There is also this type of boxing in my exchange list, but to be honest, the effect is not great.

So in the end, I didn’t bother to exchange it. Seeing that he was able to make a full move, he was extremely fast and strong, and Cheng Long did not rush to avoid every attack. It seemed that he was not very anxious. The gap in this realm. The unobstructed view also allowed Sun Wuchen to carefully analyze Cheng Long's current combat effectiveness.

His combat effectiveness is indeed very high, every action can be very light to avoid, and even immediately counterattack, no light flashes, and Ya Mucha was kicked on the ground by him.

Sun Wuchenchen frowned, and he could do it to this level, but the control of strength seemed to be a little worse. It seemed that only in countless battles could he have such experience.

Yamucha immediately got up and looked at the beautiful girl Bouma next to him, and he immediately became energetic.

"I will never admit defeat."

He ran up, his fists were fast.

But helplessly, Cheng Long came to him in an instant, patted him on the shoulder, and then waved his hand, and a storm knocked him out.

Sure enough, the gap in realm is hard to make up. This is not something that can be changed by a purely mental battle. Maybe you have infinite fighting intent, but you can't change this situation at all.

Ya Mucha easily failed miserably, but it highlights the power of modern Cheng Long, and he is indeed a difficult master to deal with.

The Monkey King Klin next to him had already been stunned, but Sun Wuchen still had a calm face. It was his next game. He jumped out and his opponent was the ascetic named Nan Wu.

This guy left his hometown and came here just to get a bonus and alleviate the drought crisis in his hometown.

To be honest, he didn't make any major mistakes, but this time he was going to be eliminated by himself immediately.

"Hello, my name is Sun Wuchen, please do it."

"My name is Nan Wu, I must defeat you."

"Let's talk about it if you have the ability."

Sun Wuchen was calm and relaxed, he didn't even pose a fighting posture, as if he was standing normally.

"I'm doing it!"

Unexpectedly, the speed of this guy was very fast. When he flew to Sun Wuchen's side, it also surprised him. His combat effectiveness had at least reached the point where it was close to 50.

But without the bonus of more excellent skills, it is impossible to cause serious damage to the opponent.

After rushing over, the guy slashed at Sun Wuchen's shoulder with a hand knife, and Sun Wuchen dodged aside and punched him in the same way.

This guy immediately avoided. This amazing ability of judgment made Sun Wuchen feel a little surprised. It seems that his real cultivation is still in his mental state, and he can perceive all the movement and changes of the other party in advance.

However, the gap in absolute strength is difficult to make up for with the so-called change of mental state.

In the next second, Monkey King disappeared, and Nan Wu punched in the air. The kid who was jumping seemed to launch an attack in the air, but he punched the air.

"Wow! What kind of skill is that?" Monkey King Klin was shocked, and so was Ya Mucha. Although he hated Sun Wuchen, he was too strong.

"He will be like a fist!" Cheng Long was also shocked.

Chapter 881: Sky Cross Fist

The remnant image fist worked, Nan Wu's punch was empty, and it never had any effect.

Immediately after, he was kicked violently, and his body flew directly to the side, but at the last moment, he touched the ground with his hand and did not let himself slip under the ring.

Reluctant to stand up, Sun Wuchen, who was still calm, was waiting for him over there.

"Hurry up and make a trick. If you don't do it, there will be no time."

Nan Wu no longer retains.

He jumped directly into the sky, maybe tens of meters high, it was just a small black spot in the sky, but then he quickly descended from the sky.


"Sky Cross Fist."

"Skill level: F."

"Skill factor: 2."

"Additional attributes: When landing, when falling from the sky, through your own acceleration, you can cause more damage."

Sun Wuchen had to be surprised. After this skill descended through the sky and accelerated, its power really increased a lot. Even if his original energy level was only one, it would have tripled, reaching nearly a hundred combat effectiveness.

However, Monkey King's coping method is also very simple, stepping directly on the ground with his legs, and flying up toward the sky.

He has a small energy ball in his hand, and with the impact of energy, his strength is also very strong.

"Punch punch!"

It is another kind of self-made boxing method, the energy coefficient is not high, it is only an F-level skill.

However, Sun Wuchen's skills can all be upgraded, infusing stronger strength and providing stronger skills will definitely make him stronger.

Sun Wuchen moved upward and slammed quickly.

Nan Wu's arms were also pulled out. At this moment, the sky crossed intertwined, and with a loud bang, Nan Wu was still beaten into the air. He drew an arc and fell outside.

This one was Sun Wuchen's victory, and he also slowly fell, looking at his body, without any damage.

He can resist even such an attack, perhaps because the opponent's energy coefficient is very low.

After the victory of this battle, it was the last battle, the monster Monkey King's battle.

There is nothing to say, Monkey King's tail has indeed come back, and has a huge power, even easily frightened the other party.

The next game is more solemn, it is Klin and Cheng Long.

Finally, I was able to take a look at the power of Teacher Wu Tian, ​​even Sun Wuchen was a little expectant.

Yamucha’s combat effectiveness is still not as good as that of Klin. Because it has not been systematically trained, Yamucha’s combat effectiveness is limited. Although it is considered a strong one, there is a certain gap compared with Klin. Fighting is even more crazy.

Klin still had a lot of tactics when fighting, when he rushed forward.

Flicking his hands wildly, making the fastest attack posture as possible, Cheng Long suddenly stretched out his hands, grabbed the opponent's arms like lightning, and then slammed his knees.

Klin was hit hard, almost vomiting, and fell directly to his knees. However, when he fell, he immediately reached out and grabbed Cheng Long’s leg, dragged him down, and pounced on him. With a punch, Cheng Long blasted him out with a hammer.

This kind of battle is a bit interesting. The one who was hit and flew directly hit the wall next to it and completely collapsed there. However, he immediately ran out of it. It seemed that he must reach the last moment, even though there was already one in the throw. The wound left a lot of blood, and he never meant to give up.

Cheng Long was very happy to see that his apprentice was so brave, but he still didn't want to worship his apprentice's hand, and immediately spurred a kick in front of him. Then Klin had reached his side and saw this. One could take advantage of a punch, and suddenly found that Cheng Long had disappeared.

He disappeared in front of him in an instant, and what he got was only the afterimage which was exactly the same as the afterimage fist used by Sun Wuchen just now.

"Klin, it's the boxing method just now, be careful."

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