Ye Chen sneered, not knowing that the lotus platform had become a blade platform.

Hong Haier hurriedly endured the pain and drew the knives, but the gang knives became barbed and couldn't be pulled off.

Hong Haier knew there was no way, and Ye Chen asked, "You don't want to be bound by anything, I understand. After a while, there will be a big battle in the world. You must not join the heavenly court.

Hong Hai'er said: "Of course I am willing to confront the heaven, otherwise I would not be a demon in the lower realm.

Ye Chen said, "I will give you a magic weapon today. If you practice hard, you will be a major force in the future.

After speaking, he took out a stick.

"This stick is called the King Kong Thunderbolt Stick. In the future, Guanyin will come to trouble you. If there is a stick, don't be afraid of him. If there is still danger, you will hit the ground three times with the stick, and I will help you. "

The red boy said, "Why do I believe you."

Ye Chen said: "I have the ability to kill you." After saying that, with a big wave of his hand, the Huoyundong disappeared without a trace.

Red boy understands. This person cannot be just a mortal.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he took the unconscious Tang Seng away and flew in the direction of Wukong.

Hong Hai'er looked at Ye Chen's back and said, "Some people are born to work hard for him."

After speaking, he walked towards the west, he was going to practice, for himself, for the battle...

Chapter 1625

Ye Chen returned to the place where the monk Tang was resting, and saw Wukong was training and adjusting his breath, Ba Jie was guarding the Dharma next to him, and the Drifting monk was resting next to him.

Wukong saw Ye Chen coming back, and asked quickly: "How is it?"

Ye Chen said: "San Zang rests outside, there is no major problem. The red boy had a predestined condition, but the Bodhisattva has changed, and this predestined condition has disappeared. I said to him, let him practice painstakingly, and help us in the future. "

Wukong said, "How do you convince him?"

Ye Chen smiled and did not speak.

After a few people have finished their training, they set off to continue westward.

The journey of several people to the west continued, and several people on the road continued to practice hard. Ye Chen taught Wukong several cultivation methods, and Wukong's cultivation base made great progress.

Several people came to the border of Chechi country unknowingly when they were practicing hard.

When I walked to the gate of the city, I found a notice at the gate that said, seize all monks as slaves.

Tang Seng laughed and said, "It's ridiculous, Wukong will go and find out what's going on."

Wukong became a Taoist priest, and went up and inquired.

Wukong asked a road man to know that when the Chechi country was in a severe drought twenty years ago, the three Daoxians of Huli, Yangli, and Luli came.

The three Taoxians competed with the monks here for their ability to ask for rain. As a result, the Taoists won and were named the national teacher by the king, and since then they have enslaved the monks across the country.

After Wukong inquired, he returned to Tang Seng and told Tang Seng what he had just inquired.

Tang Seng said, "Oh, I respect all Dao Fa practitioners, but I want to see which one is so arrogant and domineering. Let me catch them. I must teach them well."

Wukong asked Tang Seng if he wanted to wrap his hair. Tang Seng said, "No, take out my most expensive robes. I'll see who dares to touch me."

The Drifter took out his robes and put on Tang Monk. Tang Monk swaggered into the city. The guard at the door saw Tang Monk's luxurious clothes and did not stop him.

In the evening, they came to a temple called Zhiyuan Temple.

In the middle of the night, Wukong said to Tang Seng to go out and turn around, and then called Bajie and Drifting to the Taoist Temple of the three demon, above the Sanqing Temple.

Wukong sees through the three Taoist priests chanting. When Wukong thought about what he had inquired in the morning, he didn't get angry.

He tried every means to make fun of it, so he breathed out a sigh of relief, and suddenly the gust of wind raged, and all the wax lamps of Taoist temple were extinguished.

The Taoist priests thought that there was a demon, so they were so scared that they went back to the room and went to sleep.

Seeing that everyone was gone, the Wukong three flew into the Taoist temple, Wukong smiled, and walked away.

Then the three of them turned into Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, and Lingbao Daojun respectively. The three were stealing food for fruit. A little Taoist came in and saw the stone statue Daozu come alive, and ran out quickly.

After the little Taoist went out, he immediately told the three monsters.

After the three monsters, Huli, Yangli, and Luli, they lighted candles and came to the main hall. When they saw San Daozu sitting upright, they thought it was a little Taoist priest.

So he kowtowed incense to the three Taoist ancestors, at this time Wukong Bajie Wujing moved.

The three demons thought it was the Three Dao ancestors who had manifested their spirits, so they knelt down and asked the gods to give some holy water and medicine.

Wukong said with a treacherous smile: "You and the other three have also believed in my Taoism for many years, and they have given you some holy water today."

After speaking, let the three demons give them a container each.

Wukong said: "Holy water is the secret of the saint, you can't see it, just go outside and wait.

The three demons answered and went out.

Chapter 1626 Goku Teases The Three Demon

After a while, Wukong let them in. Just let them come in to get holy water.

The three demon immediately picked up the container full of holy water and drank it. They only felt that the holy water had a bashful smell, but if they hadn't drank it before, they felt that there was nothing, and drank them all.

After the Three Demons finished drinking, they kowtowed their heads to thank you, and then withdrew, Wukong and several others returned to the Taoist Temple.

The next day, a few people came to the palace to switch customs.

When the three monsters saw Monkey King suddenly think of what happened last night, they were not angry.

So the three demon said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, these few people are not like people who have learned scriptures. They pretended to be my ancestors on the way last night and deceived us, so I will not forgive him today."

Wukong said, "You don't know if the Taoist ancestor is true or false, so drink the holy water?"

The three demon said: "We believe in Dao Ancestor. We didn't expect that you turned into Dao Ancestor to deceive us. We naturally don't know."

Wukong said, "We don't know this."

The Three Demons were helpless, but they couldn't speak to Wukong, so they didn't speak any more.

At this time, many people outside the palace asked the king and the national teacher for rain, and the king saw that the two sides were arguing.

He said: "Today both sides have their own rhetoric, so I will start the game today. If the national teacher wins today's competition, I will hand over these people to the national teacher. If these monks win, I will let them pass.

Wukong said, "It's so good."

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