This halo is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it has begun to use the energy in it to affect the surrounding space. The range of activities on the ring is getting smaller and smaller. Klin can move quickly, but can't jump into the air.

The moment he jumped, his body would slow down, and then he would be caught in the trail by the opponent, followed by a fatal blow.

As a result, there is only one last way left in the living room, which is to keep spinning around. As the energy slowly expands, the scope of Klin's activities becomes smaller and smaller, but the power consumed increases sharply.

Klin's speed finally slowed down, and then his location was found by the other party, like a tiger out of the gate, Big Demon King Piccolo immediately flew over, and the hand of the demon in his hand swept directly, another blood-red light.

In this way, the blood-red light hit the bottom of the arena. Even if Klin escaped, the audience below would be directly cut into pieces, so Klin stood there immediately and stretched out his arms. Block the blow.

He used his own power to block the opponent's desperate blow. When the Demon King Piccolo was happy, he suddenly realized something was wrong. There was a white ball of light under his feet. Sun Wuchen could see clearly, this white one. The ball of light was left in that place deliberately by Klin.

Then the white ball of light immediately exploded. As memories of his own side, a momentary explosion completely shattered the surrounding arena. There were originally several large pits on the ground, this time it was completely destroyed by endless explosions. .

Almost everything on the ring was blown up, and of course the ring still exists, which is absolutely amazing.

After the explosion, Piccolo in front of him was quite embarrassed in the explosion, but also Klin could not resist this last attack. After the blood-red light was shattered by his body, he directly Kneeling on the ground.

"The power of your fellow really surprised me. It's time to execute you. Do you want to die?"

"I admit defeat. I am not your opponent. I have not even seen your true strength. This is my failure."

Klin actually nodded and gave up the qualifications for the competition, but Piccolo still has a solemn face. Knowing that he has been training for a long time, it seems that it is difficult to deal with this kid. It seems that these strong players have made progress. Surprise yourself.

This can be regarded as a wonderful battle between dragons and tigers, at least in the eyes of everyone, but the next battle should be more sacred and more terrifying, and some people are already waving the flag and shouting.

"Wuchen and Wukong, you have to come on." The two girls shouted in unison there. Their young and beautiful looks are enough to make many men pay all attention to them.

Chapter 987: Divine Skills-Qigong Wave Rebound

But there was only one person the two girls looked at, and that was the young man named Sun Wuchen.

It was a man with a wind **** like jade. And after a long distance, without fail, he was like a god.

Sun Wukong also conducted a lot of training next to the gods. Although he still did not have absolute confidence, the belief of the warrior told her that whether he knew the ending or not, he would work hard.

"Wu Chen, I won't keep my hands, I will definitely attack with all my strength."

"Then let me see your strength, Goku, we haven't fought for a long time."

As Sun Wuchen said, the fight between brothers seems to have not been carried out for a long, long time. Regardless of Sun Wukong and Sun Wuchen, both of them are powerful, but they are still unable to fight.

The two people stood on the opposite side of the ring and looked at each other. This is really interesting. The two people look almost exactly the same, except that Monkey King’s hair is more fluffy. When they all stand up, they are really different from the original. Not much.

Compared with this appearance, the Super Saiyan is more pleasing to the eye. With the burning flames and lightning, coupled with the extremely arrogant temperament, the Super Saiyan has made the current Monkey King even more happy and respected.

As for Sun Wuchen himself, his appearance is more like his former self, with short, special black hair that slowly hangs down there. Although his face is somewhat similar, he is not exactly the same.

"Game start."

Under the order of the commentary, the old fellow Guixianren finally sat back, because for him, there was nothing to watch in the first few games. The commentary was always performed by the young commentator next to him, but this time he wanted to Personally explain the game.

"This is really a battle between dragons and tigers. Sun Wuchen and Sun Wukong are brothers, who also come from a remote mountainous area, but they are also the best disciples in my sect."

The turtle fairy talked there, and then began to talk about the emotions between himself and them, and the people on the field had already begun to fight. Monkey King did not make a tentative attack, but directly assumed the pose of the turtle school qigong. , Slowly gather energy.

"Is it the turtle Qigong? It's interesting, but this thing doesn't seem to have any effect on me, so Wukong, you should give up."

Having said that, even though Sun Wuchen seemed extremely tall, he still had a heart-warming mind, and the system redemption list immediately appeared in front of him.

