"Taichi Shabi, what are you talking nonsense? I'm not your bride." Xiaojing shouted at Taiichi Shabi angrily. Then he said to Chen: "Chen, don't pay attention to him, he is a lunatic, let's go."

"Oh, should Uchiha's genius hide behind the girl? I'm so daring! Haha~" "Yes! That's it!" Needless to say, the arrogant tone must be Inuzukaga and Uzumaki Naruto. An idiot who fears that the world will not be chaotic.

"Why? Are you afraid? Are you Uchiha not geniuses? Why don't you dare to fight me?" Shabi taunted Chen.

"Damn, dare you to insult Uchiha, you are looking for death!" Sasuke on the side saw no one insulting Uchiha, jumped out and rushed towards the sand wall Taiichi. He used to practice with Itachi, although he could not extract Chakra, but Physical skills are still much better than ordinary children, so he is not afraid of Shabi Taiyi who grows stronger than him.

However, Sasuke, who was about to rush towards Shabi Taiichi, was stopped by Tatsun with his hand.

"What are you doing? You dare not go, I go. Get out of me." Sasuke said dissatisfied with Chen.

"That's my business, you don't need your intervention." Chen said coldly to Sasuke.

"Humph! You two can go together, I don't mind if you have a lot of people." Taisha Shabi said disdainfully to Sasuke Kazutatsu.

"Idiot, I don't need a helper to deal with your rubbish." Chen said blankly to Shabi Taiyi.

"You're looking for death!" Sha Bi Tai yelled and rushed towards Chen, raising his fist and smashing at Chen's head.

"Ah! Chen Jun, be careful!" The nervous Xiaojing shouted to Chen. "Chen Jun, get out of the way." Ino, who was standing in the crowd, couldn't help but sent out a reminder to Chen. Some female students in the class were so scared that they closed their eyes and did not dare to look.

"Go to hell!" Chen moved when Shabi Taiyi's fist was about to hit Chen's head. As soon as he lifted his right hand, he grabbed Shabi Taiyi's menacing fist in his palm. No matter how hard Shabi Taiyi tried, he couldn't get his fist back.

As early as three years ago, Chen knew that this is the world of Hokage, and he has been training himself, because he knows that this world is too dangerous and will be killed inexplicably if he is not careful, so Chen has not slackened in the past three years. , I insist on exercising every day, and my physical fitness has already left these ordinary children a few blocks away.

"Garbage, too weak." Chen said sarcastically at Shabi Taiyi, and then with a strong pull with his right hand, Shabi Taiyi was brutally pulled to Chen's front, and Chen hit Taiyi's belly with one knee. , Taiyi immediately arched his body in pain and groaned in pain with his hands holding his stomach. Chen came to the hunched sand wall again and kicked him directly to the ground. Although the movements seem to be quite a lot, in fact only a few seconds have passed.

"Hey, waste." Chen said disdainfully at the sand wall on the ground, turning around to leave.

But Taiyi Shabi stood up gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Chen again. His fists were smashed at Chen's head. Chen's head tilted, avoiding Taiyi's punch, and then everyone returned. When it didn’t reflect it, he quickly turned around and pinched Taiyi’s neck with his left hand: "Looking for death!" Chen shouted, and then used force and threw Taiyi to the ground. The whole body was concentrated on the index finger of his right hand, and the gun was fired, facing Taiyi on the ground. His head... the floor on the side pierced it down. All the actions were done in one go.

"Puff!" The finger came in, and the whole finger sank into the floor. Taiyi Shabi didn't dare to move.

Now, all the friends were stunned! "This...this..." At this time, the arrogant expression on Ya's face was gone, and some were just shock and fear.

"This... actually pierced the floor. If this pierced a person..." At the thought of this, even Naruto, who was not afraid of the sky, shuddered.

"Asshole, how come, how can this guy be so strong, I have obviously practiced with Brother Itachi, and this guy only runs out to play every day, why is he so strong?" Sasuke clenched his fists and thought unwillingly.

