Under the same conditions, the two Kaguya Ji, who possessed the fighting skills of countless people for thousands of years, could not defeat at all. This is an established fact and something that the Six Dao Immortals have long understood.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the Liudao Immortal was very optimistic that the two could defeat his mother. As for the existence of Hei Jue, he couldn't get over the waves at all.

The only thing he is worried about is Chen and the enemy hidden in the dark. Yichen’s performance, at least he will not be an enemy for the time being. After all, the six immortals are already dead, and his purpose is to prevent those who shouldn’t exist in this world. People make trouble.

For example, Madara, such as his mother, as for the remaining living beings of the Six Dao Immortals, the ninja world is always going to develop, and it is impossible to stay the same. If a strong figure emerges to reform the entire era, he would be happy to see it happen.

Although Uchiha Tatsu looked at Keiyaji in his mouth, in fact he was constantly confirming the space of Kaguyaji, and constantly improving his own space in combination with his heavenly imperial.

If you just want to form your own independent space, you don't need to work so hard. Uchiha Tatsumi can complete it immediately, but the space formed in this way is not the strongest space.

Uchiha Tatsumi, who has long been cultivated by the system, must do his best. His space is also the strongest space in the world.

"System, is it enough for me to observe and analyze like this?" Uchiha Tatsun asked in his heart.

"Ding, answer the host, as long as the host is in the initial ball space, the remaining working system will help the host complete the collection."

"It's okay." Chen nodded, feeling very comfortable with the fully automated service of the system.

While the system was collecting data, Uchiha Tatsuno was not idle. Here, he could observe Naruto Sasuke's situation through the space of the beginning ball.

After discovering that Sasuke had been transferred to the desert space by Kaguya Ji, Tatsun couldn't help but leak a smile.

"This guy, you should have suffered a bit long ago." Chen expressed his delight in seeing what happened to his brother.


At the same time, Naruto in the ice space is now in danger. The ice is not indestructible. It takes time, but Kaguya Ji will not give Naruto time.

"What to do, Naruto is in danger!" Sakura said anxiously when she saw this.

She cares and chaos. After all, it is still a bit difficult to rescue Naruto from Kaguyaji's hands with their strength, let alone Sasuke is not there anymore. The people they rely on who can seal Kaguyaji are already trapped. In crisis.

"No, we have to save Naruto." Sarutobi Hizaki was a little impatient, he couldn't wait to step forward and rescue him, "Naruto can't make a mistake!"

Saying that he rushed forward without discussing with other people, and headed towards Kaguya Ji, only to see that his hands were knotted, and he slapped on the ground suddenly.


There was a burst of smoke, two full-height Sarutobi were psyched out by Sarutobi.

"It turned out to be you, Sarutobi!" After Sarutobi was psyched out, he was still a little confused. It is reasonable to say that after Sarutobi was killed, he did not sign the contract again, and did not know who he was psyched up.

Chapter 815: Zuoming Crisis III

"Aren't you dead? Why..." Said the Sarutobi half saw the white eyes of Sarutobi Hiichi and understood: "So that's it, are you reincarnated by the filthy soil."

"Who is it? It's your apprentice Oshemaru again?"

"It's been a long time since I saw the Ape Demon, now is not the time to talk about this, I need your power." Sarutobi Rizen did not answer the Ape Demon's question, but urged him. Now it is important to save people.

The monkey demon nodded, no longer questioning, but turned into a Ruyi golden hoop. Sarutoiri held the Ruyi golden hoop in his hand, stomped his feet into the air, and slammed it against Kaguyaji.

"Take it to death!" Sarutobi Rizhan roared, and the golden hoop rod maximized, and the huge rod slammed in front of Kaguya Ji fiercely.


Kaguyaji, who had long discovered something wrong, quickly retreated and fled before the golden cudgel hit her. The pillar hit the ground, smashing the ice, and cracks appeared on the ice.

Seeing that Sarutobi Rizen did not take advantage of the defeat, he knew his own strength, turned his head to look at Naruto, and shouted, "Naruto, that's right now."

As he said, he inserted the golden cudgel in his hand into the ice prison. "It's big and big!" The golden hoop began to grow bigger, slowly pushing the ice away.

