"This is the inside of Yunyin Village. Strong action will alarm Yunyin's ninja, which is very detrimental to us, so we must use a way to lead her to a place with no one!" Chen thought for a while and got an idea. .

"Come with me!" Chen led everyone from the Eagle team into an uninhabited alley. When they reappeared, Shuiyue and Shigego had already changed into the black robe and red cloud uniforms of Akatsuki's organization.

That's right, Chen was planning to pretend to be members of Akatsuki's organization to attract Muren to the bait, because all the members of Akatsuki's organization were seen in the eyes of various Shinobu villages, and Akatsuki was also targeted by the attack. In the original work, Yu Mu Ren wanted to kill them after seeing Jiao Du and Fei Duan in Yunyin Village, so she followed them, but she too underestimated the combat effectiveness of Akatsuki members, which led to her failure. She was able to kill Jiao Du and Feiduan but was caught by the two of them and extracted the tail beast, and she herself died because of it.

At this time, Chen intends to use the same method to lead Yu Mu Ren to a place where no one is there, and then extract the second tail from her body.

"Go, just pass in front of her. Make sure she notices you and ran to our side immediately. Don't disturb any ninjas in Yunyin Village!" After Suizuki and Shigego were ready, they told them both road.

"Don't worry, boss, this task is too simple for us!" Shuiyue responded with a grin.

Then he and Shigego walked in the direction that Xianglin said. Soon, Suizuki and Shigego ran into Yugi who seemed to be shopping.

Originally, today's Yugi has always been in a good mood, because her good friend Samyi invited her to go shopping today, but when she ran into the two guys in black robe and red moon in front of her, her mood was suddenly refreshed. Got worse. As the second Orc-tailed Zhuli in Yunyin Village, she was also able to know some information about Akatsuki's organization.

"Samui, pay attention to the costumes of those two guys, they seem to be members of Akatsuki's organization!" Seeing the appearance of Shuiyue and Shigego, Yumu's expression became solemn, reminding the companion next to her.

"Heipao Hongyun, this is indeed the unique outfit of the core members of the Akatsuki organization. It can even be mixed into Yunyin Village. Although I don't know what their purpose is, but the village has mixed into such a dangerous guy, it must be reported to Master Raiying immediately!" Samui, who was next to the wooden man, also saw Suigetsu and Shigego, and his expression became serious.

"Huh! You don't need to report, can you just catch them directly?"

"Yu Mujin, what do you want to do? Don't be so impulsive. This is a bazaar. If you do something here, you will definitely hurt the civilians around you. Don't act rashly. We should report to Lord Raikage first!" Sam Yi hurriedly persuaded him next to him.

At this time, the two members of the Akatsuki organization in front of them made a new move. They didn't know why they turned around and walked away.

"It's too late, they are going to run away. In that case, you first go back and report to Master Raikage, and I will follow them. Don't worry, I will only follow them to determine their whereabouts. I will definitely not do anything with them. You go back quickly. Report it!" The people who saw the Akatsuki organization seemed to be leaving, and the wooden man immediately said to Sam Yi.

"This... OK! Then I'll go back and report to Master Raikage, I'm afraid they will have any conspiracy, you must be careful, don't do anything with them, I will definitely come back as soon as possible!" Hearing Yumu's suggestion , Sam Yi thought for a while and agreed. After all, there will be no good things for the people of the Akatsuki organization to appear here, so you must inform Master Raikage as soon as possible. No matter what, the strength of the wooden man can be regarded as a top master in Yunyin Village, and she is still the second tail. The strength of the human pillar will burst out at a critical moment. Even if it is not against the opponent, self-protection should still be possible.

Thinking of this, Samui didn't hesitate. She also knew that the situation was urgent, so after instructing Yumu, she rushed to the Leiying office building in the center of the village.

After Samui left, Yumu Ren looked at Shuiyue and Shigego who were leaving, with a stern expression on their faces.


Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine: Zhongwu. Water Moon vs. Two You Muren

At this time, Chen and Xianglin were waiting for Shuiyue to be lured by the wooden man in a place in Yunyin Village.

Suddenly, the corners of Chen's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a chuckle: "They're back!"

"Yeah! Ren Zhuli from the second tail is chasing them. It seems that the idiot Shuiyue has completed the task!" Xianglin also sensed the Chakra of Shuiyue and others, and responded to Chen.

"That's good. When Erwei Renzhuli appears, she will be arrested immediately, and she can't be allowed to alarm other ninjas in Yunyin Village." Chen told Xianglin.

"It doesn't seem to work. Yun Ren, who was with Erwei Ren Zhuli, didn't seem to catch up. It seems that they should have gone to report. After all, Shuiyue and the others pretended to be members of the Akatsuki organization, and Akatsuki was hit in every Ninja village. For the target, the members of Akatsuki's organization appeared in his Shinobu Village. It is impossible for them not to report." Xianglin pushed his glasses and said to Chen.

"Huh?" Hearing Xianglin's words, Chen's brows frowned: "It's true. If so, then we will make a quick fight. Before the reinforcements in Yunyin Village can feel it, we will arrest Erwei Renzhu forcefully. Arrived, and then left Yunyin Village."

During the conversation between the two, two figures appeared in their sights, it was Suizuki and Shigego who were posing as members of the Akatsuki organization. At this moment, the two people were rushing towards Chen, and behind them a female ninja with long yellow hair was following them.

When the two of Shuiyue sensed that Chen was nearby, their faces showed a playful expression. They didn't continue to run away, but stopped and turned back to look at the Yumu people who were chasing after them.

