The old man was buried in the grave.

The big hat of Danzo was put down, forcing Minato Namikaze and Hiruzen Sarutobi to reconsider Danzo's proposal.

After all, the Uchiha clan cannot be fully trusted.

It is only because the Uchiha clan has begun to change, and Konoha now needs gentle development, that Minato Namikaze and Hiruzen Sarutobi plan to give the Uchiha clan a chance.

But no one can guarantee that the Uchiha clan will really change, now there is only this possibility.

If this possibility is gone, and the Uchiha clan becomes arrogant and domineering again, and becomes the cancer of Konoha, they will indeed become the sinners of Konoha.

Hiruzen Sarutobi has retired now, and this crime will not fall on his head.

But this crime is likely to fall on Minato Namikaze's head, because he did not take measures against the Uchiha clan, which led to all this.

And with Danzo's character, when that time comes, in order to pull him down from the position of Hokage, he will definitely publicize this matter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Minato Namikaze beside him, and seeing Minato Namikaze's heavy expression, he also guessed that he was thinking the same as himself.

Opportunities can be given, but no preparations can be made.

In this way, Danzo's proposal seems to be feasible.

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned to Minato Namikaze and said, "Minato, why don't you consider the new department?"

Minato Namikaze thought for a while and asked, "If a new department is established, how about the ninjas recruited for the new department?"

Danzo replied, "Now we are in short supply of ninjas in all departments of Konoha, so I will send some Root ninjas to the new department first, and then guide the newly joined ninjas to enforce the law."

Minato Namikaze looked at Danzo deeply, and then said, "The new department can be established, but not only Root ninjas, but also some Anbu ninjas will join."

Danzo had long guessed that Minato Namikaze would not agree to only have Root ninjas in the new department.

Because if there were only Root ninjas in it, the new department would become a subsidiary department of the Root.

Danzo also knew that he couldn't change this, so he said, "You are the Hokage, so you decide this matter naturally."

After seeing that Danzo and Minato Namikaze had reached a consensus, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, "So, do you have a candidate for the leader of this new department?"

Danzo immediately said, "I propose that Chiba be the leader of the new department!"

Hearing Danzo's proposal of Chiba, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Minato Namikaze frowned.

It's not that Chiba is not qualified, but that this department itself is used to check and balance the Uchiha clan.

Chiba, who desperately targeted the Uchiha clan during the war, became the leader of the new department, and the Uchiha ninjas would immediately realize that this new department was specifically used to target the Uchiha clan.

Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice: "Chiyu is not suitable. He targeted the Uchiha clan so much before. When he is the leader, the Uchiha people are not fools!"

Danzo crossed his arms, leaned back in his chair, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato, and sneered: "In this war, ask yourself, is Orochimaru's contribution great? Is Chiyu's contribution great?

After the war, it was my root that took out money and gave it to Orochimaru and Chiyu as a reward to commend their contributions to the war.

What about you? Did you give them any commendation? In addition to verbal commendation, are there any substantial rewards?

As Chiyu's master, Orochimaru has been rewarded for a He was not elected due to some force majeure, and now you are still unwilling to let Chiba be the leader of the new department.

Is it true that the leader of the new department must be someone who listens to you obediently?

Come to think of it, Chiba is obedient enough, right? He has completed all the tasks assigned to him beautifully without any complaints. So you don't trust him?

Is it because Chiba is a ninja from the root? In this case, you might as well assist me as the Hokage and change the leader of the root, which is exactly what you want! "

Minato Namikaze said embarrassedly: "I don't mean that."

Minato Namikaze knew that he was not a very legitimate Hokage.

In terms of achievements and resume, he is not as good as Orochimaru.

Minato Namikaze once thought that the next Hokage would be Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru's resume and achievements are really amazing.

Even compared with Chiba, Minato Namikaze is not as good as him.

It's Sarutobi

Hiruzen forced him to the position of Hokage against all odds.

Actually, he didn't force himself against all odds, but only against Danzo's will.

So after becoming Hokage, Minato Namikaze didn't dare to slack off, and he has been working diligently in the office.

Now that Danzo is so outspoken, Minato Namikaze can only say awkwardly that he didn't mean that.

Sarutobi Hiruzen scolded: "Danzo, don't talk nonsense, everything Minato did was for Konoha, and it's not that we don't want to reward Chiba, it's just that Konoha is short of money recently, and there is not so much money as a reward. When Konoha is well-off, Minato will naturally reward Chiba."

Danzo snorted coldly: "Konoha is short of money, isn't it because of you? Sandaime Hokage, you are such a good person, choosing to benefit those ninjas from other villages who invaded our Konoha, and working hard for Konoha Ye Shinobi who fought for their lives, you are so generous.

Do you really intend to treat Orochimaru and Chiba like this? If you don't trust them so much, then let them become my Root's ninjas completely.

Since you look down on them so much, then let my Root reuse them. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato said in unison: "No!"

Although Orochimaru and Chiba are Root ninjas on the surface, they are actually only in name only.

Because the tasks they carry out are still the tasks they issued.

If they join the Root completely, then Orochimaru and Chiba will only obey Danzo's orders, not their orders.

How can such two powerful ninjas join the Root.

Sarutobi Hiruzen seems to understand Danzo's purpose.

The establishment of the new department this time is Danzo's main purpose, and if the establishment of the new department fails or the leader of the new department is not Chiba, then Danzo's purpose will turn to Chiba and Orochimaru.

Want Chiba and Orochimaru to work for Danzo.

Chiba and Orochimaru's strength is obvious to everyone. If they completely join the root, it will be a huge loss for Namikaze Minato.

Orochimaru is already disappointed. If Chiba is not allowed to be the leader of the new department this time, Chiba may be disappointed with them.

However, it is not appropriate to let Chiba be the leader of the new department used to check and balance the Uchiha clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato are in a dilemma.

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