"Wow! That's amazing!" "Too strong, is this Uchiha's genius? Too strong." After the shock, the friends looked at Chen in admiration. And those female students screamed "Tatsu-kun is so handsome!" "Tsatsu-kun is so good, so strong, and I love it!" "Tatsu-kun, I want to give you a monkey!" Even Sakura and Ino No exception.

"Oh~~Oh~~ The handsome guy really pleases women!" Shikamaru spit out helplessly on the side.

"Hey!" Chen retracted his fingers that had been inserted into the floor. After standing up, he turned and walked out towards the door of the classroom.

PS: I'm sorry, the kitten really doesn't know how to write about fighting, so let's make up your own brains first, and I will improve it in the future!

Chapter 7: Encountering Ino

Everyone in the classroom looked at Chen's back and sighed: "This is the genius of the big family!"

"Genius? All the so-called geniuses are forced out by myself, can a simple genius obliterate my efforts?" Chen listened to the discussion behind him, thinking with disdain.

The difference between the so-called genius of a large family and ordinary common people is that the former has been taught by the elders in the family since childhood, while the latter has not. So people with families start much earlier than people without families.

This is equivalent to two people racing on the same starting line. One person ran first, while the other was still posing on the starting line. After clarifying the situation, he could not catch up, and could only look at the former from the back. Back view.

Of course, if the former is only satisfied with the status quo and not enterprising, the latter will surpass the former through hard work.

Therefore, there is no natural genius, only a genius who works hard.

Chen ignored the discussion later, and walked home.

"I'm back!" Chen returned home and found that Uchiha Mikoto was alone, and Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Tomitake were not at home.

"It's Tatsumi back! Huh? Didn't Sasuke come back with you?" Although Tatsumi and Sasuke look exactly the same, Mikoto Uchiha, the mother, can recognize at a glance who is Sasuke and who is Tatsumi.

"Well, he is behind and will be back soon." Chen replied to Uchiha Mikoto, his tone and expression not as cold as usual. Every time Tatsun and Uchiha Mikoto were alone together, seeing Mikoto's eyes showing her pampering, he was always reluctant to pretend to be cold.

It is a lie to say that Chen has no feelings for this family. After all, he was born when Mikoto was pregnant in October. Mikoto has been with him from babbling to toddler in these six years.

Even if he deliberately pretended to be indifferent after he learned of his world and identity, Mikoto still smiled at him and asked Nuan to pet him and let him enjoy the long-lost maternal love.

Even if a dog has been raised for six years, he will have a deep affection for his owner, let alone a person with flesh and blood and a soul?

However, Uchiha's fate has long been doomed, even if the result has already been known. What can Yichen's weak strength do? What can be changed? Did you go to Uchiha Fudake and tell him not to launch a coup, otherwise you will be annihilated? Even if Uchiha Fudake has a one-thousandth chance of believing it, what about Uchiha's elders? You must know that such an important matter is definitely not the patriarch's decision alone. If Chen really did this, he would probably be arrested as a rebellion. Even if he was not killed for the sake of the patriarch, he would be imprisoned.

The result is still the same, there is no possibility to stop Uchiha's coup. In the original work, even if the three generations and Itachi tried their best to prevent it and failed to succeed, in the end they had to let Itachi implement annihilation. Even three generations and Itachi failed, Chen Ke would not naively think that his strength and status have surpassed Uchiha Itachi and three generations of Hokage.

Therefore, Uchiha is doomed to be annihilated. Chen couldn't change anything at all, all he could do was to improve his strength as much as possible, so that he could have more chances to save his life in that big event. After all, there is no character like himself in the original book, who knows if it will change the plot.

It is precisely because of the inability to change the tragedy of being exterminated, that's why Chen deliberately wanted to alienate this family. In the previous life, Chen's parents were in a car accident and both died. Chen really didn't want to experience the heart-piercing feeling of his parents dying in front of him, so he always warned him not to have too much affection for this family.

