Now Tianjin Rice and Dumplings are in the universe, and the speed of the spacecraft has slowed down, "Dumplings, this guy is very fast, we should practice quickly."

"It's good to be able to reach it in six days, but it must surpass Wukong and the others in these six days. I remember that the gravity of Jiewangxing is ten times that of the earth, so let's practice 20 times the gravity of the dumpling first!"

Dumpling nodded, Tianjin Fan turned on the console and directly input 20 times the gravity. Suddenly, a force of gravity pressed Tianjin Fan and dumplings. Tianjin Fan was better, and dumplings were very difficult.

"It's really heavy, dumplings, can you bear it? If it doesn't work, I'll shut it down, you go below first", but dumplings also have a little man's attitude, "It's okay, Tianjin Fan, I can do it!"

On Namek, the three of Monkey King, Monkey King and Klin are rushing to that powerful force, "Hold your breath, come closer and take a look."

The three of them flew to the side of a cliff, with a weak breath, walked to the top of the cliff, the more they walked forward, the more they felt so strong, they looked down, "The house like our spaceship, those guys What are you doing?"

Wukong said to them, "Don't talk about the other guys, the three people, especially the guy sitting in the middle of the round object, are quite terrifying." Klin already felt the breath of that person next to him.

Wu Chen took a closer look, "Look, what the two of them are holding are Dragon Balls, what a big Dragon Ball." Dodalia on the ground turned his head to look at the three of them, and the three immediately hid.

Frieza looked at Dodoria with a different expression, "What's wrong? Dodoria", "Nothing... There was a very weak force response over the cliff. It disappeared just now. It's probably a small animal, a bug, or something."

But the three of Sun Wuchen, Monkey King and Klin were already nervous on the cliff, "It's awful, it was almost found", so they raised their heads again and looked down.

"Lord Frieza, find five people, come out quickly if you don't want to die." These Namek people walked out, and they looked exactly the same as the gods and Piccolo.

Three adults and two children, Sun Wuchen and the others watched the situation below from the cliff, "What do those guys want to do with the Namek?"

Klin asked Wu Chen curiously, "Wu Chen, are those guys Saiyans?" "No, it's just like a battle suit. It should not be a Saiyan. Only Vegeta is the only thing left for the Saiyan. There are me and Wukong, and their children."

At this time, Wu Chen thought for a while, "In other words, our brother Latiz said, ‘After finding a good planet and destroying the inhabitants there, it is our job to sell it to the aliens in need at a high price.’"

"Maybe those guys are their companions, but they didn't see Vegeta. Maybe they were looking for Dragon Ball elsewhere?"

The five Namekians were pushed out, and the elder who walked in front saw the big dragon ball in Frieza's hands, very annoyed in his heart.

Chapter 1069: Looking for the Namek Star

Frieza who was sitting at this time said to them, "Listen, my name is Frieza and I am collecting your dragon balls. Anyway, where did the others go? As far as I know, there should be ten of you."

"Are you going to be silent? It will kill you." As he said, Frieza's finger pointed out an energy wave, Frieza's tail kept beating on the seat, but let the name nemesis After seeing his energy wave, he took it back again.

"Okay, let's talk", and then the Namek man said a bunch of Namek, "Don't use Namek, use a language that we can understand, I know you can."

The big boss looked very nervous, "Everyone else has gone to work, only us old people and children are left." Frieza smiled when he heard these words, "Right! It's not enough to answer honestly like this. never mind!"

"Continue to answer my question! Where is the Dragon Ball? I think there should be one here." Sun Wuchen was really surprised to hear Frieza so straightforward on the cliff.

These Namkians felt very nervous when they heard Frieza want their Dragon Balls, "No... I don't know, there is no such thing!"

Frieza called to Dodoria, "Dodoria, what did the second Namek to kill by us say?" Dodoria continued Frieza’s words, "Dragon Ball will only be handed over to Those recognized warriors."

"Yes, yes, that person is very stubborn and has been reluctant to help us. In order to get him to cooperate, I had to kill someone... and then he said obediently."

"In fact, there are seven dragon balls. They are made by the most prestigious elders on this planet. They are now kept by the seven elders. If you want to get the dragon balls, you have to compare the wisdom and strength of the seven elders."

"Then tell me the reason for wanting to realize my wish. Only the brave who is recognized by the elders can get Dragon Ball. I want to do what he said. But he said that people like me never want to get Dragon Ball. I killed him."

"Getting the first dragon ball is really hard! The next three are easy. They are all honest." Vegeta was wearing a probe and heard what Frieza said, "So that's it, that's it. what!"

