"Are you...really, Sasuke?" Kakashi said to Chen in front of him with some uncertainty.

""Um? Why do you say that? "After hearing Kakashi's words, Chen was stunned, then said playfully.

"When I first saw you, you felt a bit wrong to me, but I couldn't tell. I thought it was because you changed after you followed Osemaru for so many days, so I didn't think much about it. But in the next In the time, I have to doubt it."

"What do you suspect?"

"First, in my cognition, Sasuke has never used the shadow clone to fight, and you just used the shadow clone to fight with Naruto and the others. The second point is that you were fighting just now. I actually used Helix Pills in ... The last point is that you give me the feeling that I am cunning and cunning, not like Sasuke before.

"On this basis can you tell if I am not?"

"Of course it's more than that. What makes me doubt the most is your attitude towards Ino." Kakashi said to Chen with a look that I am Conan.

When Ino heard Kakashi mentioning herself again, she was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen with complicated eyes. She punched Chen just now, and after hearing Chen's words, she had already noticed something.

From the beginning, you didn't show any rhetoric to us. You look at our eyes as if you are looking at an unrelated stranger, but your attitude towards Ino is different from ours. Even when Ino attacked you, he didn't fight back against Ino, which has to make me suspicious. As far as I know, although Sasuke and Ino are classmates, they don't have much overlap. On the contrary, Sasuke’s brother, Uchiha Tatsumi, has a very good relationship with Ino, am I right? "Kakashi stared at Chen's eyes and said.

"Yes, that's right... But what do you want to express after so much?"

"I have a guess in my heart, maybe... you really are not Sasuke!"

"What?" After Kakashi said these words, everyone present was shocked, and Xiang Chen's eyes were full of disbelief. "If it weren't for Sasuke, then who would this person be in front of you? Why do you want to pretend to be Sasuke?"

At this time, Ino was already eager to cry, tears could flow from her eye sockets unstoppable, and she saw Ino suddenly throwing the kunai in her hand to the ground, and then ran towards Chen.

"Ino, be careful..." Seeing Ino running to Chen unsuspectingly, Shikamaru was worried that Ino would be attacked and subconsciously shouted. However, Ino didn't seem to hear him, did not stop, and ran to Chen.

Soon, Ino ran to Chen, watching the tears of the person in front of him sliding down. Shikamaru and others did not expect the attack. They just saw "Sasuke" looking at Ino standing in front of him with a wry smile, and did not make any bad actions. They just looked at each other like this. meeting. Then, Ino rushed into Chen's arms, hugged Chen tightly, and cried in Chen's arms.

"What? What's the matter? Why would Ino..." Ino's behavior really surprised Naruto, Sakura and others, while Shikamaru looked at Tatsumi thoughtfully: "According to what Kakashi-sensei said , Coupled with Ino's unusual behavior, can this guy really be... Uchiha Tatsuo?"

"Haha, Ino, you still like to cling to people as before!" Chen stretched out his hand, hugging Ino's shoulder, and said with a wry smile.

"I finally found you, Chen!"

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I don't let you worry about it. Don't cry, okay?" Chen stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears flowing from Ino, and said gently to her.

"My guess is true, you are indeed the Uchiha Tatsumi who became an idiot and was ignored by everyone!" Kakashi looked at Tatsumi, who was tightly hugged by Ino, and said with certainty.

"This... how is this possible... he turned out to be... Uchiha Tatsumi..." After hearing Kakashi's affirmation, Konoha Xiaoqiang present here was really unbelievable. Haruno Sakura even exclaimed subconsciously. Although she did not say the last words, everyone in the room also understood what she wanted to say.

But also, people who had always been regarded as idiots suddenly became a ninja who was stronger than them, and this made their minds not turn around. But thinking about what Kakashi-sensei said, combined with Ino's reaction, it shouldn't be fake. The guy in front of them who has always been regarded as Uchiha Sasuke may really be the Uchiha Tatsumi who has been forgotten by them.

"Huh~ It turned out to be the idiot Uchiha Tatsuno, right?" Hearing Haruno Sakura's exclamation, Tatsun raised her head to look at Haruno Sakura and then sneered and took her words.

"I...I..." Haruno Sakura fumbled and couldn't say anything.