Seeing Shuiyue and the others stopped, Yumuren also listened, with a sneer on his face, and walked in front of Shuiyue and Shigego and asked: "Are you members of the Akatsuki organization? Hurry up, you are here. What is the purpose of Yunyin Village?"

"Huh!" Shuiyue didn't answer, sneered, and drew the decapitating knife from behind, and slashed at Yumuren.

Faced with Shuiyue's attack, Mu Ren sneered disdainfully, flipped a distance backward, escaped Shuiyue's attack, and caused Shuiyue's beheading knife to slash into the open space.

"Hey~~You can really hide! My attack speed is the slowest in our Eagle team except for the woman like Phosphorus. As expected, I can't hit it!" He retracted the decapitated knife, and then put the knife on the shoulder. Shuiyue looked at Yu Mu Ren in front of him and said jokingly.

"Are you Eagle Team? That's why you are not a member of Akatsuki's organization. The reason you pretend to be like this is because you want to lead me here. It seems that your target is me!"

"You're not stupid! But now I realize that it's too late, and today you can't escape our palm anyhow!" Shuiyue said slyly.

"Hey! Shuiyue, that guy is Zhuli Erwei, if you take it lightly, you may be killed!" Shigeo, standing next to Shuiyue, solemnly reminded Shuiyue.

"Hey! Jungwu, you underestimated me..." Shuiyue disapproved of Jungwu's reminder and retorted to him.

"Let's do it, the woman next to Erwei Ren Zhuli just now seems to have gone back to move the rescuers, she must be dealt with before the reinforcements from Yunyin Village arrive!"

"I know, I know!"

Shui Yue said that he took the decapitation knife off his shoulders, held the handle of the knife in both hands, and assumed an attacking posture.

"Haha~ Do you think you have taken me? Although you are not the real Akatsuki organization, you are certainly not good people either. I want to bet on the reputation of the two Yumu people, Yunyin...kill you!"

"What are you talking about? Kill us? It's really blatant! It's really irritating to hear..." Shuiyue yelled, brandishing a decapitating knife and attacking You Muren again.

"Hey!" Facing Shuiyue's attack, Yu Muren did not panic. The nails on her hands suddenly became longer, and two tails condensed by chakras appeared behind her.

Although the two-tailed cat's tail has been condensed, the other parts of the wooden man's body are not covered by the tail beast's coat, and it can maintain its sanity. This is the semi-adult of the tail beast mode: it bursts out with two tails but does not change its body, and gains rapid speed to attack opponents continuously.

I saw Yumu rushing towards Shuiyue as well, and the speed was faster than Shuiyue, and he rushed to Shuiyue in the blink of an eye, and his hands that had become sharp claws slashed towards Shuiyue's belly.

Suiyue couldn't dodge for a while, and was cut through the belly by the wooden man. Fortunately, Shuiyue is not an ordinary person. After the Mu Ren cut Shuiyue's belly, there was no blood splashing as expected, but only a series of splashes were brought out.

"Huh?" Yu Mu Ren frowned and was about to attack again, but Shui Yue had already reflected it at this time, and quickly swung his knife towards Yu Mu Ren, but compared to Shui Yue's slow movements, Yu The wooden man is even more sensitive, and has escaped from Shuiyue's attack range before the decapitating knife gets close.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! It's really not that easy to deal with. If it weren't for the secret technique of our ghost lamp clan, I would have been killed now!" After repulsing Yumujin, Shuiyuexin said with a guilty tone. .

"I told you to be careful, and we will join hands in the next attack!" Shigeo walked to Shuiyue and reminded him again. At the same time, Shigego took off his robe and assumed an attacking posture.

I saw that Shigego's face was suddenly covered with a special pattern on half of his face, and then his left hand turned into a monster-like appearance with several barbed tubes on his arm.

"Got it!" Seeing Shigego's appearance, Shui Yue also put away her abusive expression and became serious.

"Hey! Are you planning to join forces together? Anyway, the result is the same!" Facing Shigego and Shuiyue's joining hands, Yumuren didn't feel nervous and didn't seem to pay attention to the two of them at all.

"Huh!" Shigeo did not refute Yu Mu Ren's mockery, but snorted coldly, clenched his left hand, and then jumped towards Yu Mu Ren, while his clenched left fist struck Yu Mu Ren at the same time.

Soon, the two were fighting together.

Chapter One Hundred and Fortieth: Raikage is Out

After the two of Akatsuki planned to leave, Sam Yi and Yu Mu Ren reached a consensus. Sam Yi went back to report to Raikage, while Yu Mu followed the Akatsuki people and waited for support!

After Sam Yi left, he sprinted towards the Leiying office building in the center of Yunyin Village, and soon arrived at the office building.

"Isn't this Sam Yi? Seeing that you are so flustered, there seems to be something urgent to ask Raikage-sama!" Just after Sam Yi entered Raikage's office, she ran into a woman in the corridor with a portfolio bag in her hand. , I saw that this woman had white hair, her skin was as dark as the aboriginals of Yunyin Village, and her appearance was quite beautiful.

"Mabuyi-sama, Raikage-sama is here, I have an urgent matter to notify Raiking-sama, it’s information about Akatsuki organization!" Seeing the visitor, Samyi quickly stopped, and after a few breaths, Said to her hastily.

This person's name is Azabu Yi, who has ninjutsu that allows any object to transmit light at the speed of light, and now serves as Raikage's secretary.

"Nani? Akatsuki? Are you sure?" Hearing Samyi's words, Mabuyi was surprised and asked quickly.

"I'm sure, Yu Muren has already caught up with him alone. Time is running out. Please Master Mabuyi take me to see Master Raikage first. I will inform Master Raikage in detail for the details."

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