"Vegeta, where's the face just now? Don't you feel good about yourself? Forget it, you can't blame you, after seeing my overwhelming power..."

Suddenly, Frieza's tail pierced from the ground and pierced towards Vegeta. Fortunately, Vegeta flashed fast. The tail pierced towards the rock and shattered instantly. Then, Frieza Lisa retracted the tail again.

"What a terrible guy!" Tianjin Fan also began to worry, "So I remind you to be careful, it is difficult for me to control such a strong power, by the way, my current combat power is more than 1 million."

Hearing this number, they all panicked, "What? Even you can't reach this level..." Vegeta panicked, but Frieza was very confident and calm. "You think I'm cheating. Human? Then let you see."

As he said, Frieza gathered power into the air. In an instant, all the air solidified, and the power gathered here. Except for the land under her feet, all places were involved, not even the other islands. exception.

The water in all the rivers gushed out, flooding the island, and watching the Namek star in the universe a purple smoke rushed out, and this river water also rushed to the spacecraft.

Frieza's impact has already affected the coming Piccolo, Frieza's breath has formed a reverse tornado, "What's wrong? Frieza bastard, what did you do?"

And Bulma and Dumpling didn't stop either, because Frieza's energy was too strong, and it was already involved in the sky, which made them both restless.

Frieza's energy also exploded the island, and a few people hurriedly flew to the sky, leaving an area at Frieza's feet alone, and Klin was also hit by the broken rock.

Frieza looked at them, feeling very proud in his heart, "Hahahaha, everyone really escaped very quickly. It is worthy of praise, but just now it was just a meeting ceremony. Saiyans can also do this."

Vegeta stared at Frieza in the air, watching him gritted his teeth. Frieza looked at Vegeta very funny, "It seems very unconvinced, Vegeta, it seems that I have surpassed your imagination. Got it."

"Well, who should I send to **** first?" The few of them were panicked. Frieza looked at them. Frieza lowered his head and closed his eyes for a moment. Then he rushed towards them, "I have decided. !"

Frieza rushed over from Tianjin Fan, and Monkey King saw Frieza and flew straight towards Klin, so he smashed the two of them apart, and Klin and Dandy almost fell into the river.

At this moment, Frieza’s horn was directly inserted into Monkey’s body and penetrated through the past. Even the battle suit penetrated together. Monkey’s blood flowed through Frieza’s horn to Frieza’s face. superior.

This time Monkey King was pierced by Frieza in an instant. Is this the power of Frieza? Vegeta still had a heart to say slanderous words at this time, "It is because you are distracted to take care of the Namek Star Imp."

Dandy is very scared now, and his heart is very nervous. Vegeta looks at Monkey King angrily, "The people on earth are really naive, and as a Saiyan on earth, how can you be like this!"

Frieza was still proud of himself, "I'm very sorry, I'm really sorry, such a powerful force, I really can't control it myself."

Wukong raised his head and kicked Frieza's body with his feet. Unfortunately, he was caught by his boss. "I didn't expect that there would be room for resistance!" Tianjin Fan could not stand it anymore, and turned to Frieza. Rushed over.

Now Frieza directly lifted Monkey King up. Monkey King was in pain now, and Tianjin Fan stopped, so he directly threw him down with his head and fell into the river.

Sun Wukong's blood accelerated as it fell, forming a blood line, and then fell into the river. Tianjin Fan immediately rushed over, but was stopped by Frieza. Tianjin Fan was very furious.

Chapter 1116: The Furious Tianjin Fan

Frieza was happy when he looked at Tianjin Fan, "Is he the only one who wants to go? Don't bother, he is dying." Tianjin Fan looked at Monkey King and sank into the river little by little.

In my heart was raging, "Compared to this, you should worry about your life first! But worrying is useless, whether it's the Namekist, the earthling, or the Saiyan, anyway, it will die sooner or later. "

When Tianjin Fan saw Frieza treating them like this, she was very angry in her heart, "Let... let... get out of the way", angrily jumped up and kicked, kicking Frieza's face fiercely, Vegeta I was surprised to see it.

Tianjin Fan slammed Frieza's abdomen vigorously, and continued to attack, Frieza could only endure the attack, with no mercy, an uppercut was directly aimed at his chin and hit him.

Frieza looked like he was about to fall, and Tianjin Fan flew down, hitting him vigorously, kicking him more than a dozen feet, and seeing that he was about to fall into the river, Tianjin Fan, another super cave. Rushed towards him.

However, Frieza's skin was thick and sturdy, resistant to attack and resistance, and directly defended Tianjin Fan's attack. Taking advantage of Frieza's defense, Tianjin Fan quickly flew down and thumped past.

He hit the ground fiercely, and his anger towards Tianjin Fan could be seen from his attack. Tianjin Fan kept mobilizing Qi energy and repeatedly struck Frieza.

Vegeta also saw Tianjin Fan’s strength behind, "This guy’s power is constantly rising, what's the matter, such a powerful force", Tianjin Fan condensed Qi in his hands, and then shrank the Qi. Into a ball.

Now the qi in Tianjin Fan Jiang's hand has become stronger and smaller, and it blasted directly towards Frieza who fell on the ground. The impact was so powerful that even Vegeta was far away. Hid in the past.

