Encouraged by her beloved, Sakura's heart felt sweet as if she had eaten honey, and she even forgot to help bring soil for treatment. This is the first time Sakura has received Sasuke's encouragement and approval, which shows that her encouragement over the years has not been in vain.

It took a long time for the **** before she suddenly remembered that there was another patient waiting for her treatment. In a panic, she had to show an apologetic look at Sasuke, and immediately began to rush to treat the soil.

Under Sasuke's gaze, Sakura's movements seemed a bit rough, and even a little flustered with the movements of soiling. After all, it was in front of her beloved, and anyone would suffer from gains and losses.

I'm afraid that there is nothing wrong with my actions, whether it will arouse the disgust of my sweetheart, will it attract my sweetheart, will it make my sweetheart misunderstand him, etc.

Upon seeing this, he couldn't help but shook his head. The young man nowadays is really restless, but he didn't disturb the two of them. After all, this is the heart of adolescent girls. It is the most beautiful thing, even he can't bear it. disturb.

But what he didn't know was that Sakura had always been unrequited love, and Sasuke's status in Sakura's heart was not as high as he had imagined.

Chapter 830: Uchiha Tatsumi Appears

In Sasuke’s heart, Sakura’s status is not as high as imagined, and even everything is Sakura’s unrequited love, that is, Sakura’s original intention has not changed until the end, and she will slowly move Sasuke. If not like this , The two of them couldn't achieve a righteous result.

Suddenly, Sasuke frowned, and inadvertently said, "Are you only three of you here?"

When I heard Sasuke's words, Sakura was a little puzzled. I didn't understand why he asked, but Sakura nodded and said, "Yes, there are only three of us here. What's the matter?"

Hearing Sakura's words, Sasuke's expression suddenly changed. He stood in front of Sakura and looked around vigilantly: "Sure enough, I knew it!"

Seeing Sasuke's vigilance, Kozakura was a little confused, not knowing what happened, and couldn't help but ask aloud: "What happened?"

"There are other people in this space besides you!" Sasuke said coldly. He looked around, his eyes full of vigilance.

"What?!" Sasuke's words stunned Jianjian, and he became vigilant subconsciously. He closed his eyes and began to perceive. His perceptual ability is unique to Konoha, and he even developed a unique perceptual ability. , Even his elder brother Zhujian can't match.

But after sensing it, he didn't notice the breath of other people's presence. He turned his head to look at Sasuke and asked, "Are you sure? Why didn't I perceive it?"

Sasuke glanced at him, smiled mockingly, and then said: "You can't perceive it, don't blame you, you don't have this eye, so you can't perceive it."

Sasuke pointed to his eyes and explained: "With these eyes, I can perceive situations that ordinary people can't perceive. This person has obviously hidden his traces, and even the eyes cannot perceive the other side. exist."

"Unfortunately, in front of this eye, everything is invisible." Sasuke sneered while looking ahead, wondering whether he was talking to someone or explaining to Kozakura.

Hidden in the dark, Uchiha Tatsumi clutched his forehead and smiled helplessly. He knew that his trail would definitely be discovered by Sasuke.

If it was before, Sasuke might not be able to find his traces, but now he is analyzing the space of Kaguya, Chen exudes his own aura all the time, even though he has tried his best to cover up, but Sasuke shares the same blood with him. The relationship can clearly feel Chen's existence.

"Come out, I've found you!" Sasuke said loudly while looking at the place where Chen was hiding. Although his mouth is very relaxed, the hand he put on the handle of the knife tells everyone that at this moment he is already on a high level of vigilance, and the person opposite is irresistible!

No one spoke for a long time, and even the slightest movement on the court could be heard. Seeing there was no movement on the other side, Sasuke frowned slightly, "Don't you come out?" At this moment, he had slightly lifted the Kusanaru sword in his hand.

In desperation, Uchiha Tatsuno had to walk out of the hiding place. If he didn't come out again at this time, Sasuke would have to do it.

"It's you!"

"The other Sasuke? No, Uchiha Tatsuno!"


The three of them spoke at the same time, with a hint of surprise in their voices, Sakura was shocked, and Sasuke was shocked with a hint of joy.

After all, Chen is his own brother, his only remaining relative in this world. Originally, he thought Chen was dead. He had no relatives in this world, and he didn't expect Chen to not die.

This made him very surprised, but the cold and cold personality that he has been for many years made him unable to put on a surprise look, but said calmly.

