Chen sighed lightly: "I need to perfect my Heavenly Imperial Palace. Now it's a critical time. I can't leave casually. If I leave, I will fall short."

"Okay." Sasuke's eyes darkened: "Then when can you come back?"

"I'll be back when I should be back." Uchiha Tatsumi chuckled lightly, then tapped his finger on Sasuke's forehead and poked like Itachi: "My stupid brother, do you miss me? "

After being manipulated in this way, Sasuke's face showed an angry look. You must know that in front of other people, he is the extremely cold Saji, but Kechen treats him as a child.

"Don't learn from that fellow Itachi!"

"Good, good." Chen said with a smile, squinting his eyes, what does it mean to give up looking at his appearance?

"Huh." Zuo Er Shao snorted proudly, turning his head and not looking at Chen, facing Sakura and Qianshoujian said: "Since he refuses to go back, then let's go first, don't waste it here. Time is up."

"Is it okay to bring soil?" Turning to look at Uchiha's soil, they still have to see whether it is okay to bring soil. If the soil cannot continue, then they can only take a break for a while.

Feijian's words seemed to remind Kozakura, she said "Yeah!", and then remembered whether she forgot to treat Daido, panic came to Daido and continued to use medical ninjutsu to maintain his vitality.

It didn't take long before he woke up with the soil and saw everyone looking at him. He didn't even think about it and said, "How is it? Did it succeed?"

"It has been successful, how is your body? Can you continue?" Jian Jian nodded.

Supporting Sakura to stand up tenaciously, he smiled with a smile: "It's okay, I can continue. I said that I want to take you back, and I will definitely take you all back as it was."

There was no expression on her face, Kozakura's face was full of worry, "Or let's take a break first."

Struggling with the soil, he walked over from Sakura's support, stood in front of the door and took a deep breath, "Go ahead."

Without too much words, it's okay to bring the earth and use actions to prove that you are real.

Kaoma put his hands on the soiled shoulders again, and Kozakura Sasuke did the same. In the end, Sasuke took a look at Tatsu and opened his mouth. In the end, he didn't say anything, and turned his head to stop looking at him.


With soil eyes condensed, the kaleidoscope writing wheel turned frantically, and the chakra in his body had been overloaded. If it hadn't been for a thousand hands to maintain the supply of chakra, he might have passed out in a coma.

The four of them slowly disappeared in front of Chen's eyes in a whirlpool of nothingness, disappearing from the space of the beginning ball.

Uchiha Tatsumi watched them leave, his eyes flickering, and he muttered to himself: "It's coming soon, it's coming soon. But before that..."

Speaking of Chen, he looked into the distance and didn't know who he was looking at.


With the help of the power of divine power, the four of them returned to the icy space. As soon as they landed on the ground, they felt a trance in front of them and lost consciousness.

"Bring the soil!" Kakashi was shocked, and the instantaneous technique came to support him with the soil, but at this time, the soil had fallen into a coma.

"How's the situation going?" The first sentence after returning from the room was asking how the battle was going.

Holding on to the soil, Kakashi frowned and looked at the front door and said: "It is not optimistic. The first generation of adults has been defeated, and Naruto has not yet woken up. Now the third and fourth generations of adults are delaying time."

"Big Brother failed." Jian Jian nodded helplessly. Although he had already expected it, he was still a little disappointed after he really heard the news.

"What's wrong with Naruto?" Sasuke kept asking after hearing the news that Naruto was unconscious.

"In the previous battle, Naruto was accidentally defeated by Kaguya Ji. He is now in a coma. Fortunately, he didn't suffer too much injury. It seems that he should be awakened soon." Kakashi replied.

"Huh, it's really embarrassing." Sasuke snorted coldly, then walked to Naruto, stood still, and said: "Send three generations and four generations back. No matter how much time they delay, it won't help. Let me go."

Chapter 832: The battle continues

"Let them come back, now I am back, leave the rest to me." Sasuke said blankly.

Sakura gritted her teeth and stepped forward to say something, but she didn't know how to speak when the words came to her lips. She was about to retreat, but she didn't know who pushed her behind her, and staggered to Sasuke. before.

