"The 16th must be a humanoid created by Dr. Geiro to defeat Sun Wuchen! But now I can't see it at all! Could it be that he is figuring out **** Sun Wuchen?"

Now, Bulma's heart is very confused, she doesn't know whether to save the 16th, Bulma's father told her, "No, because the circuit is too complicated, I am not too clear, I think he is not a bad person."

"All in all, I can be sure that he has some kind of gentleness!" Bulma's father thought of his relationship with the cat. He treats his cat very tenderly. This kind of tenderness is not pretended.

Bulma thought for a while, "Yes, maybe history has changed? It's not bad to think about it. In any case, he has become one of the important fighters against Sharu. It's incredible!"

In the Celestial Realm, Trunks had already told Sun Wuchen and Sun Wukong all what had happened at this time, "So that's it! The martial arts conference? What an interesting idea."

"Interesting...", "Mr. Bobo! Didn't I lose my robes?" "No, I have stored them all the time!" Mr. Bobo took out the robes for Wu Chen and Wukong to replace them, "has been washed. "Thanks a lot, Mr. Popo!"

Trunks said to Sun Wuchen and the two of them, "You don't need to wear this old one, tell your mother that she will make a new one for you!" "No, I still like this, I want to fight as a human being on earth. "

Both of them put on Taoist uniforms and both looked very energetic. At this time, Vegeta came over, "Hello, how is it? Are you confident to defeat Sharu?" "I don't know, I haven't seen him yet. Complete body! Let's go and see before talking!"

After that, Sun Wuchen used an instant transfer to the site where Sharu built the martial arts field. Sun Wuchen looked at Sharu. In fact, I felt that Sun Wuchen's breath had already been felt, "Sun Wuchen!" "It's me!"

"How? This is the arena of the Sharu game that decides the fate of the world in nine days! Satisfied?" "It is a bit narrow to decide the fate!" Sharu turned and looked at Sun Wuchen, obviously feeling that his aura was different.

The masters are confronted with each other. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky and the environment become very depressing. Sun Wuchen looked at Sharu's complete body, "Finally completed, is this perfect body?" "Yes!"

"I will definitely attend the game, so don't hurt anyone before then! You know? It will be a wonderful game!" After speaking, he returned to the heavens!

Sharu is very calm now, "Sun Wuchen! It seems that the game will be more exciting than I expected!" Trunks looked at Sun Wuchen, "How about? Wuchen!"

Chapter 1256: Sun Wuchen's Outside Practice

Wu Chen acted very relaxed, "To be honest, I didn't expect him to be that strong. If he gets serious, I don't know how strong he will be. I'm afraid I won't know if I don't try it. I may not be able to win in my current state."

It feels that he speaks very easily, but his words almost suffocates them. If even Sun Wuchen thinks so, then for them, it seems that Sharu's attack power is really not to be underestimated!

Vegeta felt very surprised. Although on the surface he was very dissatisfied with Sun Wuchen, when he was opposite, Sun Wuchen was actually very powerful and Trunks felt very nervous.

Piccolo also began to get nervous, "Use the house of spirit and time again! There is still time to decide the order! I will go in first, and then Vegeta will go in alone."

But relatively speaking, Vegeta will never lose, "As long as I've been in, you don't need anyone else!" At this time, Tianjin Fan said, "Excuse me, I give up! It's not an opponent I can deal with at all. "

"Then Trunks, and finally Wukong and Wuchen will go in again!" Piccolo arranged perfectly, but Wuchen said to them, "No, I don't need Wukong and Wuchen!"

This surprised Trunks and Piccolo. "We are practicing outside, and there are still nine days. There will always be a way!" "What? You don't need it. Do you think you can fight against Sharu?"

"Are you not going to use the House of Spirit and Time anymore?" "Yes!" "Why? Obviously you can continue to practice for another day!" Sun Wuchen told him, "There, even if you don't do anything, your body will be very burdened. Big."

"And I can't get enough rest!" Vegeta understood his words, "Really, even Sun Wuchen can't stand that cruel room?"

"Perhaps! If you continue to force yourself to exercise, you will only suffer for nothing. This is not cultivation, but if you want to continue, I will not stop it, because you still have room for cultivation."

When Vegeta heard what Sun Wuchen said so arrogant, she was not convinced in her heart, "What? So arrogant, listen to your tone, your strength is already above me."

And Sun Wuchen did not shy away at all, "I think I should surpass you a lot, right!" "What?" "Alright, let's work hard together! Goodbye at the martial arts conference, let's go! Goku!"

The two flew away. When they came down, Wu Chen said to Wu Kong, "Will you go around first?" The two of them paused to the dojo of Immortal Jialin, "Good noon, Immortal Jialin?."

After battling each other, Immortal Galin looked at Wukong, "Goku, the change is quite big! Wuchen glanced at Yajiro Hebei, "Yujiro Hebei, are you back, too?" "

But every time Hebei Yajiro saw Sun Wuchen, he was scared, "What are you doing? Old Sun, the ugly words are at the forefront. I will never participate in that martial arts conference anyway."

Sun Wuchen looked at him and smiled, "Don't be nervous, I didn't let you participate!" "That's good, anyway, I will only show up at critical moments, it's a secret weapon!"

