He took the cat over and put it in his hand, and the cat was not afraid of him, crawling around on the 16th, and getting along very well, which surprised Bulma's father very much.

Everyone was discussing the Budokai. Mother Bulma made a lot of cakes and drinks, and gave everyone a tea party, "This is really delicious, this cake is amazing!" "Yes, there are many more, please. eat a bit!"

Oolong is very cunning. He directly put his hand on the cake that he just brought over, "This is mine!" The angry turtle immortal beard floated up, "Damn it, Oolong, that's what I was after!" Fast eyes are not as fast as hands!"

Tianjin Fan and Klin are discussing these things here, "Really, Oolong they are so laid-back!" They drove the news on the TV, waiting for Sharu's attack!

Vegeta was waiting impatiently now, "Damn, what is Sharu still rubbing with? If you want to show up, hurry up!" "Trnks! Do you really tell us the details on TV?" "Yes, that's exactly what I said. of!"

Poole watched Yamucha go out and gave it up quickly, "Master Yamucha!" "Pool, if Sharu appears on TV, tell me, I'll go outside for a workout." "Okay! Yamucha." Master."

"It’s only nine days since Sharu’s martial arts conference!" To be honest, my hands are itchy too."

When the two of them were happy, Vegeta poured cold water on them, "You are no match for your appearance, and everything can be solved with me!"

Yamucha just couldn't understand Vegeta's behavior, and quickly mocked him, "Obviously, Sharu was repaired miserably, and so arrogant! You can't beat others at all, so don't show off here."

Vegeta was very angry when she heard it, "What? I only need to practice once in the house of spirit and time, and everything will be solved! There is no chance for your group of trash to play."

"What are you talking about?" "I said you are trash and trash!" Trunks hurried to persuade them. At this moment, Bulma came back, shouting Trunks happily.

Just as she had a sad expression on her face, she was suddenly surprised when she saw Trunks, and she looked around him with a curious look, "What is it, very energetic!"

"Although Piccolo said you can't die, I thought you were seriously injured, so I flew back quickly!" "I'm sorry!" Facing his young mother, Trunks was very shy.

"Really, don't always worry about your mother!" "I make you worry, sorry! Mom!" Little Trunks looked at Trunks with great interest, and the leader grabbed the leader of Trunks. hair.

What does it hurt when the child pulls? This is the pain of pulling! They looked very interesting from the side, "Tranks was pulled by Trunks's hair."

At this moment, Sharu has rushed to the town, rushed to the top broadcasting hall, and the front desk inside was terrified, "Where is the program for the world!"

The two front desks hugged and trembling, "The most...the top studio B!" "Thank you, miss!" Sharu slowly moved upwards.

In Bulma's house, the turtle fairy was lying in front of the TV and watching the fitness girl exercise. He was really intently watching. Oolong also came over at this time.

But. When they were looking excited, suddenly, the fitness lady inside was pushed up by something, and Sharu slowly exposed her whole body, but they were startled.

It even shocked the staff on the spot, and the current building was destroyed layer by layer. In the end, Sharu rushed to the top.

The host looked confused, Sharu, without saying anything, pinched his neck and raised it up, "Is this studio B?" Looking at the host, he nodded and threw him out.

Chapter 1254: Sharu declares war on earthlings

Everyone was frightened when they saw the news, and became nervous inexplicably. Sharu looked at the camera in front of him, "Good morning, everyone of the world, I will use the TV to take up your time."

"Actually, I want to bring good news to you who live a comfortable life. It will make your life more enjoyable and exciting. My name is Sharu. Everyone knows that many people were killed by monsters a while ago!"

"I am the evolution of that monster. Thanks to those who provided me with the essence of life, but you can rest assured that I don't need the essence of life anymore. I will hold a martial arts conference called Sharu Game."

"The venue is 28KS 5, Northwest of Central Capital. The arena has been prepared. The same as the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, if a contestant loses, he can change to another contestant to play for me. The rules are in your favor."

"Even if it is me, I will get tired after playing multiple games. The rules are basically the same as those of the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament. I lose if I surrender or touch a part of my body outside the bounds."

"Also, I don't intend to be soft-hearted, so being killed counts. If all the players lose to me. I will kill people all over the world. While admiring your horrified expressions, I will completely destroy the planet."

All of them looked at Sharu angrily, scared and nervous, "That's it, those who have confidence in themselves, just come and participate!" After he finished speaking, he sent a shock wave toward his back, instantly, behind Towns are destroyed!

To be honest, Sharu’s attack is indeed unmatched. Facing such a scene, everyone is very scared, “If you don’t want to be like this...well, I will look forward to that day!” Then he flew away. TV station!

"The horrible guy..." "Anyone who wants to kill people all over the world. Who is his opponent, Vegeta and Trunks are no match for him, even Wuchen..." The more these people think about it, the more angry they become!

