more than her, and a lot less than her. If Kaguyaji cannot be sealed, how will they face those comrades who died in the war?

They stepped onto the battlefield without hesitation to resist Akatsuki’s evil thoughts, and sacrificed their lives for the victory of this war. They will see the shadow of victory soon, so give up and what face will they have when the time comes. To face those who have struggled?

As if she had figured out something, Kozakura suddenly raised her head, took a deep breath and said loudly to the two of them: "Naruto, get out of the way, as long as I can win the battle, I am willing to sacrifice my life!"

"Shut up for me!" Naruto yelled, then continued to look at Sasuke, and said bitterly: "Sasuke, that's Sakura, how can you bear it!"

"You know, we have no choice." Sasuke said blankly.

"Fart, there is never an option to sacrifice others in my dictionary, not to mention that it is Sakura!" Naruto pointed at Sasuke and said word by word: "Tell you, Naruto Uzumaki is dead. I jump from here. , Dying in the magma, I will never give up my partner!"

"Naruto..." Sakura stared at Naruto blankly.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, what a heart-warming partnership, it is really touching, but it seems that some people don't treat you as partners." Hei Jue said with a head out of Kaguya Ji's sleeves.

Chapter 806: Zuo Ming in a bitter battle

Hei Jue stuck a head out of Kaguya Ji's sleeves, and looked at several people mockingly and said, "What kind of friendship are you showing here? There is a great opportunity in front of you, shouldn't it be grasped? ?"

"You!" Naruto glared at Heijue angrily, understanding the meaning of his words. It is indeed a great opportunity to seal Kaguya Ji now, but Sakura is right in front of him. If you want to seal Kaguya Ji, you must Sacrifice Sakura.

It is impossible for Naruto to watch Sakura die in front of him. Even Sasuke Ken Naruto will stop him. The two are deadlocked in place, but Kaguyahime will not just watch them deadlocked like this.

"Is the discussion finished? I'll take the shot after the discussion." Datongmu Huiye's cold voice came again.

Seeing that there was no response from the two, Kaguya Ji threw Sakura away and rushed towards the two of them. Naruto Sasuke was caught off guard and could only resist.

But when they were caught off guard, how could the two of them be Kaguya Ji's opponents, they knocked them into the air with just one punch.

Even so, Kaguya Ji still did not give up, and continued to fly towards the two of them.

"Huh!" Sasuke glanced at Naruto coldly, as if he was still blaming him for wasting a great opportunity. The next time he wants to find a chance to seal Kaguya Ji, it won't be that simple. The next time Kaguya Ji Will definitely be on the lookout.

Naruto smiled, knowing that it was his fault, he would admit it, but if this happens next time, he will still stand in front of Sasuke without hesitation. After all, this has already involved his bottom line, but he knows that it is not at this time. When he touched Sasuke's brows, he subconsciously chose to admit counsel.

After finally avoiding Kaguyaji's attack, the two of them settled down. After standing still, Sasuke turned his head and solemnly looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, you also know that there are only six yin to seal Kaguyaji. The power of the sun is combined with the power of the Yang."

"That is to say, only the two of us in this world can seal Kaguyahime. I don’t care about the others. You alone can’t die. Once you die, we’re done! Damn... if Uchiha Tatsuno returns If you are here, maybe you don't have to be so embarrassed if you join hands with him."

Sasuke just said the last sentence in his heart, and didn't say it out. He knew it was impossible, he just comforted himself in his heart.

Hearing Sasuke's words, Naruto didn't respond much, but Sakura's eyes lost again, "It turns out that we were just protected by the way..."

"Pop." A hand suddenly patted Kozakura's shoulder, she turned her head to see that it was indeed Kakashi.

"Ms. Kakashi..." Sakura opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Kakashi sighed softly. He understood what his disciple was thinking. He understood the little girl's intentions since the start of their seventh class. From the very beginning, Sakura liked Sasuke in his heart.

Even after Sasuke's rebellion against the village, Sakura's mind has never changed. She has been looking for Sasuke's traces, and even went to learn medical ninjutsu in order to be able to help Sasuke to catch up with them.

Thanks to Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, started a difficult learning journey in order to be able to help Sasuke in the future, even if it was only a little bit, Kozakura was happy.

But this feeling was nothing more than wishful thinking in Kakashi's eyes. Sasuke had only hatred in his heart, and he had never seen Sakura with his straight eyes.

After hearing Sasuke's merciless words this time, Kakashi also understood that Sasuke had indeed passed this time. However, as an outsider, he is not good to say anything. After all, feelings are two people's business, and he is not good to say anything. He can only pat Sakura on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kakashi." Sakura whispered, shook her head and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"You're fine." Kakashi sighed slightly: "Don't care too much. Sasuke is just talking. If he doesn't have you in his heart, he won't stop."

Sakura didn't know, but Kakashi could see clearly. He could clearly see a trace of unbearableness in Sasuke's eyes. Sasuke deliberately sealed his heart in order to stop being hurt.

After all, he was hurt too deeply, and the shadow that Uchiha Itachi brought to him has not been eliminated even now. In order not to involve others and not to hurt his emotions, Sasuke's choice was too extreme.

"The cursed clan, love is deep and hate!" Kakashi muttered to himself. The Uchiha clan is like this. The deeper the relationship, the deeper the hurt in the end. "Itachi, is your choice right or wrong in the end."


Sasuke saw that Naruto didn't answer and didn't care, but continued to turn his head to look at Kaguya Ji, beware of Kaguya Ji's sneak attack.

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