"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to fought against each other just to be fought?

"Well, they should be fighting each other. It seems that Itachi was planning to release his pupil technique on Uchiha Tatsu, but in the end he was bitten by his pupil technique, so he was traumatized!" Heizue explained.

"I was bitten back by my own pupil technique? What's the matter?"

"It's the pupil power. Uchiha's pupil power is much stronger than Itachi, so he directly bounced Itachi's pupil technique back and let Itachi hit his pupil technique."

"So that's the case, what should we do now? Do you want to continue to follow Uchiha Tatsuo?" Bai Zetsu asked.

"No, depending on the direction Uchiha Tatsuhichi chose, he should be going back to Otonin Village in Oshamaru, so we don't need to rush to follow him. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Tatsumi's pupil power as a younger brother is better than that of an older brother. It's so powerful, it's really interesting... Let's go back now and tell A Fei this information, and then see what he thinks!"

"Hey~~ good too!"

Holding tight, Jue again slowly sank to the ground in place, and the surroundings fell into peace again, as if no one had appeared before.

Here to talk about it, God Itachi in this book is set to die as in the original, because Itachi loves peace too much, and even killed his parents for peace. It is impossible for him to agree with the protagonist’s actions, so he had to Let him follow the original book, please don't spray--! …

Chapter 107: Synthetic Pharmacy

After separating from Itachi, Chen rushed all the way to Tian Zhiguo, and there was no accident on the way.

After a long journey, Chen finally returned to Otonin Village in Oshomaru. After entering Otonin Village, the Otonin who met, without exception, all saluted Chen and respectfully called Chen "Master Chen!" This should have been ordered by Oshemaru.

Chen didn't pay much attention to those cages. The first thing Chen did when he came back was not to look for Da She Wan, but to walk towards his room, and then stay in his room without coming out.

On the other side, in the same hall before, Da She Wan was sitting on a seat in the hall, listening to what the pharmacist was reporting to him with a playful look.

"Master Oshemaru, the people below came to spread the word, Chen Jun has returned to Yinnin Village, and now he is staying in his own room and did not come out. Chen Jun is really rude to do this, Echo Ninja Village did not come to see you first Master Oshemaru."

"Hey~~ Let him, after all, that thing made us wrong. It is expected that he will show us his face, or maybe he is really tired, so we don’t have to talk about him behind his back. After tomorrow, I'll go see him in person again!"

"Yes, Lord Oshemaru."

"Hey~~ Is Sasuke still practicing in the training ground?"

"Yes, Sasuke-kun seems to have no response to the news of Tatsu-kun's return, as if he didn't care at all. He is still practicing in the training ground."

"Soga, hehe~~ Sasuke has made great progress recently. I haven't come to me to teach him new ninjutsu in the past few days. Instead, he has been practicing several ninjutsu on a scroll. The scroll seems to be Chen You will leave it to Sasuke!"

"Why did Tatsu-kun do this? Isn't the relationship between the two brothers at odds? And Sasuke-kun seems to treat Tatsu-kun as an enemy, isn't Tatsu-kun doing this to create trouble for herself?" .

"Hey~~ That's a matter between their brothers, we don’t want to get involved, as long as it doesn’t affect Sasuke’s becoming my container, I won’t interfere in their affairs. Also, in the future, you will Leave it alone, that incident has already aroused his resentment."

"Yes, Master Oshemaru, I understand!"

"Hey~~Alright, you can go down first."

"Yes, the subordinates retire!" Yao Shi Bao bowed to Da She Wan before retreating.

But Chen didn't rest immediately after returning to his room, he did not go to see Da She Wan on purpose. After all, the last time Da She Wan sent a pharmacist to follow him did make him very angry, but now he still needs the power of Da She Wan, so he doesn't want to turn his face with him for the time being.

At this time, Chen sat on the only bed in the room and contacted the system.

"System, last time you said that you can synthesize a potion from the Guerel vein, right?"

"Answer the host: Yes, Guerel's veins contain rich vitality and powerful power. As long as there are enough Guerel stones and points, the system can synthesize this magical potion for the host."

"How much does a bottle of Guerrell's potion cost?"

"Answer the host: It takes 10,000 points and a stone of Guerrell worth 10,000 points."

"Is it that expensive? There are already 20,000 points before and after." Hearing the system's words, Chen frowned. He calculated, his current points are still left: 101,000 points, originally in exchange for Mu Dun At the time of ninjutsu, there were still 61,000 points, but on the way back, the four Shayin Shangnin provided Chen with 40,000 points, which added up to 101,000 points.

