"Idiot!" Chen said disdainfully, daring to yell in a mere suit.

"Asshole, don't leave after school if you have the ability." Taiyi Shabi gritted his teeth and threatened Chen, "I will let you know that Taiyi Shabi has a hundred ways to hurt you."

"Hey! Idiot." Chen turned his head and ignored Taiyi Shabi's yelling.

"Chen, his mind is flooded, ignore him." Xiaojing said to Chen, her tone could be heard a little angry.

In fact, Xiaojing hates this Shabi Taiyi very much in his heart, just because Xiaojing's home is close to this Shabi Taiyi's home, and the two families are neighbors. And this Taiyi Shabi is always pestering Xiaojing to be his bride when he grows up. Then, relying on his own growth, he saw a boy talking to Xiaojing and beat him up. Gradually, Xiao Jing didn't have a friend around him, and they were all beaten away by Tai Yi Shabi.

So Xiaojing has always been lonely, no one talks to her and plays with her, and she hates Taiichi Shabi to death.

"Hehe, I didn't care about this." Chen said with a smile at Xiaojing.

"Well, you just don't care. Xiaojing spit out her head, looking a little playful and cute.

On the other side, Shabi Taiyi saw Chen ignoring his words, and even talking and laughing with Xiaojing, immediately became angry. "Very well, do you really think that you are Uchiha and I wouldn't dare to beat you? I like Taichi Shabi to shoot those who think he has outstanding ability. Since you are looking for death by yourself, Taichi doesn't mind playing with you, I To let you know, Tai Yi never speaks empty words." Tai Sha Bi said with Chen gritted his teeth.

"Taichi Shabi, we are in class now, and I'm not allowed to speak." Iruka said uncomfortably on the podium.

"Humph, kid, wait!" Mrs. Shabi snorted to Chen and stopped talking. Because Iluka was staring at him very uncomfortably.

"Hehe, idiot." Chen was not in the mood to pay attention to Taiyi Shabi, because the system came to the prompt: "Ding! The host completes the task "Entrance to the Ninja School" Ninja reward: 300 points. The host's existing points: 315"

"Hehe, finally I have some savings, what do I want to redeem?" Chen thought a little excited.

"System, what should I redeem now?" Chen thinks it is more appropriate to hand over to a more professional system.

"It is recommended that the host exchange the Chakra Refining Art first." The system replied

"Chakra Refining Technique? This should be taught in school, right?" Chen said.

"Answer to the host: The chakra refining technique taught by the Ninja School needs to be learned and practiced before the chakra can be refined. The system exchange allows the host to instantly master the chakra refining technique and immediately use the chakra." The system replied to Chen. road.

"Indeed, if you have to wait for the school to teach, you don’t know how long you will have to wait and refine afterwards. I don’t have that much time to waste. I must improve my strength as soon as possible to deal with the big events that will happen in the future. Although in the anime Uchiha Sasuke I was protected by Itachi, but now there are more characters than I did in the original book. It is difficult to guarantee that what will happen, it is safer to improve my strength as soon as possible."

"System, exchange Chakra Refining Technique for me." Chen said to the system in his heart.

"Chakra Refining Technique, Item Level: D-level, 150 points need to be exchanged, do you want to exchange it?" "Yes!"

"Ding! The redemption is successful, the points are deducted: 150, and the remaining points are 165."

After that, a warm current melted into Chen's body, and an extra memory appeared in his mind.

At this time, Chen has been able to refine and use chakras.

PS: Aha, thanks to the lovely Xiaojing for the friendly cameo with Taida. mwah!

Chapter 6: Try your skills

"There are still 165 points, what should I redeem?" Chen looked at his remaining 165 points and asked the system.

"The host can exchange a pair of single gou jade blood round eyes." The system recommended to Chen.

"Zhaolunyan? Are my current points enough to redeem?" Chen moved a little, after all, the sooner Shaolinyan was in control, the better.

"Single Gouyu writes round eyes, item level C, need to redeem points: 500."

"Shuanggou jade writing round eyes, item level B, need to redeem points: 2000."

"Three gouyu jade writing round eyes, item level A, need to redeem points: 5000."