Bulma was still at a loss now, he walked towards Vegeta, "Where are you going? Vegeta!" "The life and death of the earthlings has nothing to do with me, but I will not kill the bastard, I will not be reconciled. "

When Trunks heard that Vegeta was going out to practice again, he ran over, "I want to go too!" Bulma stopped him, "Tranks, I can help you straighten your hair before you go! Convenience!"

Sharu's declaration made the whole world feel a huge panic. At the same time, everyone knows that after too long of peace, the weak military police have been unable to fight the terrible monster, and people have forgotten the boy who had fought against the Piccolo Demon.

They didn't know that there were warriors fighting against Saiyan Vegeta and Frieza! And the existence of Sun Wuchen... Now, Sharu has clearly announced his attack!

Sharu's TV declaration shocked the world. Afterwards, people rushed to remote areas to hide and started a senseless effort. It was a riot!

As they watched the latest emergency news on TV, Klin became more and more angry when he thought about it, "Blame me... if that time... if the number 18 is destroyed... I'm going to meet Sharu!"

"Klin!" "It's all my fault!" As Klin ran out, Immortal Turtle stopped him, "You can't go! You are not his opponent, meaningless death, I will never allow him as a master. "

"If you have to go, at least wait for the Sharu game to start! Besides, Wuchen and the others have not come out yet!" Ya Mucha came over and put his hand on Xiao Lin, "Don't blame yourself, Xiao Lin! Everything! Please go to Wuchen."

"Their Saiyans have unlimited potential. Through the cultivation of the Spirit and the House of Time, how strong can they become?" In the Celestial Realm, Piccolo is still annoying, "How long will it take for Wukong and Wuchen to come out?"

At this time, Trunks and Vegeta had already arrived in the heavens, "There are still three hours to go!" "They may not come out in one day. I think they will be greedy to practice for a while."

Piccolo clearly told Vegeta, "Don't worry, there are nine days to go before the game, and you have less than one day to leave the room. Let's take a rest first. I'll go in first."

Vegeta looked at Piccolo with disdain, "This is a waste of time. From now on, only Saiyans can enter this field. Forget it, whatever you want, the remaining eight days will be mine."

Looking at Vegeta's arrogant appearance, I hate, "It's a pity! The house of spirit and time can only stay for two days in a lifetime, that is, 48 ​​hours."

At this moment, he was stunned, "What...what will happen after 48 hours?" Mr. Popo told Vegeta, "The exit of the room will disappear and he will never be able to get out."

Trunks hurriedly comforted Vegeta, "But, Dad, we can use it for about 23 hours!" At this time, their attention was suddenly absorbed in one direction, and their eyes focused on the door.

"It's Wuchen! It's Wuchen and their anger! Have they come out of the room?" "What? Why are they so fast?" I saw, walking out with a sound, and the two brothers Wuchen and Wukong came out. .

Chapter 1255: Sun Wuchen and Sun Wukong are out

The two of them came out, their clothes were already in ruin, and looked at the group of people at the door, "Vegeta and Trunks are here! You can still feel Sharu's anger, it seems that he is not dead! What is going on?"

Piccolo looked at Wukong and was very surprised, "Is that Wukong? I can't recognize it!" "Tell me what happened!" "Actually..." But before that, nothing could make Wuchen more happy than eating. Thing.

"By the way, Mr. Bobo! Can you prepare some food? I'm very hungry!" Tianjin Fan was amused by Sun Wuchen, "It really is your style, Wu Chen!"

Then? Mr. Bobo set up a stall of food for them, and Sun Wuchen and Sun Wukong seemed to have not eaten food for a long time, and they ate it there.

All of them were shocked by the way the two of them eat! "Wu Chen, interrupt, you should have eaten well!" Wu Chen and Wu Kong looked at each other, "I have eaten!"

The food in his mouth hadn't been finished yet, and almost choked them both. Piccolo looked at the two of them eating very helplessly, "You can swallow the contents of your mouth and talk about it!" As a result, he swallowed the noodles in one bite. NS.

Piccolo looked more and more uncomfortable, "Chew well!" Wu Chen wiped his mouth, "Of course I have eaten it, although I have eaten it, but Wukong and I can't make such delicious food! This kind of food has been for a long time. I haven't tasted it."

Vegeta didn't pay much attention to them, but felt that their auras were different. What he focused on was their combat effectiveness and the state of Saiyans. "What's the matter with them? Are they Super Saiyans?"

"No, it doesn't feel the same to people, it can be very natural to maintain that state!" Vegeta was very curious about them. It was not easy for two of them to finish the food stall!

"Let you wait a long time, Trunks, you can say it!" "Ok...actually..." At this moment, Bulma's father is still repairing the number sixteen, "Is this circuit connected here?"

"What's the matter with this? I looked at the memory on the 16th, it's all the intelligence of Sun Wuchen!" Bulma was studying the memory on the 16th.

Papa Bulma came over, "What, what! That's it!" It contains all the information about Sun Wuchen. Starting from the World Martial Arts Association, it has been studied that Sun Wuchen and Vegeta are fighting on the earth!

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