Frieza flew down from the top of the mountain and said to them, “Speaking of which, it’s only one step away, but I can only watch the dragon ball turn into stone, Vegeta, it’s a pity, even more so for me, this It's the first time to be teased by fools like you."

Chapter 1113: Piccolo is assimilated with Nelu

In the distance of Namek, a man stood on the top of the mountain, looking down, a stalwart figure, a white cloak, yes, it was Piccolo, who came to Namek.

Piccolo looked down, "This is my hometown... Namek? That's how it is, it makes people feel familiar. Maybe the blood of Namek is flowing in my body! Now is not the time to sigh, I must as soon as possible Find Wukong and the others."

Piccolo looked around, but couldn't feel the presence of qi, "Damn it! Where is it? I don't seem to be nearby." Suddenly, a powerful qi spread to his consciousness.

"What? I feel a strong qi in the distance, is that Frieza? There are also a few qi nearby, it should be Sun Wuchen and the others, okay, wait for me! Wukong", so it became The breath flew away.

Frieza took a step towards them, "Unexpectedly, it would turn out to be like this. Unforgivable. You low-level creatures, I can't spare you. I want to break your corpses into pieces. Don't even want to run away. Just admit your life. !"

Frieza exposed the fierce chance with a wicked look, but Vegeta was calm and calm. Klin took Dandy and flew out, "Is the fierce face must be revealed? Try it, if you think I will be easily defeated. , It's a big mistake."

Frieza didn't care about Vegeta at all, "Hahahaha, I thought you were going to say something! It seems that you have forgotten how strong I am. Let me help you restore your memory."

As he said, Frieza released all his qi, and the whole earth was shaking, and everything around him was shaking. It should be poured and shattered.

Piccolo is now rushing in the direction of this breath, "That strong breath is getting stronger and stronger, has Frieza finally started it?" He suddenly looked down, "Well, I feel a breath. Very faintly angry."

Piccolo thought it was Klin and the others, so he stopped and took a look. Unexpectedly, when he flew down, Piccolo saw a Namek like him.

"I look exactly the same as me, is that Mekker? Already dying." At this moment, Neru reluctantly opened his eyes, "You are...what the people on earth call the Mekker, it's great, their wish Achieved."

Piccolo looked at him, "It seems that you know everything, then you should know that I am in a hurry to save those little ghosts! I'm sorry, I can't help."

As soon as Piccolo turned and wanted to leave, Neru stopped him, "It's amazing! How did you cultivate and the power you have is incredible! It's just a pity, if you are still the original beautiful star if."

Piccolo couldn't understand what he meant, and turned around to look at him again. Neru vomited blood again, "Maybe I can defeat Frieza..." Piccolo told him, "You mean that I and the gods are together. One, can you surpass Frieza?"

"Yes, yes, although I was defeated by Frieza with overwhelming power, I also understand how powerful he is." Piccolo thought about the gods in his mind. "Now it doesn't make much sense to say this, let me talk about it. I didn't intend to assimilate with that guy."

Neru said very clearly, "Then assimilate with me, I am the last combat-type Namek on this planet", Piccolo also hesitated, "What? With you?"

"Yes, with me... Your strength will increase several times", "Thank you for your kindness, but I just want to be myself, but I don't want to assimilate my personality with you."

Neru smiled, "What a arrogant guy, hurry up, I'm running out of time... I'm dying, put my hands on my body, no... don't worry, your personality is still yours, I just As an opportunity to increase your energy."

Piccolo was still convinced, "Really?" "If you don't believe me, let Frieza kill you!" Piccolo sensed the strong air coming from Frieza again, so he agreed. Neru.

"Well, then I will try, but as long as it feels wrong, I will kick you out immediately." Neru glanced at him, "You really don't appreciate it, I really want to give you a gift..."

Piccolo looked at him disdainfully, "Hurry up, stop talking, hurry up if you want to assimilate", Neru told him the last sentence, "One...must defeat Frieza, you know...", "You don't need to say me I also know that I will try my best, even for myself."

At this time, Neru urged the assimilation function, and suddenly turned his ability over Piccolo's body, and then a blue light shone Piccolo's whole body up and down, and the two seemed to be in pain.

In this way, Neru instantly evaporated, leaving only Piccolo here panting. Piccolo felt very painful at this time, but stood up again and looked at his body.

"I didn't expect it to be like this! This force is incredible! Is this the result of assimilation?" Piccolo smiled, "No matter who the opponent is, I will win, and now I have the ultimate power." So he flew towards Frieza.

Chapter 1114: Frieza's Deformation State

Frieza raised his anger to the highest level. Goku, Vegeta and the others were shocked. Frieza attacked Vegeta. Although Vegeta could not accept Frieza’s attack, she could dodge it. His attack.

Wukong and the others hid behind the rock. Frieza filled the island with smoke and choked people uncomfortably. Wukong said to Tianjin Fan, "Tianjin Fan, if this goes on, Vegeta will soon be killed. There is no choice but to join forces to attack him."