The system reported to Chen the prices of items ranging from single gou jade to three gou jade writing round eyes.

"Single Gouyu writing round eyes requires 500 points? My current points are only 165, how can I redeem it?" Chen asked the system, knowing that the system could not aim for no reason.

"500 points are just the price of exchange. Since the host itself is the Uchiha family, there is no need to exchange it. It only takes 100 points to activate Shan Gouyu's writing round eyes." The system explained to Chen.

"So that's the case, the system is kind!" Tatsun thought in his heart, "I planned to open my own eyes, but forget it, if I want to open my own eyes, I don't know how long to wait. You must know that even Uchiha Sasuke is like this. His genius is still the eye opened to protect Naruto in the battle with Mizuki Shiro after he was 13 years old. The sooner you can master this as Uchiha’s blood successor, the better."

Chen, who is familiar with the plot, knows that Shao Lun Yan, as the most talked about blood succession boundary in Naruto Animation, has an unquestionable ability and potential. Although it cannot be said to be the strongest, it is definitely the most promising.

"System, activate the writing wheel eye for me." Chen ordered to the system.

"You need to redeem points for activating the writing wheel: 100. This redemption is limited to the Uchiha family. Do you want to redeem it?"


"Ding! The redemption is successful, the points are deducted: 100, and the remaining points are 65."

What's so special is a warm current, pouring into the eyes from Chen's body, and there is a burst of heat in the eyes. Chen hurriedly closed his eyes, the hot sensation in his eyes lasted for about a minute before slowly calming down.

Chen slowly opened his eyes, his eyes had changed at this time, his eyes turned into blood red, and Shan Gouyu in it was slowly turning, which was Shalanyan.

However, at this time, the students in the classroom were deeply attracted by the Konoha Chronicles mentioned by Iruka on the podium, and no one noticed Chen's abnormality.

"Is this the Shao Lun Yan? It feels like nothing special except for better eyesight!" Chen thought in his heart, "Forget it, let's get rid of the Sha Lun Yan's state first, and then study slowly when I go back. Let people find out." Thinking of this, Chen quickly removed the writing wheel.

"Heh~~ The lessons in this class are really boring, let's get some sleep." Chen yawned and then went to sleep on the table. He has no interest in the Konoha Chronicles that Iruka said.

"Chen, wake up soon, school is about to be over."

Chen didn't know how long he slept, and suddenly felt someone swaying him. Yoyo woke up, opened her eyes and found that it was Xiaojing.

"Xiaojing, what's the matter?" Chen asked, looking at Xiaojing with sleepy eyes.

"Get up quickly, school is over." Xiaojing said to Chen a little speechlessly.

"Ah, is school already over? So fast." Chen looked around for a while and found that the students were all packing straight things. Look at the podium again, and sure enough, Iluka is no longer there.

"Since school is over, I'll go back first, and see you tomorrow, Xiaojing." Chen stood up and stretched and said with a smile at Xiaojing.

"Haha, see you tomorrow, Jun Jun." Xiaojing smiled and responded to Chen. The two were saying goodbye to each other happily, and they didn't realize that there was a pair of flaming eyes staring at Chen next to them.

"Uchiha Tatsun, you stop for me!" Tatsun walked towards the door of the classroom a few steps, and suddenly an angry shout came from behind him, which made Tatsun stop and turned his head suspiciously.

It turned out to be Taiyi Shabi.

"Well, what's the matter?" Chen asked Shabi Taiyi plainly.

"Asshole, I just said that, I will make you look good." Shabi Taiyi gritted his teeth and stared at Chen.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Chen looked at Shabi Taiyi with interest. The conversation between the two stopped the students who were planning to leave the classroom.

"Aha, is this going to start a fight?" Inuzukaya said, looking at the two men, fearing that the world would not be chaotic. "Yo Xi, there is a good show to watch!" Naruto, the kid also yelled at the side.

"Shabi Taiyi, what do you want to do?" Xiaojing shouted to Shabi Taiyi nervously.

"Oi will be my bride from now on, I won't allow you to talk to Oi. Uchiha Tatsumi, I want to fight you!" Shabi Taiichi ignored Oi, but yelled at Tatsumi.

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