Because Tatsun deliberately showed indifference, the family mistakenly thought Tatsun had autism, depression, or something, so the family unconsciously cared about Tatsun more than Sasuke. It was this reason that Sasuke was dissatisfied with Tatsun, which caused the two people who were originally twins to have a very bad relationship.

"I'm back." At this time, Sasuke also returned home.

"Sasuke is back, how did it feel to go to school today?" Mikoto asked Sasuke with a smile.

Sasuke glanced at Chen with a complicated look, and said to Mikoto, "I didn't do much at school today, and I didn't learn anything. By the way, Mom, how about Brother Itachi? Has he not returned yet?"

"Yes, I heard that Itachi went to hold a mission today. I guess I won't be able to come back until tomorrow." Mikoto touched Sasuke's head and said to him with a smile. "Oh, to do tasks again, why are there so many tasks?" Sasuke said dissatisfied. "Haha, there is no way, my brother is a ninja, and Sasuke will become a ninja in the future." Mikoto comforted Sasuke.

"Okay, let's go and play by yourself first, mom will cook first." Mikoto said to Tatsu and Sasuke, then got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

"It's too early to eat, let's go out for a stroll. I haven't visited Konoha since I grew up." Chen thought to herself that she hadn't visited Konoha village yet, so she took advantage of this time to go out and stroll around.

"Chen, where are you going?" Sasuke asked Chen, who was about to go out.

"Huh?" Chen felt very strange, this Sasuke usually doesn't care about him, how could he stop him so abnormally today. Although surprised, Chen answered him, "I didn't go there, just went out for a stroll."

"Then I want to go too." Sasuke said as he got up and followed.

"Huh? What's the matter with this guy today? Not only does he take the initiative to talk to me, but he also goes out with me?" Chen looked at Sasuke and wondered.

In fact, the main reason is that Chen gave Sasuke too much shock today. Chen, who usually doesn't talk at home and doesn't play with him, has such a strong strength. This completely exceeded Sasuke's knowledge of Chen. He often accompanied Itachi in cultivating, but he had never seen Chenyou practice before, and he was very curious about how Chen could possess such a strong strength. So today he plans to follow Chen to see what he usually does.

"Oh, whatever you want." Although Chen was very strange in her heart, she didn't show it. Anyway, I'm just out for a stroll, so let him follow if he wants to follow.

Subsequently, the brothers went out together.

The two were walking on the streets of Konoha, and neither of them spoke. After a while, Sasuke couldn't help it anymore, and asked Tatsu, "Do you usually go shopping like this?" "Huh? Do you have an opinion?" Tatsu said coldly to Sasuke. "Damn it, then how could you have such a strong strength?" "Oh! You said this?" Tatsun said suddenly, he finally knew Sasuke's abnormality. "Of course I did it by myself." Chen did not intend to hide from Sasuke, because Chen knew that Sasuke would never say anything. "What? Self-cultivation? How is this possible." Sasuke said in surprise: "I obviously followed the practice of Brother Itachi, and none of them are so strong. How could you cultivate to that level by yourself." "That's your own. Matter." Chen ignored Sasuke and walked on his own.

"Damn it, **** it, I won't lose to you." Sasuke didn't follow, but ran back home, probably going back to practice.

"Hey! Little kid, it's better to go." Chen ignored Sasuke's departure and continued to stroll by himself.

"Huh? That's...Chenjun?" On Konoha Street, a little girl's doubtful voice came from a flower shop, "It's really Chenjun! Hey, Chenjun! Chenjun!" The girl was facing the street. Shang Chen shouted.

Chen, who was walking on the street, suddenly heard someone calling herself, and looked suspiciously in the direction of that voice. I saw a little yellow-haired loli with an apron and a shower in his hand standing at the door of a flower shop, waving at her.

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