"But I can't understand the Nine Ranks of Buddha's magic power at all. Even though he has translated them into words that I can understand, I still can't read many things."

Ye Chen scratched his head and said melancholy.

The Demon Seed didn’t say much about it. This thing must be enlightened by himself to be able to fully grasp it. Even if he was able to open the seal, it means that he did not choose the wrong person. Chen can fully comprehend.

"I'll understand." The Demon Seed just vomited these words lightly, and never talked too much about this topic.

"Huh, let's go, you go on." Ye Chen raised his head and signaled the Demon Seed to continue. After this time, Ye Chen also adapted to the existence of this Demon Seed, and slowly became more generous, no longer so restrained. Terrifying power, killing him is probably the same as squeezing an ant. It's useless to worry about himself, and he simply puts on the look of being slaughtered.

Since then, I led my people to calm down the whole animal road and **** road, and unified this chaotic place.

Chapter 1522

While my people were immersed in the joy of victory, I was planning the next move.

No matter how much unified place I have, I have learned about the good life in the periphery. I thoroughly feel that here, it is like an extra-large cage, no matter how you reclaim the land in it, but the roots in the periphery The fence severely isolates us from good things.

I was not reconciled to this, and finally with the power of the Ninth Rank Buddha's magic power, I forcibly tore open this space with my bare hands.

The sun is so warm, it spreads on my body as smooth as my mother’s Buddha touch when I was a child. I never dreamed that the place I longed for was a million times better than I imagined. In the end, I was with our people. The deserted island has settled down. The reason for not staying on the mainland is that we are afraid to scare the residents there. After all, we are outsiders and cannot invade other people’s territories. We still understand this rule, and we don’t expect much. , I just want to live here simply, even though there is nothing on the island,

But compared to the dim void space, I don't know how many times stronger it is. During these years of development, without any accidents, the demons only occupied a few deserted islands. As a base.

We like it here, we like everything here, and we wanted to live in peace and quiet here for a lifetime, but I found out that I was wrong.

Even if you think so, but this world will not give you half the sweetness.

One morning, 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals came down mightily from the heaven, and surrounded our small island.

The patriarch, who didn't understand the situation, stepped forward to negotiate, but was shot to death by a three-eyed weirdo, without any mercy.

Although I have never seen such a big scene, it does not mean that my demons are muddled. That day, we got red eyes. In our eyes, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are just a group of disabled people. After all, I brought them out from The warriors who crawled out of the hell, those stinky fish and shrimps who were pampered in the heavenly palace, how can they fight us?

"Three-eyed weirdo, it is estimated that what he said was that Yang Jian did not run away." Ye Chen muttered.

"Well, it seems to be called Erlang Shen Yang Jian. Although the strength is feasible, but in the hands of my lieutenant, he was beaten in a row by losing streak.

In the end, only 30,000 of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers were beaten and only 30,000 fled back to the heavenly court, and my demons also became famous in that war. "Since then, the Heavenly Court has even joined forces with the Demon Race to start a large-scale attack on our Demon Race.

I really didn't expect that the Yaozu would collude with those despicable villains in the Heavenly Court, both in the name of a monster, and what they did was really spurned.

But it’s okay. My demons have been born with extremely strong vitality. Compared with the monsters in the **** road, the wine bags and rice bags in the heavens are really not enough to see. In the end, I led my entire tribe to gain a firm foothold in this world, from beginning to end. None of us provoked a war for no reason, it was all the villains in the Heavenly Court who came to the door on their own.

They were the ones who got beaten up in the end.

After I thought that even if things calmed down like this, a bigger conspiracy began to unfold towards our entire ethnic group. I haven't imagined that Buddhism's temperament that doesn't care about world affairs will collude with the villain of heaven.

In that night, there were accidents of demons invading the mortal world all over the world.

The irony is that my demons have never even gone out to the island.

Chapter 1523

"I know that those villains in the heavenly court came up with countermeasures against my demons. Even if we have a million mouths, it is hard to tell. Since the explanation is not clear, let's fight."

