"So, Chen Jun said that it was the matter. Actually, I was only kind. Let Dou Follow Chen Jun to give Chen Jun a response, and I didn't mean anything else."

"Hey! Dashewan, you don't have to fool me anymore. We all know what you mean, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Since you are so insincere, then there is no need for us to cooperate anymore."

"Chen Jun, how can you talk to Master Dashewan in such a tone? At least you have to have a little respect for Master Dashewan!" The pharmacist on the side pushed his glasses and said with a light smile.

"Shut up! There is no place for you to speak here!" Chen Zheng wanted to stun Dashe Wan, but he didn't expect the medicine master pocket to hit the muzzle directly.

Chen directly opened the kaleidoscope and glared at Pharmacist Pocket, and Pharmacist Pocket suddenly felt pressure for a while, and then found that her location had become a dark place, with nothing around, and only herself alone, and just now. The Oshe Maru sitting in front of him has long since disappeared, and his body is still unable to move.

"This is..." Pharmacist pocket did not react, a pair of huge kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes suddenly opened in the dark, and the pair of writing wheel eyes were still pressing against him, and the pair of writing wheel eyes approached him every time. At one point, the coercion that I feel will be strengthened, and even my breathing will be difficult. An unreasonable sense of fear rose from the heart of Pharmacist's pocket, causing his body to tremble constantly, and cold sweat broke out.

Just when Chen opened the kaleidoscope and stared at the pharmacist's pocket, Dashewan felt bad, and quickly looked back at the pharmacist's pocket. The result surprised him. At this time, the pharmacist's pocket was shivering, and his whole body was constantly trembling. Sweating cold, his expression was full of fear, as if he had seen something terrifying. Seeing this, Da She Wan knew that Yao Shi's pocket must have been hit by Chen's trick, so it looked like this.

"Is just a look in the eye can make Dou into fear..."

Although Yakushidou is only a subordinate of Dashewan, Dashewan still values ​​his subordinate very much. I don’t want to see Yaoshidou to finish playing like this, so I pleaded with Chen: "Hey~~ Why should Chen Jun send such a big deal? Huo, Dou just respects me too much. It doesn’t mean anything else. It’s just a bit offensive in the language. You can just teach it a little bit. Besides, Dou is my right-hand man, so I ask Chen Jun to give me a face. Don't be embarrassed anymore!"

"Huh! Since Da She Wan personally intercedes for him, then I can't help but save face, this time, forget it, if you dare to interrupt again next time, then you won't be so lucky." Chen thought that it really couldn't be too much, no matter what. Saying that this is still the site of Dashemaru, he has to leave him a bit of face, so after a cold snort, he touched the state of the kaleidoscope and returned to his usual glasses.

After Chen contacted the state of the kaleidoscope, Yao Shidou also regained consciousness and returned to reality from that dark place. However, even though he came back, he was still severely affected. Not only was he still in a cold sweat, but his ability to move had not recovered. He still stood in place, shivering, and the look in Xiang Chen's eyes disappeared. The jokes of the past are full of fear.

"Hey~~ Pocket, are you okay!"

"Da...Snake Pill...sir, I...it's okay..." The pharmacist's pocket at this time was not even able to speak.

In fact, what Chen released to Pharmacist Pocket was not a powerful illusion. It was just that under the blessing of Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye and the coercive pressure of Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye itself, it had that effect on Pharmacist Pocket. Yao Shidou was relieved from the terrifying oppression only after it was relieved, and his heart was full of resentment towards Chen, but he did not dare to show it.

Chen sneered, and ignored the pharmacist's pocket. He still couldn't make any big waves now: "Huh~ Continue our previous topic, I can stop worrying about this matter. However, Dashewan, if you still want to continue with me If we deal with Fu Xiao together, then I hope that nothing similar will happen again. And... I want to borrow some people from you."

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 109: Trading

Hearing Chen's words, Da She Wan asked in surprise: "Borrow someone? Who is Chen Jun going to borrow from me? I don't seem to have anyone worthy of being useful to Chen Jun!"

"No, you have! I want to borrow three people from you!"

