"Really? Those guys really didn't know the exact location of Dragon Ball. They found the Namek through the detectors, and then robbed them forcibly, so they learned that those grandpas destroyed all the detectors."

At this time, Dodalia was pressed into a hurry, "Damn, I want to kill you all, and kill all of you without letting go." At this time, he rushed directly to the elder leader, and at the last moment, everyone stopped. In the case of unsustainable.

Unexpectedly, Frieza stopped Dodoria, "Stop, Dodoria, get rid of the three young ones first." An angry Dodoria couldn't deal with it, so he had to spread this resentment to the three young ones. Namek star person.

"To deal with the three of you, ten seconds is enough!" "Don't be stupid, do you think you can beat the three of us?" "Do you have a Peking University who can't beat you? Ridiculous."

Who knows that Dodalia is so fast. He appeared behind the Namek, and penetrated the body of the Namek with one hand. Looking back, there was a shock wave in his mouth that sent another Namek. People rushed out.

The last Namek was left and rushed towards Dodoria. The last magic light wave hit Dodoria. Although the attack was great, Dodoria came out of the gunpowder unharmed.

Wu Chen also noticed, "No, that kind of attack can't hit that guy." As a result, Dodalia flew into the body and ran into the Namek, killing him with a single blow.

Dodoria touched his head and smiled. Frieza said to the chief elder in the sky, "Now you should know that it is useless to resist and run away? Come down as soon as possible!"

Knowing that their skills are so powerful, the leader fell down, "Finally I'm honest, that's right! If you destroy the precious detector, you can take Dragon Ball to compensate!"

The leader looked nervously at the children behind him, "Okay...but you have to promise me that you will never hurt the children", "Isn't it all right?" After that, the leader went to get him dragon balls. .

Kerry couldn’t help it when he saw this scene. Sun Wuchen said to both of them, “Don’t do stupid things, you two. The enemy is not something we can deal with right now. We still don’t know Frieza’s true attack power. ."

Chapter 1071: Goku Saves People

After a while, the chief elder took the dragon ball out, "Here is the dragon ball, take it and go!" These lower-level combatants took the dragon ball over.

Frieza said to him again, "By the way, tell me the location of the remaining two Dragon Balls too! Don’t be kidding, I’m not such a Mekker, and I won’t betray my companions when I die. Okay, keep the promise, you guys. Go away!"

"Really, you are the same. People on this planet are the same. You would rather die than betray your companions, then you should be with the children."

The leader was surprised when he heard the news. Suddenly, Dodalia elbowed him and hit the leader and knocked him far away. The leader stood up weakly, "Are you going to break the contract? It's not a promise as long as the dragon ball is handed over." Stop it?"

Frieza is also a shrewd person, "But it is meaningless if you don't collect all seven dragon balls. You broke us to the detector. If you don't tell us where the remaining two dragon **** are..."

"I won't betray my companion when I die", "Do you want to die that way? Then as you wish, kill all three of them", the leader told the two children to run away.

"Let you see the dignity of the Namek." Before the leader could attack, Dodoriya made an impact and solved the small Namek.

The kid next to him shook the kid on the ground, "Kalk, Kalk". At this time, they couldn't help it on the cliff.

Sun Wuchen tried his best to calm down Sun Wukong and Klin, "Be patient, calm, we are helpless now." Dodalia rushed up to the leader, but they were all phantoms, and the leader couldn't beat him at all.

Suddenly, Dodoria turned into three and appeared behind the leader, two were false, and one was real, directly displacing the leader's neck.

At this time, Dodoria looked at the little Nemek over there again, and instantly jumped in front of the kid, smiling gloomily, "Killing this kind of kid is really boring, okay, go to hell. Bar!"

Just as Dodalia was about to kill this kid, Wukong really couldn't bear it, and jumped out angrily. Dodalia didn't know where he was coming from, and saw Wukong kicking heavily. Dodoria's face.

"You know it's great," Dodalia got up and said to Wukong, "You...who are you?" "I am the one who came to beat you." An angry Wuchen couldn't help but Dodalia smiled contemptuously. Smiled, "What?"

But just as he stood up, Sun Wuchen kicked again, hitting Dodalia's face heavily. Wu Chen ran over at this moment and hugged the little Namek.

"Idiot, run!" Then he flew off with a ‘shoo’, and then Wukong flew away. Klin on the cliff saw that they both flew, and he flew too.

Dodoria was left on the ground, "Beast... beast, dare to kick me!" Frieza said angrily to Dodoria, "Go chase, Dodoria, get them back!"

Sun Wuchen saw that Monkey King and Klin also caught up at this time, and said to them, "Wukong, Klin, fly as hard as you can, and it will be over if you get caught."

It's not that Sun Wuchen didn't want to fight. A Dodoriya alone couldn't beat him at all, but in order to consider the overall situation, he avoided unnecessary fights with him.

