"What do you mean?"

"Don't you killers like asking for money? It should be easy to get coolness by killing me."

"Host, I want to have a private gambling game with the Tianjin fan player in front of me. All this has nothing to do with you, but the outcome of this battle can determine whether he can advance, how about?"

"I don't quite understand, Sun Wuchen, if your decisive battle involves life and death, it is likely that the conference will remove his qualifications."

"I said, none of this has anything to do with you." Sun Wuchen glared there, and the momentum from this eye made the host in front of him feel terrified.

Of course, Sun Wuchen was fearless, and a single sentence left the host speechless, and the next step was his own battle.

"Bouma, just lend me 200 million."

Boomer next to him also nodded.

Seeing that Tianjin Fan looked a little puzzled, Sun Wuchen pointed to Buma and said.

"She is the daughter of the world’s richest man, and her family wealth is too much to calculate, so 200 million is considered pocket money for her. Although I don’t think my life is only worth 200 million, your actions and your pursuits are only But it’s worth the price."

"Well, I must kill you today."

"Haha, since it's no longer a competition, it's a life-and-death fight, you can finally use your strongest power, let me see."

Chapter IX Forty-Nine: Murder Yourself

Sun Wuchen was also looking forward to a crazy Tianjin meal, only to see a burst of energy in him.

The rushing forward was a tentative attack, as far as possible to see how many catties the other party had, the fists had already been punched, and Sun Wuchen waved forward, and the Qi fist was immediately sent out.

He slammed the opponent back with a bang. This time it was Tianjin Fan's turn to kneel on the ground, clutching his chest, and the strength of the opponent's punch was much greater than he had imagined. It was terrifying to be able to bring the power into this state of affairs.

"It's better to show some real skills. I don't care about kung fu like this."

Unexpectedly, Sun Wuchen was so terrible, of course Tianjin Fan made a roar.

"Sun Fist!"

The brilliant light made both of them lose their body shape in front of them.

Another light appeared immediately, directly covering up the glimmer just now, brighter and longer lasting. Even Tianjin Fan couldn’t see it. Then, in negligence, it was knocked down by someone, and the light dissipated. Tianjin Fan Lie on the ground again.

"This is the second blow, and your Sun Fist is no better than me. You don't care where I learned it from, but your kung fu is not at home yet."

In fact, according to the normal plot, the current Tianjin Fan has a combat effectiveness of about 180, which can be said to be quite amazing, after all, it is a lot of improvement.

But Sun Wuchen went further. After a month of training in that kind of depressive space, his current combat effectiveness has reached 160.

It seems to be lower than the opponent's combat power, but Sun Wukong focuses on improving his use of the King's Fist. A double King's Fist is enough to kill the enemy in seconds.

What he was using just now was the technique of Jie Wang Quan, bursting with energy in an instant.

The opponent didn't even notice the change in his combat power, so he was beaten out. The 320 combat power was like a nightmare for those strong, not to mention there was room for improvement.

After being beaten by Sun Wuchen again, even Tianjin Fan couldn’t stand it anymore. It seemed that his Sun Fist couldn’t work. Then he would use other methods to attack the opponent. He had a keen perception and always felt that his combat power was better than The opponent is still strong, but has always been unable to establish effective damage.

"Since two arms can't beat you, then four arms."

After a while, he actually added two more arms to himself, the arms that bulged out were quite special.

Sun Wuchen can see clearly that Sishenquan is an E-level skill, and it is mainly an auxiliary skill, and does not have too strong attacks. His main attack power is still the same as his own, and there is no energy coefficient.

And it will consume his physical strength to a considerable extent, which is considered an unwise way of energy use, but it seems that he is also in a hurry to go to the doctor.

"Tianjin Fan contestants have four arms, which is terrible."

"In the past, every arm had a very powerful force. When it was sent, even I could feel the terrifying power. What kind of attack did the Tianjin fan player use?"

"How does Sun Wuchen respond this time? He moved, he moved, what did he do?"

Sun Wuchen's body was directly grasped by Tianjin Fan, two arms grabbed his shoulders, and the other two arms smashed over. The strength was amazing, but Sun Wuchen's head was extremely hard, and with a bang, the opponent's fist hit it, as if The same with steel, even Tianjin Fan felt a little pain in his hands.

"What kind of body is this? How could it be so hard?"

He didn't understand what he had encountered, and after a terrifying attack, he finally stopped.

While Sun Wuchen was not paying attention, he suddenly raised his head, the third eye was shining with a burst of light, and the light beam came out.

The Sun Wuchen in front of him was hit by the light beam, but the light beam passed directly through. When everyone thought the light beam of the private equity product penetrated, Sun Wuchen's body had disappeared without a trace, and he was behind Tianjin Fan in the next second.

Slapped him out with a slap.

Tianjin Fan rolled in the air and fell to the ground with a look of surprise. The pain on his body made him unable to maintain the state of condensed spirit just now. The two extra arms gradually disappeared, and he looked at each other with surprise.

"How can you escape from my blockade? How can it be!"

"There is nothing impossible. You can only say that your speed is too slow, and your strength is too much worse than mine. Let me show you some real skills, such as the taboo tricks. have a look."

"How could you know that trick?"

Even Tianjin Fan was a little surprised, but he knew that he would definitely not be able to kill this man without using a Qigong Cannon, even though he had dance skills.

"Boy, you forced me. This qigong gun can definitely kill you. If you dodge, this time the competition will be."

"Well, I won't be too much. If any part of the ring is knocked out, I will also lose, and my life will be at your disposal."

Chapter 950: Qigong Cannon Showdown

"Hexian, an old bastard, actually teaches his apprentice such a skill."

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​what kind of skill is that?" Klin asked.

"Qigong Cannon is a super destructive skill, even several times more powerful than Guipai Qigong. However, due to its too powerful lethality, this skill can even have a severe impact on the body. If it is used too much, it is very likely. Cause the user's own death."

When Sun Wukong Klin heard these things, he was very surprised, even a little scared, for fear of something wrong with Sun Wuchen, but Sun Wuchen's battle did not allow anyone to intervene.

"It's okay, don't worry, I have seen through this skill."

After a lot of scanning, all of this skill is in Sun Wuchen's eyes, and he has decided to possess this skill.

I searched the list and found the skill Qigong Cannon. However, due to its special type, it will be damaged by physical strength. The evaluation of this skill is not high, it is only a D-level skill.

"Qigong Cannon."

"Skill level-D level. Can be upgraded."

"Skill factor-1-3."

"Skill additional attributes-strong (not activated) consumption reduction (not activated) destruction (not activated) micro (not activated

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