Originally, Tianjin Fan was already second to none on earth, and his ability was naturally strong. He continued his practice and training on Bulma's father's spacecraft, and now his combat effectiveness has risen sharply.

Frieza was dying from the explosion and lay there motionless. Tianjin Fan was also panting in the sky. Due to his anger, impulsiveness, and the ability to exert his body, it would inevitably be a little harder.

Vegeta was dumbfounded when she watched from the side, what kind of combat power can this be to defeat the monster Frieza in the universe, "Unbelievable, when this guy's mood fluctuates, it will trigger such a powerful force."

Vegeta thought that Tianjin Fan's ability had surpassed him, and watched Tianjin Fan panting there. At this time, Tianjin Fan looked at Wukong in the river. Although she could no longer see anyone, she would inevitably feel a little sad.

But suddenly, Dandy poked his head out of the river, as if it was very hard. It turned out that he saw Wukong out. Tianjin Fan was really surprised. Dandy told him that he still had a sigh of relief, it’s okay, no need Worry.

Vegeta said to Tianjin Fan, "Don't worry about it, do you think Frieza is dead like this?" Tianjin Fan didn't take it seriously, and saw Frieza on the ground grabbing a handful of dirt, and then stood up.

Frieza hit the dirt on his body and looked at Tianjin Fan, "You guy looks extraordinary, even me, I just felt a little pain."

"It's a pity! You chose the wrong opponent! I said just now that you will die sooner or later, and the dying struggle will only make me more angry." Tianjin Fan and Vegeta are now even more nervous.

"I didn't think it was too naive." Frieza swelled his body again at this time, and his eyes glowed. At this time, all the gravel on the ground was suspended.

"Why? The power is getting stronger and stronger." "That guy can actually control the fighting power." Frieza said to them, "The pain I have suffered will be doubled."

Sun Wuchen is currently in mechanical therapy. Although he is healing, he is still conscious, "Frieza's power instantly increased. If this continues, everyone..."

Frieza flew in front of Tianjin Fan in an instant. Tianjin Fan looked at Frieza's appearance and was stunned. Vegeta told him to flee quickly, but he felt that his limbs were no longer at his command, and he was kicked by Frieza. Down.

"Don't die like this, the excitement is yet to come!" Frieza hit Tianjin Fan on the ground with a single blow. Obviously, she was in pain. Frieza looked at Tianjin Fan, "The earth people are after all. People on earth have no more power than this."

Frieza was still looking at Tianjin Fan here, and suddenly, an explosion hit Frieza, Vegeta, and said to him, "Asshole, let's get over it, it's a complete hit."

Then, he was ready to attack him again, "Well, this is incidental, let's have another powerful attack, take the move", I saw that the air that had been blown up on Frieza's side disappeared.

Vegeta was very satisfied, "I'm not your opponent, you are so much stupid than me, Frieza". When Vegeta finished this trick, she looked at Frieza and was unscathed. .

Chapter 1117: Frieza's tail is broken

Frieza smiled and said to Vegeta back, "Don't worry, Vegeta, it's your turn after you clean up that guy", "We're going to die here..."

Frieza flew down and walked towards Tianjin Fan. Tianjin Fan also reluctantly stood up, "Okay, what do you want me to do with you?" Tianjin Fan looked at Frieza, very annoyed in her heart, and turned towards Frie Sa then kicked it.

However, his speed was too slow, not as good as Frieza's ability. Frieza grabbed his neck and smashed it directly onto the ground. Tianjin Fan was also miserable.

Frieza came over and was about to step on him, but Tianjin Fan flew out again, flew into the air, and attacked him. As soon as he looked ahead, Frieza appeared behind him.

He kicked Tianjin Fan down again. The speed of Tianjin Fan couldn't keep up with Frieza's speed. Frieza pressed Tianjin Fan's neck and pressed him to the ground.

He stomped a foot directly on his head, and Tianjin Fan was so painful that he roared out. Frieza couldn't help laughing as he looked at the earthling under his feet.

"What's the matter? Can't you move? What about your awe-inspiring power just now, has it come to an end? Then you go to die", and at this time, Piccolo is also rushing.

"Tianjin Fan's qi is constantly weakening, and Monkey King's qi is almost gone, you must wait for me, I will come right away" Piccolo was already flying at full speed.

Frieza looked at Vegeta at the back in the sky, "What's wrong? Vegeta! Can't you help me? It seems that you have been so scared that you can't move. Then you can continue to bear it for a while, he will die soon. Oh! Then it's your turn."

Vegeta watched Frieza stepping on Tianjin Fan like this, thinking about some messy things in her heart, "It doesn't matter if the earthling is dead, it's just that Frieza's power is too strong, what should I do?"

Now, Wu Chen has felt that Tianjin Fan’s qi is steadily weakening, "Tianjin Fan’s qi is gradually disappearing, dying? Bastard! When I recover? I'm afraid it will be too late."

Frieza was about to trample Tianjin Fan to death. Suddenly, a "Qi Yuan Zhan" slashed towards Frieza, and Frieza's tail was cut off, and the tail fell to the ground, like a gecko. The same keeps shaking.

Then Monkey King sent out another ‘Turtle Shockwave’ and rushed Frieza directly to the ground. Frieza stood up and flew to the sky. Looking at Monkey King, he was very surprised.

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