"Hey, Xiao Yun,

in your letter, you said in the letter that Xiao organized the collection of tailed beasts to resurrect that big barrel of wood, is it true?"

Lei Ying looked at Xiao Yun suspiciously, not that he didn't believe Xiao Yun, but the truth that Xiao Yun said was too amazing.

What reincarnation eyes, six immortals, aliens big barrel wood, all these have completely subverted his cognition.

"Well, Lord Thunder Shadow, you have to be mentally prepared, the strength of the enemy we will face in the future will completely subvert your cognition, or it won't be long before you will know whether what I said is true or false"

Xiao Yun's face was full of solemnity.

"Well, I'll trust you for now. In addition, I have one more request,"

said the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Masase.

"A request?" Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and said: "Lord Thunder Shadow helped Konoha when he was in the most danger, don't say a request, even ten I have to agree

" "Count your kid a little conscience." My request is very simple, if it is really as you said, the ninja world will definitely usher in a fierce battle in the near future, and when it really comes, our five major powers will definitely have to form an alliance again"

"And you Xiao Yun is not only talented enough, but also has a black wrist, after the alliance, a new leader will inevitably be introduced, and I will push you to become the new leader at that time." My request is that no matter how many women you have in the future, you must make Samyi the real lady, you just need to promise me that from today onwards, all your actions, we in the Thunder Shadow Village will fully cooperate," the

four generations of Thunder Shadow Masase said.

"This...... Hehe, Lord Thunder Shadow praised it falsely, you said that I have a little talent, I admit it, you say that I have a wrist, I don't dare to be it, in fact, since I became the Hokage, big and small things have been handled by Tsunade and Hinata Baijie"

Xiao Yun touched the back of his head slightly embarrassed.

"Really?" Thunder

Shadow's face sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Yun chuckled in his heart when he saw this, and a bad premonition instantly surged into his heart.

"I don't know what Lord Thunder Shadow is talking about?" Although

Xiao Yun had already guessed in his heart that Thunder Shadow was referring to Darui's death, he still behaved like a stupid white sweet.

"Hmph, there are some things that you and I just need to know, don't worry, I'm not here to hold you responsible, I just need to agree to my request, as long as you agree, I will not only assist you to become the new leader, but I will also help you establish a new ninja kingdom, at that time, you will be the king of the ninja world"

The words of the four generations of Thunder Shadow were full of temptation.

"The king of the ninja world, let's wait until I defeat the big barrel wood"

Xiao Yun said lightly, don't say that he is not interested in being a king, but he is interested, his real wife will always be Tsunade, not that Samyi is not good enough, but that there is always a first come and first come in everything.

But at this time, you can't say too much, after all, Thunder Shadow Village is a big help, after sitting on the position of Hokage, Xiao Yun knows that everything can't be done by his own temperament, even if he is unhappy, sometimes he should endure it.

"You're worried about Tsunade, aren't you?"

said Thunder Shadow with a smile.

"No, I just don't want to trade women, whether it's Tsunade or Samui, they are both women I love deeply, in no particular order in my heart. In this way, if the ninja kingdom is established in the future, I will push you to be the king, and when the time comes, you will pass the throne to Samyi, and I will be able to eat soft rice, anyway, I now have the reputation of the strongest soft rice king in the ninja world"

Xiao Yun said with a smile.

"You...... Forget it, I'll talk about this later"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying smiled bitterly, looking at Xiao Yun who didn't get in the oil and salt, he really couldn't do anything about it.


Three days later

, the four generations of Lei Ying left Konoha Village, and before leaving, this thing still fell in love with Sam Yi's main palace mother, but every time it was blocked by Xiao Yun.

"This four-generation Thunder Shadow is really uninteresting,"

Hinata Baijie looked at the back of the four generations of Thunder Shadow leaving speechlessly.

"Leave him alone, by the way, how is Tsunade now?" Xiao

Yun hasn't seen Tsunade for two days in a row, the reason is very simple, during this time, Tsunade's reaction to pregnancy is getting bigger and bigger, and in order to prevent misfire, the two have to choose to temporarily separate.

"Are you embarrassed to say it?I don't understand, is that so interesting?Hokage-sama can't restrain it, and so is Sister Tsunade"

After these two months of getting along, Hinata Baijie is no longer as silent as he was when he just came to Xiao Yun's side, and he can say anything boldly.

"Hehe, do you want to try it?"

Xiao Yun looked at Hinata Baijie's chest with an evil expression.

"Xiao Yun, you're a bastard, Tsunade is still pregnant, so you flirt with other women"

Hinata Baijie blushed and ran away with a little shame, in fact, this is not the first time Xiao Yun has made this kind of joke with her, but every time it is only a joke.


The Hyuga clan "Bai Jie, have you and Xiao Yun made substantial progress"

Hyuga Hinata looked at Hyuga

Bai Jie in front of him with a straight face.

"I ......"

Hinata Baijie wanted to speak and stopped, she liked Xiao Yun, but she never crossed that threshold in her heart, and although Xiao Yun made some non-meat jokes with her many times, she never made any further moves, just verbally flirting and flirting, in general, Xiao Yun is a man with sex and taste.

You can't let yourself a woman take the initiative in this kind of thing

, right?" "It seems that you don't plan to let the old man unlock Hinata's caged bird curse, right?"

Hinata Hinata said coldly.

"Patriarch, please give me some more time, I will definitely complete the task"

Hinata Baijie's beautiful face was instantly flustered, Ning Ci's greatest wish was to unlock the caged bird spell mark, and he would help him fulfill his wish no matter what.

"Okay! I'll believe you again. Take this, Tsunade is in the hospital to raise the fetus during this time, you use it"

Hinata Hinata finished speaking, and kicked a box at his feet to Hinata Hakujie's side.

Hinata Baijie opened the box and saw that the box was actually filled with Tsunade's iconic clothes, and there was a big gambling word on the back.

"Change your clothes and play Tsunade in the dead of night tonight,"

Hinata Hinata finished speaking and turned around and left the ancestral hall.

Hinata Baijie looked at the clothes in the box in a daze, and had mixed feelings in her heart, forget it, for Ning Ci, it's all worth it.

The moon is dark and the wind is high

Xiao Yun is lying in Tsunade's room, looking at Tsunade's photo boredly, this girl is really beautiful, she can't see enough, but unfortunately now she has to be separated from herself for a while.

The fate of this straw egg!

Samyi was taken to the Dragon's Cave.

Sunset Red was poisoned and had to isolate himself.

Even Tsunade now has to leave himself temporarily in order to raise a baby.

Brother, I'm really sorry for you!

At that moment, the electric light suddenly flickered, and after a while it went out, and the room was dark.

The sound of

the door lock being opened sounded, and a familiar figure slowly walked in.

The moonlight was dim, and in this dark night when he couldn't see his fingers, Xiao Yun only saw a woman in a green shirt pounce into his arms, and there was a big gambling word behind her.

"Tsunade, why are you back?" Xiao

Yun asked suspiciously.

'Tsunade''s soft lips blocked Xiao Yun, holding Xiao Yun's face, demanding fiercely, and making a chirping sound.

"Tsunade, we shouldn't have sex together for the time being"

Xiao Yun hurriedly stopped 'Tsunade'.

But the 'Tsunade' didn't care about it, and he couldn't tolerate Xiao Yun's refusal, and directly overlord opened the bow ......

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