"That thing? That's right, it's me!" Chen did not deny that incident in Xingyin Village, shrugged and admitted.

Hearing that "Sasuke" actually admitted that he was the murderer who destroyed Xingyin Village, everyone in Konoha felt unbelievable. They did not expect that "Sasuke" actually did it.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be you. You turned out to be so cold-blooded and cruel. In order to **** the "star" of Xingyin Village, you would destroy the entire Xingyin Village and kill so many people. People kidnapped and forced me to Gaara. I really misunderstood you. I knew that. I shouldn’t have taught you Chidori.”

"Whether it is cold-blooded or cruel, no matter who gets in the way of me, then he is my enemy. I will not be merciful to the enemy. Just do whatever you want. Anyway, I won't care at all. Your question Are you finished? If there is nothing wrong, then either give me a break or just do it quickly. I don't want to ink with you anymore."

"Let me tell you one more thing, come back to Konoha with us, and wait for Master Naruto's dissatisfaction! If you are willing to take the initiative to go back with us, Master Naruto will definitely treat you lightly."

"Heh~ Treat me lightly? Will Xingyin Village be willing?" Chen said with a sneer.

"You don't have to worry about this, you just have to go back with us obediently, and Master Naruto will take care of it."

"Then... what if I say no?"

"Then there is no way, Hokage-sama came down and ordered, we had to forcibly bring Bi back to Konoha." Kakashi said that Kakashi pulled up his forehead covering his eyes, revealing his writing wheel eye. .

"Ms. Kakashi... can you not do this?" Haruno Sakura begged Kakashi.

"Enough Sakura, at this time, Naruto-Master's order, we must follow the order. Sasuke is no longer the Sasuke we used to know. He has changed. He is now Konoha’s S-rank rebel, which is what we must The target is to be grasped, so don’t use emotions."

"I...I know." Seeing that the pleading was fruitless, Haruno Sakura had no choice but to obey Kakashi's words, but she still planned to wait if "Sasuke" was in danger, she would definitely save him desperately.

At this time, Ino, who had been silent for a while, came forward and asked Tatsun angrily: "Uchiha Sasuke, did you take Tatsun away, where did you hide him?"

"Huh?" Ino's words surprised everyone in the room and looked at Ino. Sakura's eyes were very complicated. She didn't expect that Ino hadn't forgotten to take a Uchiha Tatsumi, because she was surprised by her.

"Uchiha Tatsuo? Is that the brother of Sasuke who has become stupid? If it weren't for Ino, I haven't forgotten that there is such a person. Has Sasuke already taken him away from Konoha?" Kakashi Secretly.

"Chen? Chen was the first one in the village I was willing to play with me, and also the first friend I made. After his accident, I rarely visited him again. If it weren't for Ino to mention it, I would even I forgot about him. Damn, how could I be like this? When I was the loneliest time, Chen and I made friends, but when he needed me the most, I turned a blind eye to him, and even treated him Forget it, I really deserve to die." Naruto also thought of Chen, thinking about what happened when he was a child, and then secretly blamed himself, full of guilt in his heart.

"Ino... I didn't expect you to remember me, what a... idiot!"

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 66: Doubt

Faced with Ino’s questioning, Tatsun was silent for a while. For Ino, who had always been fond of him, Tatsun had always been especially in those days when he had to pretend to be an idiot in order to survive. Other people have forgotten him, too. Only Xiaojing and Ino are still looking forward to him and have been with him all the time. If there is anything else in Konoha that makes Tatsun a little guilty, there are only two girls, Ino and Xiaojing.

Chen really couldn't be cruel and swear at Ino, and said with a wry smile: "Ino, it's been a long time!"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned, and the "Sasuke" who was just now showed no pretense to anyone, with a disdainful expression, unexpectedly changed his attitude.

"Don't talk such nonsense, tell me quickly, how is Chen? Where did you take him!" Regarding Chen's change, Ino still asked harshly.

"Hehe, treat that guy as dead!"

"What did you say?"

"I said, Konoha's idiot Uchiha Tatsuo is dead."

"It's impossible... You lie to me, how could Chen be..."

"Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"Chen... Could it be that you killed Chen?"

"You can say that, that idiot Uchiha Tatsun was indeed ruined by me." Chen said casually, indeed, after all, Tatsun no longer hides himself, so the image of the previous idiot Tatsun will no longer appear. It can be regarded as ruined by Chen.

"Asshole, unforgivable, die for me." After hearing Chen's words, Jing Ye thought Chen had been killed, and his heart felt like a knife cut, and then turned into hatred, and rushed to Chen without hesitation.

"Ino..." It's too late for Shikamaru to stop...

"Hey! Really, Dingci!" Since Ino can't be stopped, let's try our best to help her. Shikamaru greeted Dingci, and after pressing his hands into a special handprint, the shadow at Shikamaru's feet quickly extended to Chen. It was the shadow secret technique of the Nara family. And Ding Ci also started to move after Shikamaru greeted him. I saw Qiu Dao Ding Ci stretched out his hands, and instantly turned into a pair of huge hands to grab Chen. This is the secret technique of the Qiu Dao family "Double Transformation". The technique."

When Chen faced Ino's attack, he just dodged passively and didn't mean to fight back at all.

"Damn it, die for me! Go to die! Go to die!" Ino recklessly waved the kunai in his hand, and attacked Chen with desperation. In his heart, he only wanted to kill the Uchiha "Sasuke" who had harmed Chen in front of him. To avenge Chen, blinded by hatred, she even forgot the secret technique of her home in the mountains, relying solely on her own body to attack. Looking at Ino who was so desperate, and Chen knew that it was because of his own reason, Chen really didn't dare to fight back, so he could only dodge Ino's attack. Fortunately, Ino's physical skills are not very powerful, Chen can handle it easily.

