It only took 5000 energy points to redeem this skill, which is still acceptable to me, and various skills are indicated on it, which will cause great loss to the human body. The renewal time is prolonged, which is enough to save this skill The power is increased to a stronger level, and the power attribute can directly increase the power of the skill.

Needless to say, the consumption is reduced, at least you can save your life, even when you reach the extreme, you may still have a part of your physical strength.

Destruction seems to increase the ability to damage the area. After this skill, there will even be a wave of small explosions.

As for the last mini-Qigong number, it is estimated that it is the ability to directly compress this skill. Maybe it can be issued with one hand or even quickly. Of course, the final destructive power must be very different. It may be really worse than the original version. There are many differences, but this skill can already be upgraded.

It is estimated that further study will be a new type of qigong gun, but the current creature really doesn't have that idea. He is using his own strength to compete with the other party, and his hands are slowly raised, and they are also in the shape of a triangle.

It's just that Sun Wuchen was standing on the ground, but Tianjin Fan was standing in the air. He suddenly felt a burst of energy condensing under his body.

he? Why did he pose the same?

There was fear in Tianjin Fan's heart. He had no idea why Sun Wuchen assumed the same posture as himself.

Even the energy is condensing, and it seems that it is about to burst out. Between the opponent's combat effectiveness and his uncle, he can't beat the opponent at all. It has made him feel quite helpless. Coupled with the cohesion of this energy, it is even more superb. As much as he imagined.

A burst of energy was dissipating, and the small dust and ashes on it were all floating in the air at this time, because the intense energy condensed, it seemed that it hadn't hit it yet.

A lot of energy is also gathered in the sky, like a breeze blowing down.

"It's terrible. The two people have to fight a qigong gun, but if this energy is used too violently, it will even consume one person's life. The qi of the two of them are very close. But..."

"This should be Wu Chen's greatest energy."

Monkey King said worriedly.

Now Monkey King also has 180 combat effectiveness.

It is almost exactly the same as Tianjin Fan, except that they have slightly different fighting skills. One is the descendant of an absolute fighting nation, and the other is a special talent for fighting.

The fight between two people is of course you come and go, not giving way to each other. At this moment, Sun Wuchen's combat power is only 160.

With a combat power of 160 points, even if all the qigong guns are used, the resulting power seems to be very close to that of the opponent, but this Tianjin fan seems to be even better, with a combat power of 180.

Sun Wuchen was gambling. Of course, he wouldn't die. Using 2 times the Realm King Fist in an instant was enough for him to fight a few qigong cannons without dying.

He even believed one thing more, Tianjin Fan would never use all his physical strength and combat power to try qigong guns.

In that case, he will not have the strength to fight, and may even die because of using this skill.

Tianjin Rice is not for nothing. He must have reserved a part of his physical strength. In this way, the energy of the qigong guns of the two people will be very close. This will be a evenly matched terrorist shock. Both of them have raised their energy to about 160.


With a roar, Tianjin Fan released his own energy, and the terrifying force directly hit the ring. Suddenly, a terrifying wind wave hits ahead, and the two energy instantly collided, and everyone saw the air as if cracked. When it opened, a huge hollow space appeared, like a waterfall.

Then a gust of wind blew the people around, blowing away those who were closest, and all the leaves had drifted away with the wind.

This hit, a tie?

Chapter 951: Desperate Tianjin Rice

After the energy of the violent storm erupted, the people around calmed down. When looking at the ring, all the bricks on the ring were blown away. A big hole appeared in the middle of the ring, and Sun Wuchen was nowhere to be seen.

Tianjin laughed twice, feeling lack of breath, and slowly fell, standing on the barely level ground.

"Although you have learned the Qigong Cannon, it is far less powerful than my Qigong Cannon."

He almost sat there paralyzed, feeling his last strength. Indeed, he had just used almost 90% of his power to use the Qigong Cannon, and the remaining 10% was not enough to restore his combat power, and now he became extremely weak.

"How is it possible? Wu Chen can't fail!"

Sun Wukong couldn't believe everything in front of him, and wanted to run inside to find Sun Wuchen. The Turtle Immortal grabbed him. After all, it was a fair duel. Even if Sun Wuchen had said his life and death before, it was no longer included in the rules.

But even the Turtle Immortal didn't know where Sun Wuchen was. Could it be that he escaped in an instant?

"Referee, judge my victory this time, hurry up."

"Well, then the winner of this game is Tianjin—"

"I haven't said that I failed."

The sound was very weird, and then a person crawled out of the mud and removed all the mud on his body. It was still the common name just now, and his breath has not changed from beginning to end.

"You, are you a monster?"

"I am not a monster, but you have exhausted 90% of your power. Now you can't bear my blow."

Just now, Sun Wuchen took the posture of throwing a fist and was about to punish the opponent directly with Qi and Fist. The dumpling suddenly started. Under Hexianren's guidance, he immediately used his superpower to cover Sun Wuchen's body.

Sun Wuchen was immediately controlled by his superpower, and his body was difficult to move.

It can only be said that his current combat power is still weaker, and he can't resist the influence of this superpower at all. However, when he looked in front of him, although his body could not move, he stared at Tianjin Fan with those eyes.

He can still open his mouth.

"Tianjin Fan, I have been controlled by my superpowers. Now you can kill me with one blow, or you can kill me with one blow, how about?"


Sun Wuchen is watching Tianjin Fan. Is this guy necessary to save? If you can, it’s good to put him under his men. Your own alien base can’t be run by yourself. These earth’s powerhouses can dominate the universe with them. After the planet is unified, they will bring their men. Attack those so-called alien planets.

Even afterwards, it’s impossible to remove Frieza. He doesn’t want Namek’s battle to happen passively. He must actively seek for it. Even last time, he had already added Frieza to the newcomer. The soldier is killed, and his immediate boss is Dodoria.

That is also a terrifying monster with a combat power of more than 20,000. At least now I am not an opponent of that monster at all. Of course I still have a long time to talk to him. The current combat power is only 160, and I want to be extinct. He, and if he only uses Triple Realm King Fist, his combat power must reach at least 8000.

50 times improvement is not so easy, so I also need to seek some so-called strong, not to mention that if you are strong alone, if you are entangled, your base will be killed.

Tianjin Fan searched there for a long time, doing the most difficult things in his heart. He originally wanted to kill the child in front of him and get a reward of 200 million yuan, which was enough to get all the things he wanted, but he didn't think of what he had now. Victory seems to be impossible.

"Tianjin Fan, you bastard, kill him for me."

Crane Immortal shouted from the side.

"But, Master..."

"Don't you know that Mr. Tao Baibai was also killed by him? He also taught you martial arts."

Thinking of the world's No. 1 killer, that used to be Tianjin Fan's dream. He also wanted to be the No. 1 killer in the world, and even Taobai gave her an unimaginable experience.

Tianjin Fan finally raised his hand, a ray of light appeared on his hand, and the hole could pierce the body in front of him. He was hesitating all the time.

Finally, he put his hand down, the light disappeared, but at this time another beam hit Sun Wuchen.

"You bastard, I'll come if you don't do it."

"Not everyone is qualified to kill me."

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