After an unimaginable exercise, his strength has become quite strong, and he seems to come to avenge himself with the ferocity and anger in his heart. Of course, his goal is Sun Wuchen.

As for how far he has reached, Sun Wuchen can't estimate it now. The combat power that can be detected in front of him is just a false signal.

But Sun Wuchen could see that this guy was staring at the battle between Tianjin Fan and others, and it seemed that he also felt that the two in front of him were the strong.

The game finally started. When the dumplings were flying in the sky, they suddenly waved their hands forward, and the invisible energy was shot out in an instant, and it was enveloped in Tianjin Fan's body in an instant. Sun Wuchen could feel it from a long distance.

It turns out that Dumpling has worked hard to cultivate his own superpowers. Although in this period of battle, this kind of power has little effect, but if it can be cultivated to a high level, it will definitely have a different response.

They are all super powers. It depends on who uses them. For example, the current dumpling super powers may not be able to affect the existence of more than 1,000 attack power, but if it is the guy in the Kinuite warfare, it seems that it can be instantaneous. Not to mention the existence of Frieza, who controls tens of thousands of combat power. The universe emperor of the dark world, his own talents are already quite amazing, coupled with super super powers, even the existence of tens of millions of combat power can be. Controlled by him.

So this also depends on a person's hard power. After reaching a certain level, using super powers can cause a killer situation, but the dumplings in front of them are obviously not good, using the mental cage, instantly shrouded Tianjin Fan's body.

Tianjin Fan didn't even resist. He let the opponent's heavy cage press on his body. Suddenly, his muscles swelled up, and even his muscles slowly bulged. The three eyes kept flashing a burst of light, and his mouth kept tightening. Biting tightly, let out a low roar.

He is using his own power and beliefs to fight against, the superpower is really extraordinary, but he actually wants to fight against the opponent through his willpower, and he can still overwhelm the opponent. In the continuous efforts, the dumplings have been exerting himself. Even his finger slowly lifted up, and a huge ball of light appeared on it, even extending to the state of the hole wave beam.

It seems that the opponent can reach that level through promotion, but it is not as simple and easy as Sun Wuchen, and there are many skills and special effects. Of course, there may be some auxiliary promotion after practice. For example, Qiqi has already made great progress. .

"Tianjin, be careful, Dongdongbo beam."

A dazzling golden light hit him. At this moment, Tianjin Fan seemed to be unable to move his body, letting the beam hit him, and then there was a terrifying explosion. After the explosion, all the small fragments on the ring were blown away, even Even the surrounding trees were blown up and down.

After the gust of wind, the surrounding spectators were shocked, especially those closest to them, who were blown out with a lighter body. This terrifying flame explosion also occurred in the ring, instantly The flames filled, but the light flashed and the wind screamed, and someone rushed over and knocked the dumplings down.

The dumpling finally landed slowly on the ground, but was held in his arms by this man. After all, he was a fellow apprentice brother, in his own eyes, he was as cordial as his own child.

Tianjin Fan dumplings were placed on a nearby ground, which made him wake up slowly, but in fact, this battle was indeed Tianjin Fan’s victory. The gap between the two was too big, which made people fearful. Klin next to him even kept scratching his head, but he has no hair.

"What should I do? Tianjin Fan is so powerful, I can't resist that kind of superpower. I will definitely lose to him, what should I do? What should I do?"

In fact, he didn't have to worry at all, because he couldn't have beaten the newly born Bick Demon King.

Just as Sun Wuchen was thinking about it, the last game began.

Chapter 985: Two-handed tracking bullet

Those who faced off in the last game were the current Demon Bick, the infinitely powerful existence after rebirth and Klin in front of him.

"Klin must come on!"

Wukong cheered on Klin. Although there was already a huge gap between the two figures, even Monkey King seemed to be a young man, but Klin was just like a small child, but Klin was still firm. Nodding, even if he knows he will fail, he will try his best to move forward.

It's just that for this battle, the current Sun Wuchen doesn't have any confidence at all, but just looks at the other party's means.

"The next battle will be the very powerful Klein of Gui Xianliu who won the ranking last time, against one of the newest fighters now. This player's name is Piccolo."

When the two of them stood on the stage, each was calm, looking at each other, seeming to want to see through the reality of each other, but after a brief introduction, they finally started to move, just like many creatures have seen before, the other person stretched out his hand Throwing your arm over, do you want to kill when you come up?

When his arm suddenly grew longer, Klin seemed to respond. After all, he was more self-improving, and he could even kill with one blow.

Although Jiaozi is smart and even has some superpowers, in fact his intelligence is insufficient and his talents are limited.

In training, no matter how hard he works, there is no amazing improvement. This is his own talent limit and it is difficult to change.

Klin's foot was immediately caught by the opponent, and when he was surprised, he was kicked by the opponent, his fist was covered with power, and Klin was slammed into the air with a bang, and then Piccolo flew over again. , Hanging in the air keep moving forward.

