The two of them were forced to leave.

Hearing Danzo say that he wanted Orochimaru and Chiba to join the Root completely, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato said "No" at the same time.

Because Chiba and Orochimaru are now one of the most prestigious ninjas in Konoha, if they join the Root, the one who will be lost is Namikaze Minato.

After thinking about it, Namikaze Minato said: "Chiba can be the leader of the new department, but I want to set up a deputy leader, and the two of us will manage the new department together."

Danzo asked: "Then who do you plan to let take office as the deputy leader?"

Namikaze Minato decisively said a name: "Uchiha Shisui!"

Hearing this name, not only Danzo frowned, but even Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

The new department is used to check and balance the Uchiha clan, how can we let an Uchiha join?

Namikaze Minato explained: "Third generation, Hokage assistant, you listen to me first, if Chiba joins the new department, then according to the power division of the new department, the Uchiha clan can clearly see that the establishment of the new department is to check and control them.

We have just established a channel of trust with the Uchiha clan, and suddenly established a department specifically for them, then this newly established channel of trust will collapse instantly.

The Uchiha clan cannot be fully trusted now, but it does not mean that they cannot be trusted in the future. If the Uchiha clan is really seeking change, then this new department will destroy this change. .

Since Chiba is to be the leader, someone must come to appease the Uchiha clan and give them a sense of security.

And this person, Shisui, who is a member of the Uchiha clan and also a member of the Hokage's guards, and has also jumped out of the clan's chauvinism, is the most suitable. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it and nodded: "Well, it does make sense. Since Chiba is to be the leader of the new department, the Uchiha clan must be given enough sense of security. It is indeed appropriate for Shisui to be the deputy leader."

Danzo thought about it and now it seems that if Chiba is to be the leader of the new department, Uchiha Shisui must be the deputy leader.

However, in Danzo's opinion, Chiba wants to suppress Uchiha Shisui, which is absolutely in his hands.

If that's the case...

Danzo nodded and said, "Okay, I agree."

Namikaze Minato nodded and said, "Then the name of the new department will be Konoha Defense Force. Its duties will be to formulate village regulations and arrest ninjas with criminal tendencies. The first batch of ninjas will be from the Root and the Anbu, and then recruit some more ninjas.

The leader of the Konoha Defense Force is Chiba, and the deputy leader is Uchiha Shisui. The two will manage it together.

Third-generation, Hokage assistant, do you have anything else to add?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said, "Then let's do it this way."

Danzo also agreed and said, "Okay, this matter must be done as soon as possible and implemented as soon as possible. I will arrange for the Root ninjas to join the Konoha Defense Force now. Fourth-generation, please arrange it quickly."

After that, Danzo got up and left the Hokage's office.

After Danzo left, Minato Namikaze sighed: "This Hokage assistant is really hostile to Uchiha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said helplessly: "Yes, it can be said that Danzo is the most hostile to the Uchiha clan in the entire Konoha, but Danzo also considers the issue of the Uchiha clan from the perspective of Konoha.

After all, there is a precedent. The Uchiha clan did too much in Konoha before, which forced Danzo and I to target the Uchiha clan very extremely.

Danzo is actually right. We do have to make some preparations to restrain the Uchiha clan in case of any eventuality.

Minato, the Konoha Defense Department will be hard for you next."

Minato Namikaze smiled and said: "It's okay, as long as it is good for Konoha, then everything is worth it, but it seems that I have to go to the Uchiha clan's clan site."

After Minato Namikaze and Hiruzen Sarutobi talked about the details of the Konoha Defense Department, Hiruzen Sarutobi left.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen also left, Namikaze Minato summoned Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui knelt on one knee in front of Namikaze Minato: "Hokage-sama!"

Namikaze Minato said to Uchiha Shisui: "Shisui, sit down, I have something to talk to you about."

Uchiha Shisui sat on the seat.

Namikaze Minato said: "Shisui, after the three-party discussion between me, the Sandaime and the Hokage, it was decided to

A new department is established, and this new department is called "Konoha Defense Force", and the power of Konoha Defense Force is to formulate village regulations and arrest ninjas with criminal tendencies. "

Uchiha Shisui was surprised and said, "Doesn't this power conflict with some of the powers of the Konoha Guard Force?"

Namikaze Minato nodded and said, "Yes, so these two powers of the Konoha Guard Force are cancelled."

Uchiha Shisui was a little confused.

I don't understand why Namikaze Minato wants to establish this new department, and I don't understand why this matter should be told to him.

Shouldn't this matter be told to Uchiha Fugaku?

Namikaze Minato sighed and said, "Shisui, the Konoha Guard Force has too much power in Konoha. The Uchiha clan used to abuse these powers and made the people of Konoha hostile to the Uchiha clan. "

Uchiha Shisui pursed his lips. It was indeed as Minato Namikaze said. The Uchiha clan had abused the power of the Konoha Guard Force.

Many people were identified as criminals by the Uchiha clan and locked up for a few days just because they said something bad about the Uchiha clan behind their backs.

Uchiha Shisui said, "I can understand you, Hokage-sama."

Minato Namikaze smiled and said, "It's good that you can understand. The leader of the Konoha Defense Force will be Chiba."

Uchiha Shisui suddenly looked at Minato Namikaze with an expression of disbelief.

Chiba was appointed as the leader of the newly established Konoha Defense Force. His duties were to formulate village regulations and arrest ninjas with criminal tendencies.

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be targeting the Uchiha clan!

If the biggest anti-fan leader of the Uchiha clan is Danzo, then Chiba is definitely the second.

Minato Namikaze smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I am targeting the Uchiha clan? "

Uchiha Shisui came back to his senses and lowered his head and replied: "I didn't think so, Hokage-sama."

Namikaze Minato said helplessly: "In fact, it is normal for you to think so. The original intention of establishing this new department is to restrain the Uchiha clan. After all, the past of the Uchiha clan is there, so this new department was established.

However, this new department is not aimed at the Uchiha clan. As long as your clan members abide by the law, there will be no problem. After all, in addition to joining the Root Ninja, I will also arrange for Anbu Ninja to join the new department, and will not let the Root and Chiba mess around.

The most important thing is... Shisui, I have recommended you to become the deputy leader of the new department. "

Uchiha Shisui raised his head suddenly and looked at Namikaze Minato blankly.

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