Looking back at Kakashi’s encouraging look at her, Kozakura turned her head to see what determination she had made, took a deep breath, and said softly when facing Sasuke who was looking over, “You must remember to be careful. I will be waiting for you here."

Facing the sudden gentle Sakura, Sasuke was also a little at a loss, so he nodded silently.

Soon Sasuke stopped looking at Sakura, pulled out the Kusanaru sword behind him, stepped forward, leaped out of the mountain stream and ran towards Kaguyahime.

"Go back!" With a roar toward the two retreating two, Sasuke shook the Kusanaru sword in his hands, waved away the hair tress that hit him, and stood in front of the two.

The two were already at the end of the battle, and the first generation was not Kaguya Ji's opponent, how could the two of them be able to stop her?

If the hands of the four generations had not been wiped out at this time, and the power of the nine tails still existed in the body, then there would still be a slight stalemate.

In fact, the two of them were played with Kaguyaji wantonly as soon as they came up. If it weren't for Bo Feng Shuimen's constant use of Thunder God to avoid, it would still be a question of whether the two of them could persist until Sasuke came back.

"You are finally back." The face of the old third generation Hokage has already revealed layers of cracks, and there is a limit to the rebirth of the dirty soil. This body is almost reaching the limit of the rebirth of the dirty soil.

In fact, soon this body will collapse and disappear on its own.

The two took a breath, glanced at Kaguya Ji, then turned to look at Sasuke and said: "We must hold on. There is only so much we can do. The hope for the future lies with you, Qian Don't die."

Sasuke took the Kusanaru sword and walked forward step by step. Hearing what the two said, he chuckled, "Ah, don't worry, even if this world is destroyed, I won't die!"

Saying that Sasuke's feet merged, his feet drew an unusual semicircle, and the whole person whirled towards Kaguya Ji.

The Kusanagi sword in his hand was already full of flashing electric lights, and the already sharp Kusanagi sword was even more powerful under the blessing of the electric lights, but all this was still not enough to see in front of Kaguya Ji.

Sasuke also understands that he can't defeat Kaguyaji alone. He can only hold on. Just like Naruto did before, he must last until Naruto wakes up. Two people can use sealing technique to seal Kaguyaji. Seal it up.

With a flash of lightning on the Kusanaru sword, it turned into a sword flower in the sky, and it was impossible to see where the sword light came from and where it stopped.

After swiping the sword again to cut Kaguya Ji’s co-killing ashes, the Kusanaru sword is already covered with cracks. The co-killing ashes is arguably the strongest weapon in the world. It has been very difficult for Kusanaru to hold on to the sword. .

Looking at the sword in his hand, Sasuke sighed lightly and said, "Thank you." Before long, he inserted it back behind his back. As for the crack on the sword, Sasuke was not worried at all.

The reason why the Kusanagi sword is the Kusanagi sword, and the reason why it is sought after by everyone, is because it is different from other weapons. If other weapons are broken, they may be broken.

But the Kusanaru sword can recover on its own, as long as it is given time, the cracks on the sword will slowly recover on its own and become intact again.

Reinserting the Kusanaru sword, Sasuke bit his right thumb, his hands quickly formed a seal, and he slapped the ground suddenly.


After a burst of smoke, a giant eagle appeared in the space. Sasuke leaped and jumped onto the back of the gray eagle. Kaguya could float in the air, but Sasuke had no such ability. Facing Kaguya with the ability to dominate the air, Sasuke suffered too much. NS.

Both hands are knotted, and the right hand grabs the left arm, and the left hand even looks like a grasp. Layers of tiny electric lights are condensed in the assistant assistant, but it swells violently in the blink of an eye.

"Yin Dun·Chidori!"

Sasuke held the Chidori in his hand, stepped on the back of the giant eagle, and rushed towards Kaguyahime.

Kaguyaji frowned, "white eyes!" The edges of her eyes were covered with hideous blood vessels. She carefully observed, and immediately waved her hand, several ice crystals appeared in Kaguyaji's hands.

"Get down here!" Kaguya Ji snorted, and the ice crystal Qianben in her hand shot towards the giant eagle. Sasuke was shocked and quickly controlled the giant eagle to escape, but after all, the giant eagle was not Sasuke himself.

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