As soon as Sun Wukong's words were uttered, Klin received a heavy blow on the back, lying directly on the ground, even the ground was partially broken.

He only groaned on the ground, and Cheng Long rushed out from the side silently.

Residual image boxing is really a very deep skill, if used properly, the effect is remarkable.

Thinking of all the mysteries of this skill, Sun Wuchen couldn't help but point this skill to the 100% level, and after a while, he saw the difference between his own Afterimage Fist and the opponent's.

Klin barely got up from the ground, but this Cheng Long was definitely an unimaginable strong opponent, and he couldn't handle it.

"You have to be careful, this is my strongest skill!"

Klin rushed forward and suddenly flew out of his body, and something fell on the ground, white.

Cheng Long flew towards there immediately, holding the thing in his hand, and then being kicked away by Klin fiercely.

"I just saw you this guy, who has been peeking at the beauties around me, very lustful."

"not good!"

Cheng Long flew out towards the distance, and in order to come back, he finally hit hard.

"Turtle Qigong."

Chapter VIII: Sun Wuchen's Dancing Technique

Cheng Long in front of him flew back to the ring with an unimaginable technique, which surprised everyone.

All this was expected by Sun Wuchen, but the others were obviously quite surprised.

"That's Guipai Qigong, right?" Bouma couldn't help but said.

On that day, she personally saw Guixianren using Guipai Qigong.

The powerful destructive power is shocking, but this guy named Cheng Long can even use this technique.

After flying back, Cheng Long landed steadily there. Before Kelin could react, Cheng Long ran towards there for a while.

When he reached the opponent's side in an instant, Klin was knocked down just as he was about to react.

This time, Klin flew out directly and hit the wall under the ring, failing before he could react.

Everyone was stunned, even the commentator reacted after several seconds.

"The winner is Mr. Cheng Long."

Everyone cheered, never expecting to see such a peak duel. For many years, there has never been such a wonderful match in this world's number one martial arts conference.

Klin failed, but was not seriously injured.

But I still feel confused and fail too quickly.

There is a big gap between the two, which is justified.

The second game was the highlight. Monkey King hadn't fought with Monkey King for a long time.

When they came to the ring, the two identical children really attracted everyone's attention.

"Wuchen, Wukong, come on." Buma Wulong and the others shouted.

The two smiled, as for the Ya Mucha next to him, biting his clothes fiercely.

"Hateful child, I will beat you one day."

But others are more curious about two identical children.

After hearing that the two were brothers, I even admired that the disciples accepted by Teacher Wu Tian were absolutely no ordinary people.

"Wukong, it's starting." Sun Wuchen stood there without moving.

"Then I will start first, Wu Chen."

After Sun Wukong said these words, he ran over, and almost immediately reached Sun Wuchen's side, swinging his fists directly.


After two muffled noises, Sun Wuchen directly squeezed Sun Wukong's fist, then pulled him over, flicked him to the side, and slammed him directly into the wall next to him.

Sun Wukong was knocked into a pile of gravel, which immediately exploded, and he jumped out of it again and kicked the current Sun Wuchen.

Sun Wuchen's reaction was also very quick. He immediately jumped up and kicked each other in the same air, and the two people's legs collided.

After a collision, the two people each fell into the distance.

As soon as Monkey King landed, he fell on all fours, crawling over like a monkey, and rushing instantly.

The two people are the same age, even though they are almost the same size, they are quite flexible.

Sun Wuchen stepped back immediately and stepped on the ground. A stone slab on the ground was directly bounced and hit the sky.

This thing happened to hit Sun Wukong's arms, but it was instantly crushed by him. Similarly, Sun Wuchen's attack had already arrived, and he instantly jumped onto Sun Wukong's head and hit him with a punch, just to knock him to the ground.

The strength of this punch was already very heavy. Although the absolute difference between the two of them seemed not to be great, the Monkey King couldn't bear it at all, and he fell miserably when he lay on the ground.

As soon as Sun Wuchen fell, he felt something wrapped around his feet, it turned out to be Sun Wukong's tail.

It turned out that Sun Wukong was in disguise. Although he received a punch, his injuries were not serious. After he wrapped his tail around Sun Wuchen, he immediately punched him.

This punch hit Sun Wuchen's body.

Sun Wuchen backed away, but his tail had already entangled his feet, making Sun Wukong attack again, slamming his fists continuously.

Sun Wuchen could only resist with his arms, and the thumping sound struck everyone's eardrums.

In more than ten seconds, at least more than a hundred punches were punched. The strength of each punch was extremely heavy. The explosion of the fist and the arm made people shocked. Then Sun Wufan and Sun Wukong finally He flew away, but the Monkey King who had just landed still refused to give up.

This guy is on all fours again, at a speed like the wind.

This guy's boxing style may not seem to be very elegant, but in fact it has its own magical effect. He imitates the movements of a monkey. In the future, silk's agility and flexibility are the basic changes, and then his flexible body and tail are added. It made people feel invincible. Sun Wuchen immediately grabbed his two hands and kicked it, but his foot suddenly hit the opponent's tail, which was a strong and powerful tail.

With a loud bang, Sun Wuchen's pants were all cracked, and it seemed that the opponent's strength was indeed not weak.

This Monkey King really listened to his own words and exercised his tail, and then the tail swept over directly. This time, Monkey King dodges a blow, and then rushed forward. This time he actually asked Monkey King to lift in the air.

"When did this child learn the air dance?" Cheng Long was taken aback. It was Hexianliu's martial arts.

Is it possible that Cheng Wuchen had contact with them?

Chapter VIII: Monkey King and Monkey King

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