Even if he is shorter, cherish it. He has unlimited power. How many people would say that he is not fit enough? It is natural for people to be addicted to power, but it would be ridiculous to be addicted to appearances and even ignore the nature of power.

"I am the new marshal here, called..."

"It doesn't matter to me, die."

Sun Wuchen had been moving towards that point. A huge war machine was immediately blocked in front of the man in black. After a terrifying explosion, the black man did not die.

The war machine in front of the black man helped him block the attack, and he himself summoned another one. It can be said that the two super combat robots are still difficult to entangle, and Sun Wuchen immediately fought with them.

One of them can still be dealt with. With his witty and agile body, coupled with the power of Dongdongbo Weipai Qigong, Sun Wuchen is enough to beat the opponent well.

The overall combat effectiveness of this thing is only about 80, but when facing two, it can't always get the upper hand.

Sun Wuchen could only fight with the two monsters as hard as he could, and never had the absolute upper hand.

While fighting, there were more explosions. When looking at the ground, Monkey King actually meant to be inferior to Yamucha. What was going on?

Judging from Ya Mucha's arrogant appearance, it seemed that it was relying on some special attack to establish the victory, which still made Sun Wuchen treat him more contemptuously.

All the strong in this world must follow a fixed rule, that is, through continuous training, to reach higher heights, to welcome foreign objects or other ways to exercise themselves, which is obviously the most ridiculous and inappropriate form. .

At this moment, Sun Wuchen already understood this matter, and it is estimated that Yamucha really used some methods to allow himself to gain the upper hand in the fight.

But it didn't matter, Sun Wuchen flew towards the nearest war machine.

He jumped directly to his head, although it was extremely hard steel, it could even be said that the thing in front of him was not necessarily a head.

Even if the vicinity of this head is destroyed, he will have the ability to act, after all, he is a super-strength killer directly controlled by a computer.

But Sun Wuchen's attack on him was very simple and direct.

Sun Wuchen reached in with a hand, and the light radiated from the head of that huge machine.

"Instant-Guipai Qigong Wave."

The light burst in an instant, shattering the war machine in front of him to pieces.

Sun Wuchen flew into the air at the moment of the final explosion, and the explosive counter-shock force caused him to quickly fall to the ground. On the contrary, the newly appointed black marshal was really taken aback.

After falling on the ground, Sun Wuchen deliberately turned his back to the guy, who seemed to have seen the most effective attack time.

This guy naturally had a desire to attack Sun Wuchen in his heart. For him, he must kill the child. His attack almost destroyed the entire Red Ribbon Legion.

This is an unimaginable force with the strongest power. They will occupy the entire world. It is only a matter of time. Without such a thing as Dragon Ball, they can complete it as long as they work hard. They did not expect a child to appear. Destroyed everything.

Although Tao Baibai is the world's number one killer, they don't even know that Tao Baibai's combat ability is worse than many others, and there are more powerful and terrifying people.

To destroy such a camp, just one shot of the Great Ape Cannon is enough.

Sun Wuchen fell to the ground, and the black marshal flying in the sky immediately manipulated the huge machine to aim, and a bomb was sent there. Seeing the thing slowly flying over, Sun Wuchen didn't even turn his head, and threw it when the thing arrived nearby. , His tail swept strangely.

When the black marshal was celebrating, he saw a terrifying flame flying towards him, and there was an extra bomb in front of him, and he immediately hit the robot.

Sun Wuchen sighed very easily. It seems that his ability to perceive this kind of breath and threat has really improved a lot. Although this bomb does not have the breath of a living person, the flame at the tail still has a terrifying ability to push forward. And the impact on the air.

"This ability is pretty good, right."

Chapter 914: Yamu Tea, the Dog of the Lost Family

After solving the last enemy here, Sun Wuchen came to the battlefield. Sun Wukong was actually suppressed. Seeing Yamucha rushing there, it was another fierce attack.

"Langya Fengfeng Fist."

Ya Mucha's hands continued to fly around, instantly hitting Monkey King, unable to raise his head, the Langfang Fengfeng fist, which also contained unimaginable tearing power.

Now Sun Wuchen didn't understand how he suppressed Sun Wukong. After carefully smelling the smell in the air, Sun Wuchen finally realized something.

This guy actually uses this kind of tricks?

The air was filled with the smell of a narcotic. It is estimated that even Monkey King was poisoned by the sudden use, and his whole body was weak.

So he has been passively defending, even if he is attacking, he will show more flaws. Monkey King understands his current situation very well, so he didn't attack.

Sun Wukong may still be very clear and accurate in his judgment of the situation, but the **** Ya Mucha has the upper hand with his unique power and kept beating Sun Wukong.

Facing this kind of person, Sun Wuchen absolutely didn't have any good feelings, and kicked directly there.

"You guy actually used this kind of indiscriminate means. It's really disgusting. You don't deserve to be called a martial artist."

Sun Wuchen's words are still very effective, and this guy was stimulated unimaginably in an instant.

"I'm going to kill you."

When this guy stretched out his hand, he reached Dongbobo, but Sun Wuchen hit Dongbobo faster, and instantly knocked the opponent's energy back, and then instantly penetrated Yamucha's palm.

A deep trace appeared there, and it is estimated that he was deeply injured, but for this kind of person, Sun Wuchen had no pity.

"You guy uses the three indiscriminate methods, and I can't spare you anymore."

Yamucha still wanted to resist, so he realized that there was a flower in front of him, and Sun Wuchen came to the front, his small body even looked so tall, and then he smashed Yamucha in the face.

With a bang, this guy's body instantly hit the ground, and then there was a strong anti-shock force, which was instantly bounced, and after two rolls on the ground, he almost vomited a mouthful of blood, still not knowing.

Sun Wuchen showed no mercy to him, and took a few steps forward. A beam of light came from his hand, piercing everything in front of him.

Ya Mucha screamed and fell to the ground, a big hole had been pierced in his chest, but this kind of injury still wouldn't let him die. Just when Sun Wuchen wanted to understand him, Bu Ma suddenly rushed over.

"Wu Chen, don't kill him. After all, he was once a friend."

Seeing Bouma stopping in front of him, even afraid of attacking, hugged herself directly, looking at Bouma's eyes so clear, it seemed that he was really worried about the irritation, instead of looking at the ant-like Yamucha in front of him. .

In the original plot, Sun Wuchen hated this guy very much. He was once a super soldier, but later he neglected training and was not even as good as ordinary people.

All the strong in Dragon Ball like continuous training to make themselves reach a more super level, but this guy is really not able to support the wall with mud, maybe he has infinite blows in his heart, but this is too bad. .

"Go away, I don't want to kill you. If my hands are dirty, you can go to the masters of Hexianliu, if you have the confidence to keep you alive through their help."

Yamucha barely struggled to stand up at this time, and then found a deformed capsule next to him. After opening it was a small spaceship. He got on the spaceship and moved towards an unknown coordinate.

But when this guy was about to leave, there was a deep resentment towards him, and Sun Wuchen didn't care much.

It doesn't matter if you let him go. Your strength is so humble and cowardly, you are not my opponent at all.

This is the first time Sun Wuchen has let go of this hateful guy, and maybe there will be many more times in the future.

Sun Wuchen continued to return to the middle of the team and hugged Sun Wukong. After this guy was attacked for a while, he was a little seriously injured, and then Sun Wuchen immediately took out the fairy beans that Immortal Karin gave him.

This thing has already worked the last time, directly healing the wounds of Monkey King and Klin, this time it worked again, and the two waiters were also infinitely sighing after their victory.

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