"I really dare to say it!" Immortal Galin doesn't want to hear him bragging anymore, "but the earth has really suffered a catastrophe, and there is a turmoil in summer!" "Saru is really powerful. After he became a complete body, The power is also more perfect."

"Although you say that, you are very calm! Do you have spiritual sentiment in the house of spirit and time?" "That's right!" Wukong looked at Wu Chen curiously, "Is it? But I have been with Wu Chen. Chen together!"

"By the way, Immortal Galin, you should be able to understand Sharu's strength here?" "Although he hasn't shown real power, he can probably guess it!"

"Then compare it for me, I'm getting lucky now!" Wu Chen wanted to make his community more vivid, but they were still discussing Sun Wuchen, "Wu Chen, are they Super Saiyans now?"

"But... how should I put it? It feels very natural!" Piccolo told them, "It's okay to be Super Saiyans, but they have practiced enough to maintain that state in their daily lives, right!"

"So? Can you transform further in the battle?" Vegeta looked at Trunks, "Are you an idiot? There seems to be no reflection! Sun Wuchen must think that is the best state!"

"If you keep it on weekdays, even if your combat power is improved, the burden on your body will be quite small. He would really think!" Trunks seemed a little disappointed.

Suddenly, a powerful force stunned this terrestrial space, and Piccolo could feel it, "It's Wuchen!" Sun Wuchen tried to explode his strongest aura from Master Galin.

Want to use the judgment ability of Immortal Garlin to judge who is better than Sharu? They had been affected by this breath, and they were all frightened. They were too strong. At this time, even the pillars of the sky were shattered.

The white cat was so frightened that he stopped him quickly, "Hurry up and stop me, this place is about to collapse!" Wu Chen quickly took back his breath, but Immortal Jialin was shocked!

Chapter 1257: Sharu's Warning to Earthlings

"About half of it just now, how about it?" "What? Only half? What a terrible guy. How strong are you going to be satisfied?" They looked suspicious.

Wukong felt very skeptical next to him, "Is it? Is Wuchen already so good?" "Master Galin, how about? What about Sharubi?" "It's really a difficult question to answer! Just like I just said. Said, it can only be speculated."

"Frankly speaking, even so, Sharu is above you!" Yajiro Hebei was shocked. "What? Sharu is such a great guy", but Gochen felt very excited, "Sure enough, and My expectation is the same! Thanks! Immortal Galin."

"Let's go, Wukong!" After leaving, Wu Chen took Wukong away instantly, "disappeared, he is no longer human!" "Anyway, Sun Wuchen has no chance of winning, why is he still so calm? Is it calm?"

"It's quite amazing!" "And it hasn't displayed all the power, if it explodes with all its strength!" "Awesome, maybe you can beat Sharu!"

These words made Vegeta more and more angry, "Damn Sun Wuchen! It's always like this! You are always one step ahead of me! It's really irritating. I thought I would catch up with him, but I was quickly pulled away." "

"Piccolo, hurry up if you want to go in! I will use it next!" Sun Wuchen took Wukong to Guixian Island, "Take Qiqi home! Only there can be a little more leisurely!"

"Three days of rest, three days of special training, and three more days of rest, and then the martial arts conference!" Wukong looked at Wu Chen very leisurely, and did not worry about this happening at all.

"I said... Wu Chen! Is this really okay? Can you hit Sharu?" "Don't worry, don't worry, go and call Qiqi, come on!" The two of them entered the room and saw the turtle The fairies are in a meeting.

Klin and the others were also very surprised. Teacher Wu Tian began to doubt, "Wu Chen? Wu Kong? Is it really you?" "It's me! Are you confused? Grandpa!"

Oolong and Poole walked over, "You have changed so much that you almost can't recognize it!" At this time, Qiqi came down from the upper floor and looked at them. "Are you Wuchen and Wukong?"

Wukong nodded, but Qiqi was terrified, "What's the color of your hair? Have you dyed it?" He grabbed a handful of the hair on Wukong's head, but it broke them.

"Kiki, listen to our explanation!" Sure enough, the woman was unreasonable, and she didn't listen, and she sat on the ground and cried, "Our Wukong has broken his studies, and now he starts dyeing his hair! This is a bad boy!"

Now, there are nine days before the fateful martial arts conference "Saru Game". Wuchen and Wukong's training has ended, and Wuchen has already met with Sharu, and agreed to attend the "Saru Game" martial arts conference.

He also asked Sharu not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but Wu Chen knew that Sharu's power was above him, so why was he so calm, and at this moment, Sharu could no longer be idle in this venue.

"Next, do some warm-up exercises!" After saying that, he bounced, flew up, and flew out toward the universe, turning into a bolide, breaking through the sky.

"At this time, Frieza and his father's cells come in handy!" After all, Frieza and the others can survive in the universe, and it happens that Sharu has their cells in his body.

Sharu was shuttled in the universe, and the sky was full of rubble meteors. He shuttled freely in this meteorite. Suddenly, a super-large meteorite came in front. See it!"

While the meteorite was sliding, Sharu blocked its sliding with one hand, and then, with a little effort, the super-large meteorite broke into countless small rocks and slammed straight into the earth.

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