Sarutobi Hizhan was a little depressed. At this moment, a hand was slapped on the shoulder of Sarutobi Hizhan, and a serious voice came from behind him: "Little monkey, I remember I never taught you. Be timid before fighting."

Sarutobi Rizen turned his head, and the familiar face of Hokage II was printed in his eyes, "Second, the second generation of adults."

Thousands of hands hated iron and steel, and looked at Sarutobi Rizen, feeling a little anxious, but he could understand it, after all, he felt the same frustration.

Chapter 816:

Before Sarutobi Rischi’s frustration was scolded by Qianshoujian, but this is of no use. Sadness is contagious. Even if Sarutobi Rischi re-strikes his spirit, he feels the deep sense of powerlessness. Will still fall into depression in the future.

Not to mention Sarutobi Rischi, most of the people present had this feeling in the hearts of everyone present, even Qianshoujian himself could not help but feel sad. This is unavoidable.

However, frustration is one thing, but you can't just sit and wait for it to die. Qianshou knew that they and others could not help much, but they must also set an example to not be able to drag Naruto Sasuke's hind legs.

Qianshoujian turned his head and looked at the monkey demon and said: "Although we are limited, we are absolutely obliged to do what we can do. As long as we can defeat Kaguya Ji, nothing matters. Anyway, we are already dead once. , We will never be stingy if we can do something for the living."

Hearing Qianshou Jianma's words, Saruma couldn't help but nod. Indeed, the current battle is no longer a problem where one or two shadow-level or super shadow-level powerhouses can dominate the battlefield.

Those shadow-level super shadow-level powerhouses are nothing but Chakra's mobile storage vault when facing Kaguya Ji, and they happen to be the greatest help to Naruto Sasuke if they don't do anything.

At this moment, the sleeping man woke up with the dirt: "I, where am I? Am I already dead?"

"Take the soil, you woke up!" Kakashi said in surprise, hurriedly stepped forward to support the soil. Before, because of Sakura's affairs, everyone already knew that the soil was thrown away, and he would not attack him again. Now I see that the soil is awakened. Come, Kakashi may be the happiest person.

"Kakashi, what's the matter? Has the reincarnation eye been destroyed, Madara? What is the situation now?"

Kakashi was silent for a while, and finally told him what happened after taking the soil into a coma. After listening to it, taking the soil was silent for a while, and sighed: "So in the end, I still didn't stop Uchiha Madara."

"It's okay, you have already made a great contribution." Kakashi patted his shoulder comfortingly.

Tai Tu shook his head helplessly, knowing that Kakashi was comforting himself, but he was unwilling to do so. According to Kakashi's words to him, Maara was indeed unable to succeed when there were no two reincarnation eyes.

It is just a reincarnation eye that wants to communicate the connection between the reincarnation eye of Gouyu and the seal on the moon. If the story goes to this, he has indeed succeeded in bringing the earth and Sakura.

But what was unexpected was that no one thought that a crow would bring another reincarnation eye to Uchiha Madara.

This also means that the things that Takedo and Sakura had done before desperately spent their lives are meaningless.

After sighing, Zou Tu could not help but secretly guess the origin of the reincarnation eye. Like Kakashi and others, Zou Tu was also wondering who gave Uchiha Madara the reincarnation eye.

The biggest suspect among them is Uchiha Tatsun, but Tatsun has not appeared for a long time, and no one can sense his Chakra breath, and he is not sure whether it is Tatsun or not.

However, he didn't know why there was a faint feeling in his heart, this was what Uchiha Tatsuo did, even if he didn't have any evidence to prove it. Faintly, the conjecture with soil turned out to be close to the truth of the whole thing.

At this moment, Naruto was suddenly approached by Kaguya Ji, and Kaguya Ji raised her fists and gave a soft drink.

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

Kaguya Ji's fist turned into a phantom and hit Naruto with a punch. Naruto didn't even have time to use the shadow clone.

This move is a bit like the gossip empty palm of the Hyuga clan, but it is different from the gossip empty palm. The fist slams heavily on Naruto's body, turning into a phantom with one punch and one punch.

Naruto couldn't even evade, was constantly hit by fists, and blood was constantly overflowing from the corners of her mouth. When Kaguya Ji stopped her fists, Naruto couldn't even maintain the Nine Tails mode.

The substantial Chakra coat on the body surface disappeared, Naruto was covered in scars, his face was swollen, and he fell weakly from the air.

