They couldn't bear it anymore. This attack began and retreated like a tide. Klin was also advancing, and even rushed to the warehouse. At this moment, even though Sun Wuchen was moving forward quietly, he felt pitiful, as if he had encountered a strong enemy. After the fight, he was beaten out.

To say that this Klin is also quite strong, but he did not expect the strength of the other party to be so strong, and the guy who suddenly appeared seems to be an acquaintance of Sun Wuchen and others.

Klin was shot out, accompanied by a flash of light, and he was hit hard.

It was not Tianjin Fan that came here, and Sun Wuchen saw that guy slowly walk out.

"Yamucha, why are you here?"

Bouma asked next to him, and Yamucha was quite excited when he saw the girl she liked.

But when this man saw Sun Wuchen next to him, the jealousy and anger in his eyes began to prevail. For this little child, he could be said to be hatred from the bottom of his heart.

"I took refuge in the Red Ribbon Legion. I am now their high-ranking warrior and I have met someone who can lead me forward. His name is Tao Baibai, but he died in battle recently. Does it have anything to do with you?"

Sun Wuchen felt a bit of cold, and it seemed that his appearance caused the fellow Ya Mucha to take refuge in Hexianliu.

But this is his own choice, because everyone has his own choice.

Seeing such a change in Yamucha, even Bouma has a kind of contempt for him on his face.

"In this case, do you want to attack us? Then do it, Wu Chen will definitely defeat you."

These words deeply stung Yamucha's fragile heart. The reason why he became like this was entirely because the little boy in front of him brought him extremely deep pain, which made him unable to bear it.

"Then see whose method is stronger, and Sun Wuchen can do it."

"To be honest, your master died in my hands for nothing, not to mention you, a person like you is nothing more than that. Goku, defeat him."

Sun Wuchen is too lazy to deal with such a person. His skill is so poor that he can kill with a single blow. Moreover, he has no chance of survival if he does it himself. He is always regarded as an online character in the protagonist group, leaving him for his life. Bar.

Monkey King still has a little expectation of him as a friend.

"If you can't develop it, just give up, or take refuge in our side, don't help the bad guys anymore."

"Shut up, you people, I have made my choice, but you just want to destroy him. Although my master is not a good person, he has taught many skills. Today I will let you see what happens. Who is better. I want to avenge him."

This guy really meant righteousness and awe-inspiring, but Sun Wuchen didn't take any action. He sat next to him and watched them fight. Sun Wukong had already used his own strength, strength, and speed.

Chapter 912: The Last Resistance of the Red Ribbon Legion

After playing for a while, Yamucha saw that she hadn't had the upper hand, so she immediately withdrew, a little in front of her hand.

He still has some skills, knowing the mystery of instant hole waves, in fact, Tao Baibai can also use this skill.

Dongdongbo is a skill that uses pure speed to damage. It is very difficult to have various special effects like Sun Wuchen, at least to have a deep understanding of this skill.

The person in front of him has already done it, able to maximize the speed.

Ya Mucha waved a hole and shot a beam of light towards Monkey King's face. Monkey King directly raised both hands to block him, and then was pushed back by the hole.

Ya Mucha didn't seem surprised to see that Monkey King was able to withstand Dongdongbo's attack.

Originally, Sun Wuchen continued to watch this battle to see what Yamucha cultivated? Who knew that Dengjin flew out immediately at this time.

"Master, I have discovered something very special, Dragon Ball has been taken away."

Sun Wuchen immediately looked at the dragon ball next to him. The radar did show that the dragon ball was moving away from this place. In fact, the Red Ribbon Legion had collected all the dragon **** as much as possible over the years, but their radar was extremely inefficient, so the real effect was limited.

"Why can you perceive it?"

Sun Wuchen didn't really believe that Deng Chen could have this ability. Deng Shen felt embarrassed and touched his head.

"Master, that guy has also taken away, and a very important existence beside me is that another magic lamp can summon the female Djinn, and the female Djinn is my girlfriend."