Even if the world is targeting my demon clan, it is not impossible to shake the powerful my clan. To be honest, those heavenly generals, demon clan mighty powers, and Western Bodhisattvas tied together are not my opponents.

Since then, the prestige of my demons has spread from the Three Realms.

Finally, at the end of the war, I met Dainichi Tathagata in the West. We fought for a hundred days, but there was still no difference. After retiring, I returned to the magic island, and there were corpses all over the place. .

I brought out tens of thousands of tribesmen, all of them were wiped out by the monks holding the staff. Among them, the strong tribesmen went out with me, leaving behind only some infants and children. I really didn't expect them to talk about life. The noble monk has made such a cruel move. In their eyes, the people of my demons are not life?

I have been fighting in this world for many years, but I dare to pat my chest to assure that my demon soldiers are easily stained with blood, but I have never dealt with women, children, or ordinary people.

And I thought they would abide by this kind of gentleman's morality, but I was wrong. Those high-sounding Buddhists shot harder than one by one.

I saw a half-year-old child pierced through the head with a stick, and there was nothing I could do. Do you know how sad this feeling of powerlessness and despair is!

Desperate, I embarked on a journey of revenge. I set off from the South China Sea and killed Lingshan along the way. I don’t know how many temples he destroyed, or how many monks I killed.

But even so, those young monks who have just entered the temple, I still don't know about them. I am a wicked person, I admit it, but even if a wicked person like me sees that people who have no power to bind the chicken, I can’t imagine how these monks in the name of Buddhism can be determined. Stretched out his hand to those little children.

I really can't understand.

In the end, the soldiers who accompanied me all the way fell in front of me one by one. After arriving at Lingshan, I was left alone. I brought out tens of thousands of people. In the end, I was left alone, "Then you Why don't you choose to go back to Dongshan and start again? It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years," Ye Chen said angrily after hearing the words of the Demon Seed.

"Hehehe, what you said is nice, I returned to the void, how to explain to my people, how to explain to my mother, father came out with me, fearing that I might be in danger, but in the end he died in front of me. ,

What face do I have, come face them. "

It is better to completely destroy the Lingshan Mountain before I can go back and plead with the people.

But after such a long journey, my energy has been exhausted. When I was really standing at the gate of Lingshan, I was blocked by a small Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Facing the Tathagata, I didn't expect that he could let me go and didn't drive me to death. But even so, I still treat her very much.

In the end he sealed me in the stone statue, and I don't know why it appeared in your body.

The Demon Seed said honestly.

"Huh? You don't know? That's weird. I discovered you in this wordless book of heaven. I saw your existence only after release."

Chapter 1524

And this book was given to me by my master. It's rare to say what kind of connection does my master have with Da Ri Tathagata?

Ye Chen thought.

"You may have to ask your master himself." Ye Chen also sympathizes with the Demon Seed. In Ye Chen's eyes, this Demon Seed is not as evil on the surface at all. On the contrary, in his opinion, there is always one A feeling of sympathy, "What's your name? "


The magic seed slowly uttered two words,

"It's a nice name. It doesn't match your fierce face very much," Ye Chen said slowly.

Then slowly walked forward.

"This is really your home?" Looking at the dark scene in front of him, Ye Chen couldn't even imagine how strong the heart is for people who can survive such a bad situation.

"Well, because of what you said about the wordless heavenly book, a space has been opened up in your brain, and here, I can also control it, and what you see is just the scene where I cast the void space over. At this moment, you can See them, and they can't see you."

"No wonder I feel as if they didn't find me.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at a demon child playing in the mud, and laughed involuntarily.

"His name is Rab. I didn’t expect that he was so old. On the day he was born, his father followed me out of the void. However, his father has already died in another country, and this child is probably still there. Waiting for his father's return." Speaking of this Demon Seed's eyes are beginning to moist, Ye Chen can clearly feel the sound of the Demon Seed's choking.

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