"Oh! Tell me, which three are they?"

"Ghost Deng Shuiyue! Whirlpool Fragrant Phosphorus! And...Zhonggo! Just these three people! How about?" Chen smiled and said three names.

"Huh?" Da She Maru frowned, her expression gloomy. "Shuiyue...Zhongwu? How did Chen Jun know these two people?"

"You don't care about this kind of thing. I have my own news channel. Your curse seal has already been successfully developed. So those people are not of much use to you now. You can just say whether to lend it or not. Borrow it?"

"Do you even know about the curse seal?" Hearing Chen's words, Dashemaru was surprised at first, then his voice became colder, and there was killing intent in Xiangchen's eyes.

After Chen revealed some of his own secrets, Da She Wan had already murdered Chen. Although Da She Maru admires Chen very much, if Chen threatens him, then he will definitely not hesitate to get rid of Chen.

"Hey~~ It seems that you have moved something bad to me!" Chen felt not nervous about Dashewan's killing intent. If Dashewan had to do something with him for this matter, he would not worry. . It's a big deal to tear the skin straight and take the person away by himself. At that time, Oshe Maru couldn't help him!

"Chen Jun can tell me where did you get this information about me?" Da She Wan did not rush to do it, but continued to ask.

"I said I found these all by myself, do you believe it?"

"Oh, did Chen Jun check it by himself?" Dashemaru obviously didn't believe it. He thought his things were very secret. If he wasn't someone he trusted, he wouldn't tell some of his things. He knew about these things. There are not many people, and those people are his confidants. He has always been very accurate, and his confidants will definitely not betray him.

"But where did Uchiha Tatsun know about it, and the last time the first generation cell, I clearly remember that there was no information about the first generation cell recorded in that abandoned laboratory at all, what he said was a lie at all. Someone really betrayed me and told me all my secrets to Uchiha Tatsumi? If this is the case, wouldn't I have no secrets in front of Uchiha Tatsumi!" Osha Maru secretly said in her heart.

Seeing Dashemaru's gloomy expression, Chen seemed to know what Dashemaru was thinking, and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, these things in my way are not told to me by people around you. Believe it or not, this information I found them all by myself, and I know only this. Don’t worry about me threatening you. As you said, our common enemy is Akatsuki, so I’m not stupid enough to create another one. It can make Konoha in the Five Great Ninja Village have a headache for the enemy. Moreover, the few people I mentioned just now are of no use to you. Instead of keeping them locked up like this, it’s better to hand them all over. Give it to me. Of course, I won't let you suffer!"

Having said this, Chen showed a playful smile, then took out a bottle of Pulse from the space, and then unscrewed the bottle cap. In an instant, a strong breath of life filled the room.

"This is..." Feeling the strong breath of life, Da She Wan was moved, and then greedily looked at the pulse in Chen's hand.

Seeing Dashemaru's expression, Chen sneered in her heart, then screwed the lid back, and said to Dashemaru: "This is what I said at the beginning of the Guerel stone, but now it has been synthesized by me. This is what I went to the Kingdom of Wind! How about? Not bad! As long as you hand over those three people to me, then I can give you this bottle of pulse in my hand!"


"Oh, this is the name I gave to this medicine, you don't need to care, you just tell me whether it is successful or not!"

Osha Maru thought for a while, indeed, as Chen said, their common enemy is the Akatsuki organization, and those mentioned by Chen are not very important secrets. At the beginning, he was only studying the boundary of the blood inheritance. Those people were captured and brought back for research. Now they are of no use to Dashemaru. If they can be used to exchange the pulse on Chen's hand, it will not be a loss. More importantly, he still doesn't want to be with each other. Chen fell out, if she really had to face the Xiao organization in the future, perhaps she would have to rely on Chen's power.

Thinking of this, Da She Wan withdrew his murderous aura, and showed his weird smile: "Hey hey~~Chen Jun is right, those people are really useless to me, and I also promised Guo Chen Jun, Chen Jun can enjoy all the resources of my Yinnin Village, of course, including people. Since Chen Jun wants them, I can give them to Chen Jun. However, those people don’t seem to be tamed so easily, especially It's Shigego..."

