Ye Chen performed Buddhist rituals toward the West, and the Buddhist monk in the West nodded with a smile, and silently said: "This is a **** and a man."

Chapter 1623 Fire Cloud Cave

Ye Chen continued to move forward and came to a big mountain with piles of weird rocks.

In the withered pine stream fire cloud cave in this mountain, there lived a monster called Honghaier.

He heard people say that eating Tang Seng meat can be immortal, so he changed his body and became a seven or eight-year-old boy, hanging naked from the treetop, shouting "Help, help!".

After Tang Seng saw it, he whispered to Wukong, "This kid is very demon-like."

Wukong said, "Oh, you have grown up, I'm very pleased.

Tang Seng cursed. Suddenly he said with a wicked smile: "Go, Goku, take a look."

Wukong, I leaned back and said, "Let's fight to death."

Tang Seng said, "Hey, how do you speak, we are Buddhists, we are compassionate, how do you speak? Go and see."

Wukong said helplessly, "You are really doing it for your apprentice!"

After passing, Wukong said, "Is the kid okay, don't pretend if it's okay, get out of here."

Hong Haier felt that Wukong's tone was wrong, and he pretended to be uncomfortable, so he didn't speak.

Wukong hugged him down and said, "Be honest, or slap you to death."

After Hong Hai'er was hugged, Hong Hai'er excused that he had hanged for a long time, his whole body was aching, and he couldn't ride a horse.

Tang Seng said, "Goku, go and carry, such a cute child."

"I don't recite."

"Can't recite? I can recite the curse if I don't recite."

"Damn, you old bald donkey."

"I rely on you a monkey with a hairy face and Lei Gong mouth."

The two yelled, and Hong Haier saw it and thought: This is the holy monk from the Tang Dynasty?

Helpless, Wukong was afraid that Tang Seng would chant the curse, and under pressure, he had to carry Red Boy on his back and leave. I thought to myself: Don't let me catch this little monster, I will make you pay a price.

Hong Haier was afraid that Wukong might hurt him, so he used a heavy body technique to drop a fake Hong Haier and let Wukong jump into the air by himself.

Wu Qi was furious, and yelled, "Little monster, use this thing to deceive Grandpa Grandpa."

After speaking, he caught the fake red boy and fell on the stone on the side of the road.

Hong Haier Xie Mei laughed loudly and blew out a whirlwind. The sand and rocks flew around, making people unable to open their eyes. Hong Haier wanted to take the opportunity to take Tang Seng away.

Unexpectedly, Tang Seng smiled evilly and calmly.

Hong Hai'er was shocked, and Tang Seng smiled and said, "Little monster, I can't cure you anymore."

After finishing speaking, Tang Seng flew up and grabbed it. Who knew that the red boy rushed towards Tang Seng with a mouthful of anger. Tang Seng didn't have any defense, so he was counted.

Wukong hurriedly called the local mountain god, asked Hong Haier's origin and whereabouts, leaving the Drifting monk to guard the white horse and luggage, and came to Huoyun Cave with the Bajie.

Wukong scolded as he flew: "This little animal dare to deceive. I will definitely teach him a lesson.

When he arrived at Huoyun Cave, Wukong shouted, "Little monster, come out."

After the red boy heard it, he ordered the little monsters to launch five cars, arrange the gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, and chant a spell, and the five cars suddenly burst into flames.

Wukong glanced at it and shouted: Holy Spirit.

Ba Jie rushed to use the body technique before he came, but was touched by the fire. Ba Jie panicked, and regardless of Wu Kong, he ran to the other side of the river.

After Wukong used the Holy Spirit to resist for a while, he didn't hold up and broke into the fire to find the monster.

But the smoke was billowing, the fire was soaring, and there was nothing to see. He decided to go to the East China Sea to invite the Dragon King to rain, extinguish the demon fire, and then save Master.

Chapter 1624 Seek Ye Chen for Help, Persuade Red Boy

The Dragon King from all over the world followed Wukong to the sky above Huoyun Cave. Wukong yelled and cursed at the door of the cave, leading out the red boy and fighting him. After twenty rounds, the red boy saw that he could not win, and set fire again.

Wukong hurriedly recited the curse and informed the dragon king in the sky.

Although the rain is heavy, it can't extinguish the real fire of the monster's samadhi.

Wukong rushed into the fire to search for the monster, but he was so dizzy and confused that he couldn't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest, and he dived into the river. Unexpectedly, being irritated by the cold water, he couldn't catch his breath and fainted.

Bajie and Drifting rescued Wukong. Fortunately, Ba Jie once learned the massage meditation method, pressing this, kneading that, it took a long time to rescue Wukong.

Wukong thanked the Dragon King of Four Seas, and sat down in the pine forest with Bajie and Drifting, discussing to call Ye Chen. But Wukong was sore in his waist and back.

Ba Jie came to Ye Chen and shouted Ye Chen. Tell Ye Chen what happened.

Ye Chen hurriedly got up and flew towards Wukong.

Wukong was not superficially injured. After Ye Chen saw it, he immediately healed Wukong and Wujing.

Ye Chen said: "This fire is a real fire of Samadhi, it's not an ordinary fire, I wash it with spiritual water, and it's all right.

Ye Chen stood up and walked towards the cave gate.

When the little demons saw him, they came to catch him with their swords and guns in their hands. Ye Chen waved his hand, and the little demons disappeared.

Seeing that this person is so powerful, the little demons immediately went in and called the red boy.

After Hong Haier came out, she laughed at Ye Chen.

"You should be a mortal, want to be my snack?"

Ye Chenyin sneered coldly.

Throw the Yuling bottle into the sea, and recite the curse, the Yuling becomes a clean bottle. The net bottle fell beside Red Boy, who wanted to pick it up, but couldn't pick it up.

Ye Chen stepped forward and waved his fingers to gently hold up the clean bottle, and then took out thirty-six Tiangang knives.

Ye Chen threw the knife into the air, chanted a spell, and the knife turned into a Qianye Lotus Terrace.

Ye Chen buckled his head facing Hong Haier.

The red boy held on. So he lost his mind, knocked down the lotus platform with his legs, and sat down on it.

He laughed and said, "You mortal are so funny. Send me a lotus seat.

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