But Sasuke put his hands down anyway.

Then Da She Maru walked to Chen's front and said: "Chen Jun, this stronghold has been discovered by Konoha's people, we should also evacuate, Chen Jun intends to leave with us?"

"Really? If that's the case, let's go together, I would have come back to find you. But before that..." Saying this, Tatsun looked at Sai with a stern expression on his face.

"Huh?" Sajing was surprised when he noticed Chen's gaze, his expression full of alert. Yamato also noticed something. When he came to Sai, he guarded Sai, who had not fully recovered from Sasuke's Chidoryu, and kept the seal that was just completed on his hand, so he could activate it at any time.

"Is there anything else Tatsu-kun has to solve?" Oshamaru looked at Sai suspiciously and asked Tatsui, and at the same time wondered in his heart: "It seems that Uchiha Tatsuo seems to be very interested in the child named Sai. Ah, did you want to kill him? Did they have any feasts before? This should be their first meeting. It's really weird!"

"Boss, are you trying to kill him? Is it just him who attacked you just now?" After noticing Chen's sight, Shui Yue looked at Konoha's Sakai strangely and asked Chen.

"Forget it, it's okay, let's go too!" Seeing Yamato guarding Sai behind him, Chen chuckled lightly and didn't do anything to them, although with Chen's current strength, wanting to kill them was just a lift. You can do it with your hands, but he didn't do it! As Osamaru said, they will be the main force to deal with Uchiha Daido and Uchiha Madara in the future. They have no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests. The enemy's enemies are friends. Killing them is not good for Tatsun anyway. Keeping them can cause some trouble to Uchiha Madara and even Kaguyahime. Why not!

Thinking of this, Chen chuckled a few times, greeted the members of the Eagle Team, and then disappeared in front of Konoha with Dashemaru.

Yamato did not stop Tatsumi and the others from leaving, but he had heard of it. The Kakashi-senpai whom he has always admired had been defeated by Uchiha Tatsumi, and now there is another one like Oshemaru. People, he wouldn't be arrogant to think that he could stop that group of people by his own strength.

After Chen and the others left, he was relieved instead.

When Naruto saw Sasuke leave in front of him again, but he couldn't stop him, he knelt on the ground, sobbing in pain. Kozakura and Yamato are also full of sadness.

Looking at Naruto who was kneeling on the ground, Sakura walked up to him and said to him, "No matter how much you cry...No matter how much you cry, Sasuke won't come back...and I'm here, I want to become stronger with you! "

"Yes, I won't cry anymore, I must...be stronger, thank you, Sakura!" After Naruto heard Sakura's words, he wiped the tears in his eyes, and then stood up from the ground. , His expression became firm.

"We still have time, it's just beginning now!"

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 137: Arriving in the Land of Thunder

(The previous chapter is invalidated)

After Jae-Chen followed the Otamaru and the others back to Otonin Village, they discussed together how to deal with Akatsuki. After learning that Akatsuki uses two groups to capture the Orcs, they all thought they could be separated one by one. Wiped out.

"Hey~~Since Chen Jun has already decided to deal with Xiao Organization, what do you want me to do?"

"Provide me with the movements of each member of Akatsuki's organization and the strength of each tail orc!"

"Is it just to provide information? Is Chen Jun planning to deal with Xiao by himself, doesn't need our Yinren to take action?" Hearing Chen's words, Da She Wan said playfully.

"Be happy with you, if you are willing to take action, we are naturally happy. If you choose to stand by and stand by, then we can also deal with Xiao Organization!" Chen Leng hummed and said indifferently.

"Hey hey~~ Hey, although I want to help Chen Jun very much, but... my physical condition has been deteriorating in the past few years. It is still a bit difficult to deal with the strong of Xiao organization, because my rebirth time is only It's coming, so I plan to help Tatsu-kun after reincarnation! And Konoha's people seem to be eyeing me, so before I reincarnate, I still don't want to cause too much trouble for myself."

"Huh!" Regarding Dashemaru's words, Chen sneered disdainfully and then sneered: "Haha! Very good business, let us be responsible for solving the Xiaoxiao organization, and you only give a little intelligence, even if we If you fail, you won’t have any loss. Is this the so-called cooperation? Although I intend to do it myself from the beginning!"

"Chen Jun does not need to be angry, although I will not do it myself, but as Chen Jun said before, I can collect the information of Xiao Organization and the movements of Xiao Organization members for Chen Jun. When necessary, Chen Jun can borrow my voice. The power of Shinobu Village." Seeing Chen seemed to be dissatisfied, Oshemaru hurriedly laughed a few times and responded to Chen.

In the end, Chen reached an agreement with Dashemaru, and Dashemaru will inquire about the information of Xiao organization for Chen, and Chen is responsible for solving the members of Xiao organization who placed the order. Although Chen's team is at a loss, Chen does not seem to have any. Show what dissatisfaction.

At this time, Chen and the members of the Eagle Team were rushing to the Thunder Country.

"Boss, why did you agree to Dashewan? It seems that we are at a disadvantage. Dashewan only provides a little information, but we have to work hard. It's not worthwhile!" On the way to Thunder Country, Shui The more Yue thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved, she couldn't help but walked up to Chen and complained.

"Huh! I have my own ideas. Our original purpose is to solve the Xiaoxiao organization. Although we and Oshemaru are cooperative, I never expected Oshemaru to help us sincerely, and he can provide us with The information is pretty good." Chen coldly snorted and explained to Shuiyue. Finally, Chen's face showed a stern expression: "Also, Dashewan...He won't be jumping for a few days, so I don't need to talk to him. So many dead people care about!"