Sun Wuchen couldn't help but look at the Deng Shen, this guy didn't even have a lower body, and he even found a girlfriend.

Why do so many single dogs feel so bad?

In fact, even if he is himself, it seems that he can't compare with this guy.

Although Sun Wuchen stared at the dragon ball, after flying for a while, he immediately found that the dragon ball signal had disappeared. He had already figured it out clearly that King Pilaf was really not an idiot.

He deliberately abandoned a huge circular spaceship, that is, he was able to take the opportunity to fall into the base and steal the Dragon Ball. It seemed that he was really resourceful.

Then he had put the dragon ball in a peculiar box to hide it. It is estimated that this guy really has a lot of weird ideas, but they are already being implemented, which is really surprising.

"Let him go first, and I will find him when I look back. Goku, you will solve the enemies in this place. I will destroy all the red ribbon legions first."

After Sun Wuchen said these words, he flew out like a cannonball. Because of the magical skill of aerial dancing, he could float in the air, and every enemy he saw would point a finger.

When the light beam hit the ground, an explosion occurred in an instant. Almost all the people were blown up and down, and there were flying debris everywhere.

There were constant explosions here, almost reaching an unimaginable horror situation. The people around really suffered heavy losses. On the contrary, after Sun Wuchen flew for a while, he fell into a tall building.

This is the opponent's core area. It should be the castle where the opponent's commander is located. It doesn't seem to be too different from other castles. Maybe it is more solid.

As soon as Sun Wuchen fell to the gate, the steel gate in front of him opened immediately, and two high-level battle tanks came out from inside. The first thing they met was to shoot artillery.

When the terrifying artillery struck, with the powerful firepower, two bombs came to Sun Wuchen in an instant. Sun Wuchen had already prepared his hole wave, and the two rays of light flickered, piercing the two bombs.

That kind of thing exploded in the air instantly, and it directly fanned everything around. Sun Wuchen waved his hand, and his body was densely covered with earth energy.

After blocking the opponent's attack, a thick rubble wall was piled up in front of Sun Wuchen, like an earth wall, completely blocked by his earth energy shield.

After a while, Sun Wuchen flew into it immediately, like a cannonball flashing. When he came to the front, he slapped his palm on the ground, and everyone was shaken off.

This is just a very simple attack technique, but it is enough to wipe out everyone.

Those people were all knocked down. Some of them hit the wall and fell directly into it, and some hit various protruding furniture, which directly resulted in serious injuries.

These people really suffered heavy casualties. They never thought that Sun Wuchen had such power. They were really surprised and inexplicable. This was a monster. It was obviously a child's body, but its power was greater than ordinary people.

Sun Wuchen had already solved all the enemies on this floor and immediately walked up the stairs. Suddenly, the huge iron block of ten thousand tons was crushed down, and Sun Wuchen punched there.

The entire huge and heavy iron block was blasted off in an instant, and flew upwards. The whole mechanism completely collapsed. This huge object weighing several tons instantly smashed through the ceiling, and then fell to a higher level.

Chapter 913: Victory

As soon as I jumped to the upper floor, a huge fist fell down. Like the experimental robot I encountered, there is one more powerful combat robot here, and it is obviously stronger.

The thick fist fell down, smashing everything around in an instant, and Sun Wuchen's figure immediately disappeared. The next second he went to the side of the robot and swept it over. Suddenly a pile of steel sticks out from this guy's neck. The guard board directly blocked a kick on it, but it kicked the guard board into a big groove.

This thing was kicked into the air by Sun Wuchen in an instant. In terms of power alone, Sun Wuchen would definitely not lose to ordinary people. Even if it was a steel body, it was like a ball to him.

After kicking the huge robot to the other side, Sun Wuchen raised his head and looked forward. A black man had been prepared, and there was a corpse beside him, probably the black man who had defected.

It seems because of the uneven distribution of the spoils. It seems that in the original plot, he was also stimulated by the real marshal, because the marshal's real idea of ​​collecting dragon **** was just to improve his height.

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