"You are not dead?"

Chen shook his head helplessly and looked at Sasuke teasingly: "My stupid brother, it seems that I am not dead and you are disappointed."

"Asshole! Don't learn from Itachi!" Sasuke became angry, Chen's words made him think of Itachi, the brother who loved him the most, even more spoiled than his parents.

"Aren't you dead?" Sasuke suppressed the joy in his heart and said blankly.

Chen smiled and immediately turned to Feijian and said, "Didn't the second generation Hokage next to you tell you?"

The two turned their gazes to Qianshoujian, and saw him coldly snorted and said: "Although the old man does not deny the actions of the Uchiha clan, the old man has always been a person who speaks and counts and has not revealed your whereabouts."

"Then you can talk now."

"You!" Qianshoujia's breathing was stagnant, and she almost didn't get choked by Chen, so she turned her head and said angrily: "The old man and the first three generations and four generations were able to come to this space thanks to the help of this kid. Although the Six Dao Immortal knows how to enter this space, he has no Chakra to help us."

Chen opened his mouth when he heard the word Six Dao Immortals, but after thinking about it, he still didn’t say it. After all, the disappearance of the Six Dao Immortals was devoured by humans. This disappearance is too terrifying. Even if the Six Dao Immortals are dead now, it is not something ordinary people can do. It can be swallowed.

It is better not to tell them the news, let them continue to be ignorant, after all, ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

"But by the way, aren't you outside? Why did you come in suddenly?" Qianshoujian asked suspiciously.

Tatsun glanced at Sasuke and used his eyes to signal that he had something to say later. From the look in Sasuke's eyes, he knew that Sasuke must have a lot of things to say at this moment, but it is not the time to say these things. Later, he will explain to Sasuke. of.

"I'm here to perfect my own Heavenly Imperial Palace. After all, the elemental space is already under the control of Kaguyaji. If you want to transcend the elemental space, you can only thoroughly analyze the entire elemental space." Chen explained.

"So you have come this far." Sasuke's eyes were a little low. The person in front of him, his own brother, the object he had been chasing at the beginning, even beyond his mind was stronger than that of Transcending Itachi.

Although there was a period of time when this idea was shelved because of Chen's pretending to be stupid, but seeing Chen's strength after that, Sasuke never wanted to surpass him anymore.

Seeing that he now has six yin powers and six-gou jade reincarnation eyes, he thought that this time he should have surpassed Chen, but he did not expect that his own brother had already reached this point.

"You are always one step faster than me." Sasuke couldn't help sighing in his heart, and said in a daze. But immediately he dispelled this idea. After all, as long as Chen is fine, then he will not be alone in this world.

Chapter 831: Too lazy to think about the title

Although Sasuke found out that he was still not Uchiha Tatsu's opponent after his cultivation base during this period of time, there was still a trace of warmth in his heart.

After all, Tatsun was the last and only relative of Sasuke in this world.

"Since you are still alive, let's go with us." Sasuke thought for a while and proposed, so he didn't think so much.

In his opinion, if Chen joins in, then their strength will be greatly improved. Isn't it a simple matter to seal Kaguya Ji?

When she heard Sasuke's words, Sakura's eyes lit up. Although she didn't understand what level of Chen's strength had reached, Sasuke's expression didn't seem to be worse than his.

It's just... Will Chen agree? Sakura carefully glanced at Uchiha Tatsumi's expression. After all, this guy has a criminal record. Sakura didn't really believe in the guy who had led the invasion of Konoha.

But who told Sasuke to speak up? Kozakura never knew to refuse Sasuke’s decision. What's more, the person in front of him is Sasuke’s brother, which means that if she marries Sasuke, this person will also become her eldest brother. .

Thinking about this, Sakura's face couldn't help being blushed, as if she was thinking of her married life with Sasuke.

The cranky Sakura shook her head, her blushing face was full of happiness, and she murmured quietly, "Why are you thinking about this now, Sakura, Sakura, how can you commit crimes at this time? What about nympho."

Uchiha Tatsuno did not say, but looked at Kozakura thoughtfully, seeing her face become more and more red, and then shook his head and smiled: "No."

"Why?" Sasuke did not understand, "Isn't it the best time? As long as we defeat Otsuki Kaguyahime, it will be over, and then our ideals will be fulfilled, why not!"

"It's not the time yet." Chen smiled.

Sasuke was silent for a moment, thinking about it, or saying, "The reason, always give me a reason."

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