The atmosphere at Tsunade's

residence instantly became awkward.

Xiao Yun scratched his head embarrassedly, this time was indeed a bit too much.

"You stinky men, for the sake of your own well-being, you don't care about the life or death of women,"

Hinata Baijie said angrily.

"Uh, this... Bai Jie, it won't affect the child,

right?" Xiao Yun looked at Hinata Bai Jie weakly.

"That's not going to happen, but you'll have to be a little more restrained in the future,"

Hinata said with a flushed face.


Xiao Yun nodded, then turned around and entered the room.

Looking at Tsunade, who was a little pale, Xiao Yun's face was full of guilt, and he gently hugged Tsunade in his arms.

That night, Tsunade slept soundly.

When the first rays of sunlight in the morning poured into the room, Tsunade slowly opened his charming eyes, only to see Xiao Yun staring at him affectionately.

"Tsunade, I'm sorry"

Xiao Yun looked at Tsunade guiltily.

"Fool, how could I blame you? I did it all voluntarily"

Tsunade fell gently into Xiao Yun's arms, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by the strong hormones on Xiao Yun's body, which fascinated her.

Looking at the gentle and jade-soft Tsunade, Xiao Yun's breathing couldn't help but become heavy again.

"Yun, I'm fine, come on"

Tsunade closed his eyes shyly.

Xiao Yun leaned his mouth up and kissed Tsunade deeply.

"Tsunade, take care of the fetus, I can restrain it"

Xiao Yun held Tsunade's face that was enough to charm all beings, and gently stroked her golden hair.

"Really, why am I so unconvinced? I'll have to test you,"

Tsunade smiled slyly, then got up and went to the bathroom,

changed into a secretary's uniform, and stepped out in high heels.


Xiaoyun's nosebleed was about to flow out, and the black tight uniform, black stockings, and black high heels set off Tsunade's explosive figure and Saixue's skin flawlessly, and with the black glasses, it was going to kill people.

Such a stunning beauty, Xiao Yun will watch it every day, and there will be no day when he has seen enough.

"Tsunade, you can have a snack"

Xiao Yun picked up a tissue and wiped the blood from his nose. , said speechlessly.

"Giggles, Hokage-sama, your secretary Tsunade Ji wants to discuss the way of life with you"

Tsunade's high heels made a clattering sound, and Xiao Yun's heart rippled.

"Tsunade, don't be like this" "

What do you say, sister wants." Just fight quickly, don't toss

it, it's okay if it's endless" "But Tsunade ......"

Before Xiao Yun finished speaking, he saw Tsunade

kiss him fiercely, and then pushed Xiao Yun down and stepped up.

For a long time

, "Xiao Yun, it's all your fault, let me be so obsessed with this"

Tsunade snuggled in Xiao Yun's arms, looking satisfied.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Xiao Yun hurriedly picked up Tsunade and put it on the bed.

Xiao Yun opened the door, and the person who came was his secretary Hinata Baijie.

"Hokage-sama, ah, Thunderkage-sama and Kirabi have arrived in Konoha,"

Hinata Hakujie said respectfully, and after finishing speaking, the girl looked at Xiao Yun, who was dressed in disheveled clothes,

with a puzzled look.

"What are you guys doing

?" "She has to do

it" "

If she wants you, give it to you?"

Hinata Baijie looked at Xiao Yun speechlessly.


Xiao Yun and Hinata Hakujie from the Konoha Village

Hokage Office

slowly walked in, only to see that at this time, Kirabi and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow were already sitting on the sofa in the office.

"Hokage-sama is really full of spring, the secretary around him changes every few days, and the blessing is not shallow,"

the fourth generation of Lei Ying said angrily.

"Hehe, big brother, people are Hokage now, and the women around me are changing one after another, isn't this a normal thing? I'm afraid Samui has forgotten all about what she looks like, poor idiot girl is still waiting for her man to save her"

Kirabi's tone also sounded yin and yang.

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly when he heard this, looked at the two brothers helplessly, and said: "Lord Thunder Shadow, Senior Kirabi, how could I forget Samyi, if it weren't for her face, how could you agree to send ninjas to help defend Konoha, this kindness, I, Xiao Yun, will always remember it in my heart

" "Yes, Lord Thunder Shadow, you have misunderstood Lord Hokage, in fact, he has been asking where the Dragon Land Cave is, Lord Hokage has never forgotten Samui"

Hinata Baijie hurriedly poured tea for the two.


the two of them snorted coldly.

At this moment, Jiraiya also walked in with three people, Yuki, Hataka, and Naruto Uzumaki, along with Ying.


Thunder Shadow" Yugiichi saw the four generations of Thunder Shadow and immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Yuki, you're not dead outside,"

Thunder Shadow looked at Yuki coldly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run out of the village without permission,"

a look of guilt appeared on Yuki's beautiful face.

"Get up, from today onwards, you will stay in Miaomu Mountain and are not allowed to go out without permission, otherwise I will expel you from Thunder Shadow Village" Thunder

Shadow said lightly.


Yuki said respectfully.

"Alright, without further ado, we'll go out right away,"

Jiraiya said, and immediately summoned a half-man-tall toad.

"Naruto, when you get to Miaomu Mountain, you have to practice immortal art well, you know?"

Xiao Yun looked at Naruto with a fatherly concern on his face.

"Yes!" Naruto nodded.

"Jiraiya, I'm afraid that I have to push back the matter of going to Miaomu Mountain to practice, I want to wait until the investigation is clear about Tangying Village,"

Xiao Yun looked at Jiraiya and said.

"Okay," Jiraiya was silent for a while, and then said, "You are careful,"


Konoha Houshan

Xiao Yun and the four generations of Lei Ying were passionate for an afternoon.

At dusk

, the four generations of Lei Ying lay on the ground panting, sweaty, looked at Xiao Yun incredibly, and said: "I didn't expect you to grow to this point in such a short time, it's incredible" Xiao Yun's

growth speed was completely beyond his expectations, with Shangmu Dun, Lei Dun, and the mysterious dragon body, he was actually on par with himself in terms of strength and speed.

Of course, if he was clothed by Lei Kai and strengthened his physical activity to the limit, Xiao Yun would definitely not be his opponent.

But Rao is like this, Xiao Yun is still very remarkable, after all, he was a shinobi not long ago, and it has only been a long time before he can be on par with himself.

If he is allowed to develop obscenely for a while, I am afraid that the entire ninja world can defeat him, and he can count it on one hand.

At this time, Lei Ying was very glad that Sam Yi had followed Xiao Yun in the first place.

"By the way, Xiao Yun, how much do you know about the Dragon Earth Cave," the

fourth generation of Thunder Shadow asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, the person who kidnapped Samyi said that when I have the strength of the shadow level, she will take me to the Dragon Land Cave, but I haven't waited until now, and I don't know how Samyi is now"

Xiao Yun shook her head helplessly

, thinking of Samyi, Xiao Yun laughed unconsciously, her beautiful face, graceful figure, and all the ...... she did for herself

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