Wukong and Tianjin Fan flew behind Frieza and were about to attack Frieza. Frieza sensed that someone was attacking behind him. When he turned back, he sent out a wave of air bombs and hit them. The two of them flashed suddenly. Open.

Then, Tianjin Fan sent out a cavernous wave, and dozens of them were launched in a row, and they blasted towards Frieza, but they were useless and did not hurt at all.

Wukong took the opportunity to use the shock wave of the turtle and rushed to Frieza, but he was stopped by him. "A bunch of useless waste, these injuries are tickles to me, and they are not worth mentioning."

Then, Tianjin Fan attacked Frieza, and the speed of the two was about the same, because Tianjin Fan could also withstand 50 times the gravity setting, so the speed naturally kept up, but the strength was not too great.

Monkey King looked at Tianjin Fan, "Our strength is no better than Frieza, and his ability is too strong now." After speaking, Frieza sent a shock wave towards them.

Vegeta directly knocked Frieza's attack into the air. The two stopped the attack, and Frieza's anger slowly declined. "A few ants, do you want to beat a dinosaur?"

Vegeta smiled, "It depends on what ants these ants are. What if they are replaced by man-eating ants? Maybe a few of us can beat you together."

Frieza also felt that they were just talking big, "What? Can you beat me? Hahahaha, I thought you were going to say something."

"You probably haven't noticed yet. The fighting power of these guys is constantly rising, especially the Saiyan on earth behind me, with infinite potential, and I am gradually becoming the Super Saiyan you are afraid of."

Frieza said to Vegeta disdainfully, "Don't be ashamed to brag, can you become a super Saiyan? They are all nasty guys." Shocked.

Unexpectedly, Vegeta actually caught Frieza's blow and grabbed his arm. Frieza then hit him with the other hand, and Vegeta intercepted again.

The energy raised by the two of them is simply unimaginable. In this way, the two of them stood in a stalemate and pressed down the ground where they were. .

In the end, the two of them gave each other a blow and flew away. Vegeta jumped behind and gasped for breath, but Frieza was fine.

Tianjin Fan saw the fight between the two of them in the back. "It seems to be true. If a few of us join hands, we may really win. No matter how strong the guy is, our strength is also improving."

"Vegeta seems to have broken through his limits, but Frieza is still so calm! Why?" Wukong, Tianjin Fan and the two of them couldn't figure it out, but they only heard Vegeta say to Frieza. He transformed.

"Transform?" Everyone had their own thoughts and surprises when they heard this sentence, "Frieza, transform, let us see your true colors."

Frieza was also surprised, and said to Vegeta, "You know very clearly! How did you know?" Vegeta told Frieza.

"Sabo accidentally mentioned that aliens will change their appearance according to the situation. The usual form is to reduce the consumption of physical strength and energy."

"It's different for me, because the power is too great, and I can't even control it." When Frieza said so, Tianjin Fan and the others became even more worried, "What?"

Vegeta hurriedly comforted them at this time, "Don't be afraid, he is just bluffing, not so exaggerated", "Is it? Well, if Pure Heart is looking for death, let you see it, and watch the opportunity come."

"Even when you attacked the Saiyan’s lair, the planet Vegeta, you won without transforming it, Vegeta, your father, the king of Vegeta, is very ordinary!"

Vegeta was not angry, but was angry at his behavior, "What's so good about this, I had the power to surpass the king when I was young."

At this time, Goku heard, "Did he destroy our Saiyan planet?" Frieza stopped talking nonsense with him, "Well, don't be scared."

Frieza started to change his form as he spoke, and then his whole body glowed, and even his body's battle uniforms were destroyed, and all of these battle uniforms were released to the ground, deeply inserted into the ground.

Moreover, there was another piece that was drawn directly across Vegeta’s face, leaving a trace, a drop of blood shed, and Vegeta wiped a trace on his face, “What a transformation, it’s ridiculous. , Is it called transfiguration if you take off your jacket?"

Chapter 1115: Frieza reported the number of 1 million

Frieza smiled and looked at Vegeta, "Vegeta, I'm so disappointed in you. I am very optimistic about you. If you are obedient, you don't have to experience this horror."

Then, Frieza began to change again. Vegeta looked at Frieza, "Does the real begin now?" I saw the energy continue to be released, and Frieza's body became bigger and bigger, and the whole person was enlarged than before. Several times.

Even the horns of Frieza's head rushed upwards, and his limbs became more developed and sturdier. Tianjin Fan and Vegeta opened their mouths, surprised.

Frieza laughed and said to them, "Be careful, I won't be soft in this way", and at this time Goku has already felt in the machine therapy, "Such a powerful Qi", even on the journey The piccolo on it felt it too.

"Frieza's anger has increased several times. Could it be..." Piccolo became more worried, and flew faster, Frieza looked at them.

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