"Then you don't have to worry, if I dare to ask you for someone, then I have a way to subdue them!" Chen waved and interrupted Da She Wan.

"Soga! In that case, they are all scattered and imprisoned in several of my strongholds, so it will take some time to bring them here. I will order them tomorrow and let people bring them all!"

"You don't need to be brought here, I have to find them myself!"

"Really? Since Chen Jun wants to go by himself, that's okay. When Chen Jun wants to leave, I will find someone to lead Chen Jun."

"Tomorrow, I'll go tomorrow!" Chen did not leave immediately because he still has some things to do.

"Tomorrow? I know, I will find someone to lead Chen Jun tomorrow, then, if nothing happens, I won't delay Chen Jun, and I still have some experiments to complete, so..." Da She Wan looked at it with weird eyes With the pulse in Chen's hand, he said with a light smile.

"Haha~~" Of course Chen knew Dashewan's thoughts, so he didn't want to confuse his appetite, and directly threw the pulse in his hand to him.

After Dashewan got the pulse, he showed a fanatical expression, then opened his mouth, swallowed the pulse into his stomach, and said to Chen: If this is the case, then I will leave first! "After speaking, he turned and left, and couldn't wait to go back and study the pulse.

After a period of rest, the pharmacist regained his mobility and left behind the Dashewan.

The last chapter of today will continue to be updated tomorrow! …

Chapter One Hundred and Ten: Tsundere's Sasuke

After Dashewan and Yaoshi left, Chen also stood up, then walked out of the room and walked towards the training ground.

After arriving at the training ground, only one figure was training in the huge training ground, and there were no others. That figure is no one else, officially Tatsun’s twin brother, Sasuke Uchiha!

Since Sasuke came to Otonin Village. The other Otonin dare not come here to practice, this huge training ground seems to have become a training ground for Sasuke.

Looking at Sasuke who was practicing hard in the field, Chen showed a playful smile on his face. And Sasuke, who was practicing in the field, didn't notice that anyone was paying attention to him, and he was still practicing desperately there.

After he quickly formed a set of seals with his hands, he gathered Chakra in his throat, and then suddenly turned around and sprayed a huge flame in the direction of Chen.

"Fire escape. The fire is extinguished!"

The diameter of the flame sprayed from Sasuke’s mouth reached ten meters, and it struck towards Tatsun, and arrived at Tatsun’s place in the blink of an eye. All this happened so suddenly, I didn’t expect that Sasuke would become aware of it when he entered the training ground. Chen's existence was not revealed, but pretended to be unknown. After the seal in his hand was completed, he suddenly turned around and launched Xiang Chen to extinguish the fire, trying to kill Chen by surprise.

Although he knew that this might not cause Chen to be hurt, but at least he had to show Chen's embarrassed posture, so that he could taunt him in order to avenge his original revenge.

However, in the face of the violent fire extinguished, Chen still had a playful smile on his face, and he was not panicked at all, let alone avoiding it. When the violent fire was about to hit him, Chen's eyes went straight into it. In the state of kaleidoscope, a small skeleton took shape in an instant, enclosing Chen.

However, Sasuke didn't see all of this, he just saw Chen did not evade, and was instantly swallowed by the fierce fire he released.

This made Sasuke put away his sneer expression, frowned, and said in his heart: "This guy, it's impossible to get caught in that simple way. What is going on with him?" Although Sasuke has been clamoring to get rid of Chen, but Seeing that Chen was in danger, he couldn't help but become worried, even he himself didn't realize this. But also, no matter how they were twin brothers who were born at the same time, and the Uchiha clan was left with only three of their brothers, but as the older brother, Uchiha Itachi was the enemy Sasuke wanted to kill.

Although Sasuke and Tatsun have always been wrong, but after the genocide happened, Tatsun was the only idiot brother who has been with Sasuke. Tatsun has always occupied a very important position in his heart, so when he learned that Tatsun had been deceiving him all the time. , That's why I'm so angry!

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