He arrived in front of Klin like a violent wind and punched down at the same time. This time Klin took advantage of his small body and immediately avoided the punch and blasted heavily on the ring. The ring was only pierced with a big hole. Then all the masonry on the ground was like a wave, instantly tilted up, and calmed down again, a wave of ripple-like force spread everywhere and the surrounding ground shook.

Then he looked at Klin above his head and immediately flew up. When he was flying in the air, he swiped his palm, and a red, **** light instantly hit the sky. Klin once again avoided the blow with his sensitive body, but he There was still a stroke in front of him, dripping with blood, but the light of the blood soul behind this sharp claw reached the sky, and with a sneer, the sky was cut in half.

All the clouds in the sky contained the sky, and the azure blue was instantly separated, as if something had directly cut off the extremely powerful power, which shocked everyone present. They had never seen such an attack. It is so powerful that it is incredible.

This time the attack was too strong, so strong that they were even unimaginable. The sky was split in an instant, and even all the brilliance continued to flicker. This was the strongest attack between heaven and earth.

Klin was taken aback. It was just a tentative battle. He wanted to talk about the reality of the opponent. It seemed that he could not detect anything. The opponent's methods were **** and cruel, and the attack method was far beyond his expectations.

"The kid didn't die under my attack. You are lucky enough. Of course, you should be very grateful for the rules of the game. If there were really no restrictions on the rules of the game, I would have killed you a long time ago."

At this time, Klin didn't know if he had learned the skills of the Saiyans when they arrived on Earth, but it didn't seem to be so powerful yet.

But Klin has his own abilities. He slowly landed on the ground, took a pose, clenched his fists with both hands, gathered a burst of energy, and when he waved forward, he fired a two-handed tracking bullet.

"Two-handed tracking bullets."

"Skill level-E level."

"Skill factor-0.5."

"Skill additional attributes-fast pursuit (not activated), efficient burst (not activated), flashing (not activated), accelerating power (not activated

In an instant, Sun Wuchen mastered this skill, and he was able to learn only at a glance. Of course, he also needed some points to help him complete the learning.

There are a vast array of abilities in my store, and there are even many skills from the previous world. It is impossible for the current Monkey King to exchange them directly. The energy system is completely different. It is quite difficult to find a suitable one among these skills.

As for the two-handed tracking bomb in front of you, it should be considered not weak, and there are various additional skill effects, but it seems that this kind of attack will not have any effect on the other party. The two huge energy groups that flew past reached the other party. Nearby, he was suddenly exploded by the light in the opponent's eyes.

This is the absolute gap between superior and superior judgment. No matter how hard a person works, it is impossible for a person to make up all the gaps directly. It's just that the difference between the poor and the other party is too big.

After completely smashing the opponent's explosive energy, Piccolo suddenly took a pose and threw a punch forward. The terrifying wind and waves instantly shattered Klin in front of him.

No, only the afterimage is broken.

Chapter 986: Brothers' Controversy

Everyone screamed, and they saw that Klin in front of them had completely disappeared. At first everyone thought he was broken into pieces, but found that it was just an afterimage, and the surrounding air was abnormally condensed, and then it came. The sound of terrifying footsteps.

The sound of tapping keeps slamming into people's eardrums.

It turned out that Klin had lost his body shape during extremely high-speed movements. The technique seemed to be ineffective for the opponent. Although he was agile, although he could use this speed to cover his attacks, Bick was not the one. Being afraid of these, he still has a wide range of attacks, and he is definitely not weak.

After a horrible and violent movement, Klin suddenly flashed his figure. What was never noticed was that there was an extra energy ball in his hand, but as soon as he flashed his figure, Piccolo’s palm penetrated. He lost his chest, but it still didn't work, Klin disappeared again.

His use of residual image boxing has brought everything to perfection.

In this world, everyone has their own special attributes, and some people are very familiar with the tortoise school, qigong and other types of gas bomb attacks.

In other words, these people are naturally suitable for the extreme energy collision confrontation, and some people don’t know much about their own energy, but their fighting skills are very strong. Of course, some people are incomparable spirit foxes. Klin is the last one to fight with his flexible body.

In the extreme speed of movement, the thing holding a ball of light in his hand is getting bigger and bigger, and even the residual brilliance spreads over the entire arena. This place becomes an infinitely bright area, which fully reflects everything.

No one can calm down in such an infinitely astonishing, dazzling light, and only feel that everything around is dragged, and it seems that every minute and every second of this infinite brilliance cannot be stopped.

Klin's constant ultra-high speed movement completely shattered all of the opponent's control. Although Piccolo wanted to counterattack, he found that he could not see the opponent's trail. His speed was astonishingly fast, unless he burst out potential energy. , Will fly around, otherwise there really is no other way.

But for Big Devil Piccolo, will he have any scruples in his heart? Of course not.

He put on a posture there, surrounded by the energy on his body to form a huge halo, and then radiated to the side, this thing can completely cut everything that he encounters.

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