"Huh, Wukong, you can let it go, it's okay." Tang Seng waved his hand and said softly, sweating profusely.

The doubtful Monkey King let go of his arms, and saw Tang Seng looking weak, and hurried forward.

"Master, are you all right."

He waved his hand to indicate that the problem was not big.

After breathing for several breaths, Tang Seng also recovered.

"How could there be such a horrible existence in Ye Chen, if I hadn't just studied a little Summoning Sutra, I'm afraid he would have to adapt to Ye Chen's body.

At that time, even Guanyin Bodhisattva would not be able to save Ye Chen. Can only raise his hand and shake to kill. "

When Sun Wukong heard this, he cast his gaze on the lethargic Ye Chen, and he didn't expect that there would be such a monster in Ye Chen. Suffering is that Tang Seng has the means to punish the demons.

Otherwise, Monkey King really doesn't know what to do.

After living for such a long time, the magic seed in Ye Chen's body was the second existence that made him feel his scalp numb and could not be shaken, and the first was the big day Tathagata in the West.

"What the **** is this guy?" Looking at Ye Chen's ignorant face, Monkey King felt an indescribable feeling in his heart for a while.

Wow, there was a strange noise on the surface of the water, and Zhu Bajie slowly climbed up from the water with the help of Monk Sand.

"Grandma's, Xiaoye, this stinky boy, is really not serious, my old pig has at least three broken ribs." He spit out.

Zhu Bajie said cursingly while clutching his chest.

Looking at the scene in front of me, things seemed to be settled.

Chapter 1520

"Brother Monkey, Master, are you all right?"

Tang Seng and Monkey King shook their heads one after another.

"Hey, Ye Chen hasn't woken up yet, let's camp here. It's okay to rest." Looking at the lethargic Ye Chen, Tang Seng knew that Ye Chen would not be able to wake up in a while.

Immediately felt that I was resting for the whole night on the other side of the river.

After patted the water on his body, Zhu Bajie also started to get busy and walked towards the depths of the forest. He hadn't eaten a bite for such a long time.

The wounds on his body and the hunger of his stomach are the most important to him.

Monk Sha also began to look for firewood everywhere, the division of labor between the master and the apprentice was fairly clear, and Ye Chen was left alone.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who was sleeping, seemed to have entered a certain fantasy space again.

He floated in an azure sea of ​​stars, and saw a star twinklingly, as if he had brought Ye Chen to a strange land.

Upon closer inspection, I found that there were people on the ground moving.

It was another transition, Ye Chen set foot on this land immersively.

Only now did he see the real faces of these people. Unlike the people he saw, the average height of these people was about two or three meters.

Higher than two of his own.

Except for the azure skin on the body, the horns on the top of the head are their unique mark.

"Here, where is it?" Ye Chen murmured.

"This is my home." Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind Ye Chen.

Ye Chen knew this voice. Although the Demon Seed had dominated his body, his consciousness was extremely clear, and he knew everything that was happening outside.

And this voice is the demon seed that just dominated his body!

Looking back, Ye Chen was even more shocked. Why did this tall Demon Seed look so familiar?

"You? That statue of Buddha?" Ye Chen pointed at the monster in front of him in surprise.

The Demon Seed did not deny or admit it, but just let out a trembling roar and looked at the people in front of him, as if he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

"Why do you want to seize my body!" Ye Chen asked sternly after a long time of contemplation, pretending to be courageous, he must let the monster in front of him give himself an explanation.

But this monster stood by his side, and a powerful aura was released, and Ye Chen, who was almost overwhelmed, couldn't breathe.

And that Demon Seed still didn't answer Ye Chen's words, as if it were a statue, still standing beside Ye Chen motionless.

Ye Chen really wanted to go up and kick him at the moment to see if this person was real.

Cut, why are you still dumb? Ye Chen waited for a long time, the Demon Seed in front of him still did not speak, and then Ye Chen waved his hand in disappointment.

Ready to find a way to leave here. And at this moment, the tall magic seed opened its mouth.

It was still the sorrowful and hoarse voice, and slowly came the unwilling voice.

"Do you want to hear a story?"

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this. He wanted to say, "Fuck, when is this, do you still have the time to tell me stories? Do you treat me as a three-year-old kid."

But thinking about it, he still couldn't say this, and Ye Chen simply nodded and sat beside the Demon Seed.


"This is the void space, the interlayer between the animal road and the **** road, and it is also the place where we live,"

"Animal Dao? Interlayer with Hell Dao?" Ye Chen was extremely puzzled by these two terms.

"Yes, the animal way, and the **** way, the most frightening of the six ways."

Chapter 1521

The two spaces spurned by the world, as literally,

The so-called good will never appear in such a place.

But the void space contains the humbleness of the beast road and the darkness of the **** road. It is said that it is a mezzanine space between the two, rather it is the product of the combination of the two spaces.

And I, I was born in this dim world since I was a child, I have never seen what the sun is like before I was eighteen years old, and what it feels like to be warm. What this brings to you is only the distortion of human nature, and the endless darkness. I think I might stay in this ghost place forever in my life, ending my humble cry, but otherwise, God takes care of our ethnic group. By chance, I got a scroll of exercises. Compared with you, you also saw him. , Is the one in your head. "The Demon Seed said softly towards Ye Chen, and then tapped Ye Chen's brain with his finger.

"You mean, Ninth Rank Buddha Magic Power?"

"Not all. At first, all I got was the holy Buddhist scriptures. I really didn't understand these Buddhist scriptures very much at the beginning, but it didn't bother me. I know that Buddhas and demons have always been incompatible with each other. But don’t want to stump me. I said that the Buddhist scriptures were divided into hundreds of sentences. Every day I asked different old people to ask these sentences. Finally, I thoroughly studied this masterpiece of Buddhist classics. There are other places in the void space, and those places must be as described in the Buddhist scriptures, filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers everywhere.

With the yearning for the outside world, I also made up my mind completely. You know, no matter who it is, as long as he appreciates higher-level things, then he will definitely not be reconciled to mediocrity. Since the age of eighteen, I have been completely immersed. On the road of practice, although it is dark here, there are many dangerous forbidden places in the animal road and **** road, and these places have also become my practice places. Day after day, I finally reach the realm where I can tear the space with my bare hands. In the end, the Buddhist scriptures I taught and studied combined with my magic teaching method of great success, and became known as this nine-turn Buddha magic work. "

Speaking of this, the Demon Seed was obviously a little proud, Ye Chen didn't mean to mock him, just listened carefully, no one would have thought of how much sweat a Xiaobai had to grow up to such a situation, this pride is due.

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