"Why are you so angry? Uchiha Tatsuno's idiot probably doesn't care about you at all, or as far as you are to him, you are just an ordinary passerby and never take you to heart." Chen While dodging Ino's attack, he said with a disdainful expression.

"Shut up, Chen wouldn't be such a person at all. He is sunny and vigorous and treats others kindly. A cold-blooded person like you is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to Chen."

"No, you are wrong. That guy is not as good as you think. He is selfish and never cares about the life or death of others. In order to achieve his goal, he will use any means. He will know that his parents will be killed tomorrow, but he never I haven't tried to stop him, he is a bastard, a coward, and you are just being deceived by him!"

"Shut up, don't you insult Chen again!" Ino roared angrily, and then hit Chen's face with a punch.

This time, Tatsun did not continue to dodge, and was punched in the face by Ino, and it was Ino's full angry blow. Chen endured all the strength, his body tilted, his mouth was knocked and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. But when Ino saw Chen suddenly didn't avoid him, he attacked him so easily, making her stunned. She was just venting the grievances in her heart just now, and she didn't think that her attack would work.

"Hey~ Well done, Ino, how come you haven't noticed before that you can be so violent!" Chen stretched out his hand, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and said with a wry smile.

"You... why don't you avoid it? You should be able to avoid my attack easily." Ino asked, looking at Tatsun who was smiling wryly in front of him.

"Hey~ Just treat it as I owe you. In this case, maybe I will feel better in my heart..."

"You..." Just when Ino wanted to say something, she suddenly saw Chen's expression change, and she also found a fast black shadow on the ground, attacking Chen.

"Shikamaru?" Ino looked back and found that it was Shikamaru. At this time, Shikamaru was half kneeling on the ground, his hands pressed into a handprint, and the shadow that struck Xiangchen extended from the shadow under him. On the other side, Ding Ci, who had already made his hands huge, also attacked Chen.

"Humph!" Chen coldly snorted and jumped back, avoiding the shadow attack of Lumaru. At this moment, Chen suddenly felt the sky dark. Looking up, it turned out that it was Ding Ci’s giant hand, which had already been shot at him!

"Hey!" Seeing this, Chen had no choice but to continue using the instantaneous technique to avoid Ding Ci's attack range. After Chen left the place, Ding Ci's palm also slapped on the ground fiercely, raising a burst of dust.

"Naruto, Sakura, you two also go up and contain Sasuke!" Kakashi instructed Naruto and Sakura.

"Yes, we know!" The two answered yes, and then they rushed towards Chen. "This time I won't let you run away from me again, Sasuke!"

"Really, only one Kakashi is a bit tricky. The others shouldn't be afraid, but let's use all your strength and make a quick decision!" Chen also got serious after seeing two more opponents. Opened the writing wheel eye directly, greeted Naruto, and worked hard. The two of them, you come and I go, punch and kick, and the fight is full of joy.

"Sasuke, go back with us!" Haruno Sakura also ran to join in the fun. Of course, Tatsun completely ignored what Haruno Sakura said, and easily dealt with the attacks of the two.

After a fight, with the strength of the elite Shangnin, against a few middle-level Naruto and others, of course he easily defeated them. Both Shikamaru and Naruto Dingji were injured in varying degrees, and even Haruno Sakura was slightly injured. In the battle, Tatsun did not hide his strength either. Whether it was Chidori or Helix Maru, all of these ninjutsus were displayed, everyone who saw Konoha was taken aback. (I won’t go into the details, otherwise it will take two chapters!)

"Damn...it's not the same level of battle at all. We are not opponents at all. I didn't expect Sasuke to have become so strong." Kamaru, who was squatting, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and laughed at himself.

Only Chen Kakashi and Ino are still standing in the field.

"Now, Kakashi, you haven't done anything since the beginning. It doesn't look like your character. What are you thinking about?" Chen came to Kakashi in front of Kakashi after cleaning up Konoha's Xiaoqiang. Said.

"I'm thinking, are you...really, Sasuke?" In fact, Kakashi planned to make a move at the beginning, but found that Sasuke in front of him felt different, so I resisted it, Kakashi. He was quite confident in his own strength. He was confident that if Shikamaru and the others were in danger, he could rescue them instantly, so he did not rush to take action. He had been observing Chen from the side and found several doubts.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Chen was stunned after hearing Kakashi's words, and then said playfully.

Sorry, I worked overtime last night. I was tired when I went back at night. Then I fell asleep halfway through the code. This chapter was written in a hurry when I got up in the morning. The content was uploaded before I had time to modify it. It was so late, I'm very sorry. ! …

Chapter 67: Identifying Identity

Originally, Kakashi didn't think so much, just wanted to bring "Sasuke" back to Konoha. However, after seeing "Sasuke", I felt that this "Sasuke" was very unusual, so he didn't rush to make a move. He just watched the match between "Sasuke" and Shikamaru and the others, which deepened his suspicion afterwards. After battle after battle, he didn't make a move, carefully observing it until this time, Kakashi, who was originally just a guess, was sure that the person in front of him was definitely not Sasuke, or in other words, not the Sasuke they knew.

Because the fighting style of the "Sasuke" in front of him is completely different from the previous ones, the former "Sasuke" would never fight with a shadow clone, let alone use Helix pills. Moreover, the character of the person in front of him was completely different from that of Sasuke before, and he was simply two different people.

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