"Tatsun! Sorry, Sakura must not be intentional, she is not malicious, don't be angry." Ino quickly explained to him afraid that Tatsun might misunderstand Sakura.

"Hehe! Don't worry, I'm not too stingy to care about these things with her. And after Ino said so, I certainly won't be angry anymore." Hearing Ino's words, Tatsun quickly put a sneer away, and then said softly to Ino. .

"You... are you really Chen? Do you remember what happened before, have you returned to normal?" After being surprised, Naruto immediately dragged the injured body and asked excitedly in front of Chen.

"Yes, I am Uchiha Tatsuo, so what?"

"It's really Chen, haha! Great, Chen, you finally recovered." After Chen's acknowledgment, Naruto jumped up happily, completely ignoring his injury.

"Really, what is this idiot? I don't want to think about who caused the injury on his body. He was still unwilling to look at him just now. Now he is so happy that he has forgotten. This guy's nerves are too thick. Come on!" Looking at Naruto who was happy, Shikamaru touched the wound on his body and reluctantly complained about Naruto.

"Naruto is an idiot..." Even Haruno Sakura scolded Naruto inwardly.

"This guy... can I say that he deserves to be the ninja of Konoha's accidental NO1?" Seeing Naruto's behavior, it was out of Chen's expectation. He originally thought that Naruto would question him, but he didn't expect it to be. This is the result.

At this time, Kakashi said: "Naruto, don't be too happy, although we know that he is Uchiha Tatsuno, but our business is not over yet!"

"Um...huh?" After hearing Kakashi's words, Naruto finally reacted. It's really not the time to be happy now. Then he looked around and found that everyone was staring at him with a look of teasing. It made him very embarrassed.

"Ye... I'm sorry, I'm so happy, I can't help but..." Naruto said embarrassedly while touching the back of his head.

"Then, let's talk about it, Yu! Zhi! Bo! Chen!" Kakashi stepped forward, staring at Chen, and said every word.


PS: I'm afraid that everyone will panic, so I'll go to a chapter first. Before I can modify it, there will be more later.

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Chapter 68: Bullshit

After confirming Chen's identity, various questions followed.

"Can you answer some of my questions?" Kakaxi asked Chen.

"Huh, for Ino's sake, I will satisfy your curiosity, hurry up!"

"I want to know, how did you leave Konoha? Is it true that, as Ino said, you were taken away by Sasuke?"

"Let's put it this way, I did leave with Sasuke." Chen is indeed Konoha who left behind Sasuke.

"So, why didn't you be with Sasuke?"

"I just said that I left Konoha with Sasuke. I didn't say that I would follow Sasuke!"

"Is that so? In fact, when Konoha, you were already back to normal. You are not an idiot at all, right! But you didn't tell anyone, but concealed it. Including your only relative in Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke, why on earth is this?"

"Of course it was to leave Konoha. If I let you know, I definitely can't leave so easily!"

"Leaving Konoha? Are you trying to get revenge on Uchiha Itachi on your own?"

"Then why do you pretend to be Sasuke and do those things, are you planning to hide your identity?"

"Hey, I have never said that I am Sasuke. This is what you think so. I don't bother to explain it. I have nothing to do with it."

Indeed, from the beginning to the end, Tatsun did not take the initiative to say that he was Uchiha Sasuke, but he did not explain anything after he was regarded as Sasuke.

……Omit the N word……, (Do you want to see it? I will make it up if you want to see it!)

"So, are the questions finished?" Chen said a little impatiently.

"That's it for the time being, I'll talk about anything when I return to Konoha."

"Back to Konoha? I think you made a mistake. I never said that I would go back to Konoha with you."

"Huh! Although it was Sasuke who was convicted, you were the one who committed the crime. Sasuke was just carrying the scapegoat for you. Since we have already known this matter, then you must return to Konoha with us. , Listen to Master Naruto's disapproval."

"Oh ~ let me go back to Konoha? Stop kidding, let me tell you, it's impossible!" Chen sneered, and then said to Kakashi disdainfully.

"Tatsun? Why don't you return to Konoha? Are you worried that Tsunade-sama will punish you?" When Tatsuno refused to return to Konoha with them, Ino hurriedly asked Tatsumi.

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