What Frieza said can make these Namek stars so popular, "Honest..., stop talking nonsense, other elders won't give you dragon **** so easily."

Frieza shook his head, "No, no, I have a way to make them honest, Sabo, show them." After Sabo received the order, he started to act.

In an instant, he appeared behind the Namek, and kicked a Namek into the air. The Namek at the back was very angry when he saw this scene.

The elder leader in front blocked it, but it was useless. A shock wave rushed towards Sabo, but Sabo avoided him and hit the combatant.

Sabo flew into the sky at once, and gathered a big shock wave to kill the Namek. Seeing this scene, the two children hid behind the elder in fear.

Wukong was very angry when he saw it, and Sun Wuchen hurriedly dissuaded him, "Wukong, hold your breath, you will be discovered", "But, if this continues..."

Sun Wuchen said to him, "Don't you want to bring Piccolo and Yamucha back to life? We don't know if they are opponents of those guys yet! I'll talk about it without seeing the situation, don't get excited yet."

"How about it? Now you can be honest, right?" The elder saw Frieza treat the Namekians so unrelentingly, protecting the two children around him, "What is your purpose for collecting dragon balls?"

"It's just a small wish. I want to live forever." Sun Wuchen heard Frieza's words and was very anxious in his heart. "That fellow Vegeta also wants eternal life."

Klin thought for a while and asked Sun Wuchen, "Aren't they Vegeta's accomplices?" "I don't know!" The three were very nervous on the cliff, and the elder of the Namekist below was also very determined.

"Even if I fight for my life, I won't give Dragon Ball to someone like you", Frieza smiled proudly, "Would you rather die than give it to me?"

"So, people on this planet are really stubborn. If I were to kill these children. Will you still be so stubborn?"

Hearing Frieza's words, the elder began to panic, "Wh...what? You fellow, even the child..." At this time, Wukong could not help it, and the anger in his body was already bursting out.

Dodoria’s detector had already displayed "very strong combat effectiveness." At this time, the sirens rang again, and everyone looked up and saw three people flying in the distance.

And these two children and the leader also breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you coming?" Only three strong Namek people flew down and saw the two seniors who had been killed on the ground.

"Damn, the unknown premonition has come true", and Frieza sitting in the seat said to them gloomily, "It's really troublesome, seeing the Dragon Ball is about to get it, didn't you specifically come to die?"

Chapter 1070: Killing the Namek Star

These young Namikers who have just arrived should be the combatants among these people, "So, the rumors of attacking the village to grab Dragon Balls are true. I will never forgive you for trampling on the peace of Namik."

Frieza said to them, "Do you want to fight? How powerful is the battle? Dodria, come and see."

Dodoriya checked their combat effectiveness with the detector, and then smiled there, "Please don't be disappointed, the three of them are around 1,000, so we don't need to take action at all."

The chief elder who was standing there figured it out, "So that's it, I understand why those guys can find scattered villages on this vast Namek star through that device."

And these lower-level combatants ironically said to the Namek, "The combat power is only about 1,000, do you still want to do it with us? Hahahaha."

And Sun Wuchen on the cliff had already seen it, "No, those three people just held their breath, the bad guys don't even know this" "The Saiyans will definitely be surprised."

When it was said that it was too late, these lower-level combatants had already charged the Nameks, and the three Nameks immediately lifted their anger, and faced the lower-level combatants who had charged. The foot was kicked off.

These few lower-level combatants saw that they were unable to attack at close range, so they fired at them with weapons, but they were all easily passed by. In this way, these lower-level combatants were defeated by three and five divisions.

Sabo was very curious there, "What's the matter? Didn't it mean that the combat power is only 1000?" Dodalia was also confused, "What's the matter? It has risen to 3000."

Frieza watched their battle, "Not bad, not bad." At this time, Dodoriya came up with it, "I see, the Mekker can control the fighting power, a rare race!"

Through the use of detectors by Dodoriya and the others, they knew the combat effectiveness of Namek, the chief elder found out. This is an important clue, "Well, including that guy, there are three undamaged equipment."

So he said to the children, "Children, get out of here, hurry up." This was Frieza preparing to let Dodoriya attack the three Namekians. Dodoriya put down the dragon ball and rubbed his fists.

"You want me to go out? Are all three of them killed?" Frieza said casually to him, and he didn't care much. At this time, the leader smashed Dodalia's probe with a straight wave.

Dodoria was very angry, "Asshole, do you want to defeat me with your little effort?" Apart from anything else, the chief elder jumped up and directly destroyed the detector on the ground.

Dodoria, although he didn't find it, Sabo knew, "Oh, that guy's target is the detector." "The detector? It's the device that can know the strength and location of the opponent."

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