There is a skill in this list of skills, which is naturally urgently needed by Sun Wuchen. This skill is quite special called Qigong Rebound, which is the ultimate skill of Tianjin Fan Rebound Turtle Qigong in the original plot of the year.

At that time, he hadn't felt how amazing this thing was. After all, tortoise style qigong of that level could be easily bounced back.

But after knowing that he was using Tortoise Style Qigong, even seeing the Monkey King in front of him, he wanted to use these skills to attack himself, so Sun Wuchen decided to use this skill.

What is surprising is that in this redemption list, this skill is considered a special skill, which can be redeemed with z points.

Although only one point is required, it is surprising enough, because a z point can be directly exchanged for 10,000 energy points.

You can even redeem the chance to draw a lottery, which is quite extraordinary, but if you redeem one, just try it. This skill should have some magical effects, definitely stronger than the one used by Tianjin Fan.

A yellow streamer shone on Sun Wuchen's body, and he looked at his hands in an instant. This skill was stronger than imagined. "Qigong wave rebounds."

"Skill level-none, special skills."

"Skill factor-0.3-1 times. The higher the opening multiplier, the longer the duration, and the greater the energy consumption. Do not open frequently in a short period of time."

"Skill special attributes-enhanced (not activated) domineering body (not activated) continuous special effects (not activated) air wall (not activated

This skill is far more special than I thought. Although a special energy point was spent, the exchanged things were extraordinary.

First of all, this is an endorsement skill in itself. In fact, it can rebound, but it is the damage of various energy bombs between 50% and 100% of their attack power. After this level is exceeded, they can still cause damage to themselves, but Will be reduced to a considerable extent.

Just as the energy bursting out of Monkey King's body is only 100 points, then he can resist the energy expectation of 100 attack power. If the opponent's attack power is 150, the damage it can cause is only 50 points.

In other words, the greater the energy gap between the opponent and yourself, the weaker the opponent’s attack will be. Even opponents of the same level can produce a certain effect, but if the effect is too high, it will definitely cause itself. Great energy consumption.

That is also the most defying special skill I have recently obtained. I ate at noon and wanted to redeem those special attributes of the skill, but the above requirements immediately made him look sad.

Each exchange requires 2z points.

Is it possible that these skill attributes are going against the sky?

Chapter 988: The Power of One Hand

Sun Wuchen guessed in every possible way, but of course he was not willing to use his points.

Now I still have about 20 z-points, all of which are obtained after killing bosses and elite enemies, and I only got so few points after such a long battle.

After spending so much energy, he only had more than 20 points, and now he had to use half of them directly. He couldn't bear it. Although these skills might be so small and endless, after thinking about it, he still exchanged one directly.

Although the skill attributes are not introduced, he can do some translation for the time being. For example, enhancement is to directly increase the multiple provided.

If you have a domineering body, you may have an extremely hard body, which is more resistant to the opponent's attack, and makes yourself less susceptible to the opponent's energy attack. For example, if a huge shock wave hits you, even if you are not injured, you will still be Pushing and flying out, maybe kicking will make one's body hang in the air, like a copper wall and an iron wall, which can be directly resisted.

There is also an introduction later, such as continuous special effects. It seems that this extremely special effect will always hang on my body, which is very amazing.

As mentioned above, if you turn on this skill yourself, the longer it lasts, the greater the consumption, and the higher the initial multiplier, which will also increase the consumption.

The problem is that this skill can't be activated frequently. It seems that it can only be exchanged for this continuous special effect skill. The air wall does not need to be translated. It is definitely to put a barrier in front of oneself to resist the opponent's attack.

That is a large-scale defensive skill, and I don't need it for the time being. Generally speaking, there will not be too much group battles at this time. Exchange it when necessary.

Sun Wuchen now directly spent two z-points in exchange for continuous special effects.

"Congratulations to the host for turning on the special attribute of qigong wave bounce-continuous special effects."

"Provides a wave bounce that can last longer, and provides a special air wall with a certain defensive power on the surface of the body, like a battle armor, which can resist most attacks. Even if the host bounces its own Qigong wave, the special skills are completely When it is released, the energy of this protection will continue for a period of time. It is determined by the energy just consumed by the host itself. The longer the energy and time just used, the longer the remaining time of this energy."

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