"Nani? Boss, what do you mean?" Shuiyue was surprised when she heard Chen's words, and hurriedly asked. Not only him, but even Xianglin and Zhongwu felt incredible and looked at Chen with surprise.

Tingchen's meaning seems to be that in a while, Dashewan will become a dead person. How can this not surprise them! After all, it is Oshemaru. Even Konoha, who has the top five Ninja Villages in the Land of Fire, is a headache character. Even if an organization like Akatsuki has defected, he can still live to the present character, and Tatsun actually said that such an awesome person. They will become dead soon. They all suspect that they have misheard, but the expressions of the three of them are the same, which means that all three of them have heard it. It is impossible for all of them to hear it wrong! Moreover, Kanchen's expression does not seem to be joking!

"Boss, what is going on?"

"Okay, these are not what you should ask, you will know when the time comes! There is still a long way to go to the kingdom of thunder, let's speed up!" The speed of the feet increased instantly, and Shuiyue waited. People were left behind.


The members of the Eagle Team did not talk nonsense anymore, and also accelerated their speed, following Chen's back.

After two days of rushing, Chen led the Eagle Team and finally entered the border of Thunder Country. At this time, Chen and others had just entered a small city in the Kingdom of Thunder.

"Boss, we have now entered the kingdom of thunder, what should we do next?"

"First find a place to fix up for one night, and then go to Yunyin Village tomorrow! We have to rush to catch the Erwei Renzhuli of Yunyin Village before the people from Xiao Xiao arrive at Yunyin Village!"

"Boss, are you sure we want to do this? That's Yunyin, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages!" Although she knew Chen's purpose before setting off, Shuiyue still felt a little flustered even now. After all, the prestige of Yunyin Village is there. It is said that all the ninjas in Yunyin Village have dark skin, (some girls are out) and they all have explosive tempers, and more importantly, the fighting power of the ninjas in their village. They are very tough and good at Thunder Ninjutsu! One of the most frightening is their third-generation Raikage, who once used their own strength to block the enemy ninja army of more than 10,000 people. In the end, it was not killed by the opponent, but because of the three battles. Tian Sanye died of exhaustion. If it were not for this reason, what would the outcome of that battle be?

"What? Are you scared?"

"Hey! Isn’t it Yunyin Village? Don’t forget, I’m still a betrayer in Wuyin Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages. (Actually, I don’t know if Shuiyue is a betrayal, but just treat him as he is. !) Besides, isn’t you still the boss? No matter how strong Raikage is, he can’t be better than the boss!” Seeing Xianglin despising herself, Shuiyue immediately refused to accept it. No matter what, he couldn’t lose to Xiang. Pho, this woman!

"Okay, don't make any noise, we are now in the territory of Thunder Country, so you all pay attention to me, I don't want to cause trouble, let's find a place to live now!" Seeing the two again To start tearing each other, Chen was born and stopped talking, and then took the lead to walk into a hotel.

After seeing Chen's birth, Shuiyue didn't dare to squeak anymore, stared at Xianglin, and followed Chen.

Tatsun came to the hotel and opened three rooms. Suizuki and Shigego lived in one room. The remaining two were Tatsun and Xianglin. The four stayed in the hotel, and they did the final rest for tomorrow’s task. All know... There may be an uphill battle tomorrow!

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 138: Seduced by Muren

Early the next morning, the members of Chen and Ying's team, who had rested for the night, left the hotel and hurried towards Yunyin Village.

After a period of rushing, Chen finally came to the outside of Yunyin Village.

"Boss, how can we find the second-tailed human Zhuli? We don't seem to have seen this human Zhuli? Shall we enter Yunyin Village to check one by one?"

"Then it depends on Xianglin's ability. According to information, the second tail of Yunyin Village is a woman named You Muren with long yellow hair. And, the biggest feature is that she is a native Yunyin. Aboriginal, her skin is different from other Yunyin people. She seems to be a beautiful woman!" After arriving at the destination, Chen, in a good mood, rarely joked to Shuiyue.

"In addition, Ren Zhuli has a chakra that is different from ordinary people. It is the chakra of the tail beast, full of ominous. As long as the fragrant phosphorus senses this chakra, we don't have to be so troublesome!"

"Yes, it should be easy to find such a person based on the perception ability of Aromatic Phosphorus. Aromatic Phosphorus is just that useful!" Hearing Chen's words, Shuiyue suddenly realized, but in the end he ridiculed Phosphorus a bit.

"Huh!" To Shuiyue's mockery, Xianglin just snorted and did not refute it.

"Follow me!" Chen greeted him and walked towards Yunyin Village. Shuiyue and the others hurriedly followed.

Soon, a few people came to the entrance of Yunyin Village, and the guard at the entrance was useless to Chen, who had a kaleidoscope writing wheel. After Chen Shuan put all the guards at the door, these people swaggered into Yunyin Village.

"Xianglin, find out the direction of Erwei Renzhuli." As soon as he entered Yunyin Village, Chen told Xianglin.

"I see!" Xianglin didn't say much, closed his eyes and began to sense.

It may be because the area of ​​Yunyin Village is relatively large, so Xianglin did not find You Mu people soon.

At this moment, Xianglin's brows were furrowed tightly, and a little sweat appeared on his forehead, as if it were very hard.

Suddenly, Xianglin suddenly opened his eyes and looked in a direction.

After sensing the target, Xianglin said to Chen: "It's over there, but there seems to be someone next to her. What are you going to do? Do you directly catch people?"

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