Naruto's eyes lit up and laughed: "Three generations of grandpa, you really have you!" Two giant Chakra hands stretched out from behind Naruto, and they were able to tear apart the propped ice and escape to heaven.

Sarutobi Ri cut his hands and loosened his hands, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel turned into a Saru Demon standing behind him: "Sarutobi, is this the kid back then?"

The monkey demon looked at Naruto in the Nine Tails mode in a daze: "It's been so many years, this kid has grown up too."

Sarutobi Rizen chuckled: "Yes, the new generation of little guys have grown up, but we are already old." Then, Sarutobi Rizen seemed to think of something and said to the monkey demon: "Come on, There are still people here."

The monkey demon looked towards the direction of the third generation of Hokage's hand, and suddenly he was taken aback: "This... isn't this the first generation, the second generation, and the four generations?"

Zhu Jian Feijian nodded towards the monkey demon, and Bo Feng Shuimen screamed respectfully, "Master the monkey demon, it's been a long time."

"Why are you also reincarnated by the dirty soil?"

"This matter is a long story." Qianshou sighed softly, letting Sarutobi Ri cut back and slowly explain to the Saruma.

After hearing the cause of the incident, it took a long time for the Saruemon to react, and said in a daze, "So you have finally defeated that guy Uchiha Madara and you want to beat this woman?"


"It's not easy." The monkey demon frowned and looked at Kaguyaji. He said in a low voice: "This woman is not simple. I can sense the chakra on this woman. It's too pure and too big. It's like a hundred tailed beasts."

"This woman was originally the ancestor of Chakra, and is known as Otsuki Kaguya, the goddess of Uo."

"Who is that?" Ape demon doubted, his age is considered to be long among the psychic beasts. Since the Warring States period, there has been a legend of their ape demon clan, but he has lived for hundreds of years. It might be who Hui Ye is.

After all, in order to prevent Kaguyaji from escaping, Liudao Immortal and his younger brother had already destroyed all the historical records about Kaguyaji, and there is no such person as Datongmu Kaguya in the circulated historical records.

"The mother of the Six Ways of Immortals, the ancestor of Chakra, was once sealed on the moon by the Six Ways of Immortals and his brother."

Ape demon raised his eyebrows: "That said, I feel a bit of an impression." After thinking about it carefully, "I remember that there was a record in the ape demon clan, saying that the six immortals once sealed a devil. Is it possible that this woman is the devil?"

Everyone nodded: "If nothing happens, then it will be."

"Hiss." The monkey demon took a breath, turned his head and looked at Sarutobi's unkindness and said: "I said Sarutobi, how can you be so unkind? This is a devil that even the six immortals can't kill. , You sent me out to psychic and fight her, didn't you let me die."

Sarutobi Rizhan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Okay, well, don't complain. In fact, this time we are not the main fighting power. After all, even us, there is no way to intervene in this war. The main fighting power is actually Naruto. With the two little guys Sasuke."

"What?" The Ape Demon widened his eyes and couldn't believe it. He looked at the people and hoped that they could give him a negative answer, but everyone just nodded helplessly.

"I said how can you hide behind the junior and let the junior face the battle alone." The monkey demon whispered and complained.

Although he didn't want to fight Kaguya Ji, he could not bear to let a junior stand in front of him and fight while hiding behind him.

"Even if you can't beat it, you can't let the junior stand in front."

"Do you think we want?" Everyone smiled helplessly.

"Actually, we have to do this." Several people turned their heads to see, or Sarutobi Rizen stood up and explained: "Ordinary escape techniques can't help Kaguyaji at all. It can only become her nourishment, only Xianshu and high-intensity physical attacks can cause damage to Kaguya Ji."

"So you guys are watching from behind?"

"In fact, we came here with a desire to help. After the Six Dao Immortals sent us over, we realized that we are just a bunch of cumbersomes. In front of Datongmu Huiye, whether it's me or someone else. , It's just a bunch of ants, only Naruto Sasuke who has gained the power of the six ways can hope to seal Kaguya Ji."

When Sarutobi Rizen uttered the word cumbersome, he could clearly see the unwillingness in his eyes. Yeah, as a three-generation Naruto, a famous existence in the Ninja world, he was also a frightening role on the battlefield back then. It turned out to be a cumbersome, and I could only cheer on the sidelines. This sense of loss was unbearable by anyone.

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