This time it wasn't Naruto's plan to lure the enemy. In fact, Naruto didn't react. Kaguya Ji suddenly appeared behind him, and it was too late when Naruto wanted to evade.

Not to mention that Naruto didn't react, even the others did the same. They didn't wake up suddenly until Naruto fell weakly to the ground.

"Naruto!" Bo Feng Shuimen was so anxious that he couldn't help shouting loudly.

The current situation is very critical, Sasuke is missing, Naruto is also seriously injured, and the two of them they are relying on are now in trouble.

"What are you doing in a daze, save people!" Qianshouju made an angry curse, and immediately rushed out, rushing to rescue before Kaguya Ji tried to kill Naruto.

"Mu Dun·The Art of Wood Penetrating Thousands!"

A large number of wooden thorns appeared from under Kaguyaji's body, entangled at Kaguyaji's feet trying to trap her in place.

"Small bugs!" Hui Yeji snorted coldly, shaking her whole body, and the wooden thorns were broken and turned into flying ash floating in the sky.

There was no expression on Qianshou Zhuma's face. In fact, he didn't expect the wood thorn to trap Kaguyaji. He only wanted to stop Kaguyaji's steps so that his younger brother could have time to rescue him.

Qianshoujian nodded with Bo Fengshuimen, pinched with both hands, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

He suddenly came to Naruto's side with the Thousands of Thunder God technique that had been left on Naruto long ago, picked up Naruto, and returned to the original place again.

After putting down Naruto, Sakura couldn't wait to run over and put her hands on Naruto's chest. The green Chakra appeared on Sakura's hand to heal Naruto's injuries.

"Naruto, wake up soon!" Sakura exclaimed anxiously.

Kaguyaji frowned, seeing that the prey she was about to succeed was stolen by a few little ants. This was absolutely unbearable, and she had to step forward to collect Naruto's Chakra.

"Your opponent is me!" Thousands of hands stood in front of Kaguyaji, with both hands raised, looking at Kaguyaji with a serious face, a circle of red eyeshadow gradually appeared in his eyes, the whole person's The momentum suddenly changed.

"Little bug, oh no, the previous generation of Asura reincarnated, do you want to stop me too." Kaguya Ji looked calmly at the Qianshou Zhujian, and slowly said.

Chapter 817: The battle becomes fierce

Kaguya Ji looked calmly at Qianshou Zhuma, she didn't put Qianshou Zhuma in her eyes, to be honest, even if Qianshou Zhuma opened the fairy mode, it would not be Kaguya's opponent.

With the strength of the Qianshou Zhujian, Kaguyaji seemed to be nothing more than a child, and his strength Kaguyaji simply didn't like it.

After all, even the fairy model has strengths and weaknesses. The fairy model with the lowest degree of integration like Zi Lai is naturally the weakest one, followed by the fusion fairy model of Da Shedou.

Although the combat effectiveness is not too strong, it has its own uniqueness. After this, it is the Naruto in the mode of Qianjuzhujian and Miaomushan. This fairy mode is relatively strong, but it is still not enough in front of Kaguyaji. Look.

The fairy mode is most famous for controlling natural energy. For example, if you can control one point of natural energy between a thousand hands, then Kaguyaji controls 500 points of natural energy, which spans such a big difference. , No matter how you think, you should understand who is strong and who is weak.

However, Qianshou Zhuma didn't intend to harden steel with Kaguya Ji, he just came to delay time, as long as Naruto wakes up, his task will be completed.

"The juniors are fighting there to the end, how can we elders just watch? Even if we are not strong enough, we have to contribute our own strength. If you want to find the little guy Naruto, then from my corpse Cross over!"

Senju Zhuma bent slightly, already ready to fight to the death.

"Ming is stubborn!" Hui Yeji snorted coldly, and immediately rushed towards the Qianshoujian.

Seeing Kaguyaji's aggressive approach, Qianshou Zhuma didn't dare to be careless, and cautiously knotted his hands.

"Mu Dun·Mu Clone Technique!"

Multiple Mu Dun avatars appeared behind Senju Zhuma, and Naruto used this trick very smoothly before.

When the situation is not good for him, this avatar technique may have a miraculous effect. The most important thing is that he only needs to delay time now, and the pillar does not expect that he can defeat Kaguya, as long as he delays Kaguya. His victory.

The Mu Dun clone is much better than the shadow clone. The most important thing is that he will not disappear at the touch of the shadow clone, and can withstand more blows.

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