Besides, how could Dodoria be their speed! But to avoid conflict again, they hid in the archipelago below.

Dodalia realized that he couldn't catch up with them anymore, so he searched nearby. Wu Chen was anxious when he saw him.

"Don't worry, he will never find us. Fortunately, the elder destroyed the detector and helped a lot. If there is a detector, they can even find this kid."

And Dodoria is still going crazy in the sky! "Damn it, it's really irritating to let this uncle find these troublesome little ghosts," he flew up angrily, "great, he flew away", but Sun Wuchen didn't think so when he looked at it.

I saw Dodoria flying into the air, gathering energy in his hands, "Look at me not killing you", "Go to hell!" Then a wave of super energy pushed toward the islands.

In an instant, there was no one left in the islands below, "Hahahaha, deserve it, who told you to play yin with me, although King Frieza asked me to catch you back, it’s better to take you back than to escape, but I can’t figure out those little ghosts. Identity."

"It seems that they are not ordinary people, forget it, it doesn't matter anyway", then Dodalia flew away, he didn't know that Wu Chen Wukong and the others had already flown into the air.

"That's great, it's okay at last, let's go back to Bulma first!" Then the little Namike who was holding him said, "Can you fly?" The little Namike nodded, and Wu Chen let go He shook his legs and feet, but stood still.

The little Namek was very nervous, "Thank you very much for your help." Sun Wuchen smiled, "It's okay, the person you should be thankful for is Wukong. I didn't dare to let Frieza discover it at the time. rush out."

Chapter 1072: Receiving news that Tianjin Fan is coming

Wukong looked at the little Namico, "If there weren't for Wuchen, we two would be over", "Anyway! Let's go with us first, we are not bad guys", looking at the three of them, they don’t look like bad guys either. The Little Namek happily agreed.

And now in the fairy universe, Bulma is taking a bath in the bathroom, "Although there are Dragon Balls, strange guys have appeared one by one."

"If this continues, if they are all collected, my weak lady, won't I just venture to this planet for nothing? Isn't it? Are you listening? Dad!"

"I'm listening, what's going on over there?" "In short, the situation is very urgent. The spacecraft is broken and I can't go back for the time being", "You said you want to come back? That's not good, Tianjin rice and dumplings, just told you let's go."

Although Bulma's father didn't care much when he spoke to them, he accidentally said very important news. When Bulma heard that Tianjin rice and dumplings were coming, it proved that the spacecraft had been repaired.

"Tianjin Fan? Is Tianjin Fan coming to Namek Star? Really, is this true?" "Yes, I will be there in about six days", "Great, I can go back with a spacecraft ."

Bulma was still happy in the spaceship, but Dodoria was still looking for other villages on the way, "But without the detector, it is troublesome to find the two remaining dragon balls, but fortunately, the planet is not very big. "

Doria was flying, but was struck down by an inexplicable force, and hit the river heavily. Doria climbed up slowly, taking a sip of water in his mouth.

But then Vegeta flew down, smiling at Dodalia, Dodalia was very surprised, "Bei... Vegeta, you fellow", "Oh, long time no see, Dodalia."

Dodoria climbed out of the river and said angrily to Vegeta, "Are you sneaking at me? Vegeta!"

"Because you and Sabo always stay by Frieza's side, I have been waiting for you to be alone. Without Frieza to support you, you are not worth mentioning."

Hearing this, Dodoria was very angry, "What? A Saiyan would dare to say it!" But when Dodoria saw the detector on his body, he said to him, "Vegeta, hand it over. Detector, then roll away, so I will let you go."

Hearing what Dodalia said, the corner of Vegeta's mouth raised slightly, "Really? Why did I suddenly not receive your news? So your detector is gone! Hahahaha."

"Great, so even if I approach you, you will not be able to find out." At this time, Dodalia was still nervous, "It will take a long time to go back to Frieza to get the probe. Do you really want this? ?"

After speaking, Vegeta threw the probe to the ground. Dodalia didn't understand what was going on. "Are you going to give it to me? Hey, if you are wise, if you are lucky, you fellow, you can survive."

Dodoria was about to come forward, but the detector on the ground was crushed by Vegeta. Dodoria was surprised because this was the last one.

"What are you doing? Vegeta? Why did you ruin him?" Vegeta was still not convinced, and continued to smash the fragment, "because I don't need it anymore."

"What are you talking about? You guy, without that, how can you master the position of King Frieza and the Namek?"

Vegeta told him, "I'm so sorry, I found in the battle with the earth people that they can understand the strength and location of the other side without a detector, and the two Saiyans living on the earth can also do this trick. "

"Since they can do it, I am no exception. As long as you master the know-how, it is easy to do it. I used to blindly believe in the detector's judgment like you and Frieza before, that is far from enough!"

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