"Forget it, it's more expensive. After all, that kind of medicine is really powerful. Anyway, the points are quite a lot. Let's synthesize a few bottles of medicine to try the effect!" Thinking of this, Chen started from the space. Five Guerel stones were extracted from the Guerel mine, and then they instructed the system: "System, give me five bottles of Guerel's potion!"

"Ding! Synthesis is in progress, points deducted: 50000, host remaining points: 51000." When the system prompt sounded, the five Guerel stones in Chen's hand disappeared, and Chen's points were also deducted a large amount. After a while, Chen had five more bottles containing a light blue liquid in his hand.

Chen first put all the bottles in his hand on the table, then picked up one of them and looked at it.

"Is this the potion synthesized by the Garel Stone? System, are you sure that this bottle has the magical effect you said?"

"Answer the host: Yes, the system will not deceive the host, so please rest assured that the efficacy of this bottle of medicine is stronger than the system described."

"Really? Since it is produced by the system, I really don't need to worry about it. Let me try the effect of this medicine!" The answer came to the system, and Chen was looking forward to the effect of the medicine, so he opened it up. One of the bottles was drunk.

After the whole bottle of medicine was drunk, a warm current suddenly rose in Chen's body, and after a while, it turned into a full of vitality chakra flowing through Chen's body, spreading all over his body. Chen felt that his already huge amount of Chakra and the speed of Chakra's response had increased significantly.

"It's so awesome. It's worthy of a boutique that cost 20,000 points. I didn't expect that I have reached this level and I can increase my chakra volume so much. Not only that, but I can still feel it. My vitality and body's recovery ability have been enhanced a lot." Feeling the change in strength, Chen felt very excited.

After being happy for a while, Chen also calmed down. After all, with his current strength, there were few things that could excite him for a long time.

Chen looked at the other four bottles of potions on the table and said in a funny way: "Since these potions are from Guerel's veins and their effects are so powerful, let's call them pulsation from now on! Let you pulsate back at the critical moment, hehe ~~Let’s find a chance tomorrow and send Sasuke a bottle! As for the rest, I already have a candidate, hum~~"

He said that all the pulsations on the table were retracted into the space, and then he didn't think much about it, and went to rest.

Sorry, it rained today, so I went to the Internet cafe a bit late...

Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Asking for someone from Dashewan

"Chen Jun, are you up now? Master Da She Wan came to see you in person." The next day, Chen heard the voice of Yao Shi's pocket outside the door before she got up.

"Oshewan came to see me in person? Hey~~ Let him dry for a while!" Chen did not immediately let Dashewan come in, but aired him outside, and then washed himself.

At this time, Yao Shidou and Da She Wan were all waiting outside the door.

"Master Dashewan, listening to the movement inside, Jun Chen seems to have gotten up, should we go in directly?" Yao Shidou asked Dashewan.

"Hey~~ No, he deliberately put me aside, it's a child's temper, but, anyway, Chen Jun is indeed a child now!" Da She Wan shook his head and chuckled lightly. Said. "If this is the case, then I will do what he wants, and wait for him for a while!"

"I see!" Hearing Da She Wan's words, the pharmacist said nothing.

After a while, Chen finally finished washing and then came out to open the door.

"Oshemaru, come to see me so early, what's the matter?" Chen asked Oshemaru after coming out.

"Hehe~~ Actually nothing happened. I just heard from the people below that Chen Jun was back. I wanted to come and see Chen Jun yesterday, but Chen Jun was resting at the time, so I didn't come to disturb Chen Jun." Maru beat haha ​​and said, "Will Chen Jun invite me in and sit for a while?"

"Humph!" Chen, with a cold snort, did not speak, turned around and returned to the room, seeming to have acquiesced to Dashewan's words. And Dashewan didn't care about Chen's attitude either, after a few chuckles, he also entered Chen's room, and Yaoshiwan followed Dashewan behind.

Chen returned to the room and sat on the bed, and then said to Da She Wan, "Sit down by yourself!"

When Dashewan sat on the only chair in the room, and Yakushitou could only stand silently behind Dashewan, then the Dashewan monster smiled and said to Chen: "Hey~~Chen Jun looks very strange. Happy, is there something bothering you? Tell me, maybe I can help!"

"Huh! Dashewan, should you give me an explanation?"

"Oh? What does Chen Jun want me to explain?" Da She Wan pretended to be confused and said with a smile.

"Don't try to pretend to be confused. When I was rushing to the Kingdom of Wind, you dared to send a pharmacist to follow me. What is your intention? Who do you think of Uchiha Tatsuo?"

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