Strength halving is really a headache. I can’t even beat the average Jonin now, so I can barely count as a Special-Jonin or even Elite Chunin. The most terrible thing is that Chakra Reserves and Chakra recovery speed have both been halved, which makes it impossible for me to use many powerful Ninjutsu. However, fortunately, due to some unknown reasons, the Sharingan of my transplant can be closed, so I don’t need to consume a large amount of Chakra for no reason like Kakashi does.

In addition, my Azure Edge Sword was also lost, and 80% of it was put away by Obito or Nagato, and I can’t get it back in a short time. It’s really misfortunes never come singly.

However, these are nothing compared to losing Xiaoxue, it is simply insignificant. In the past few months of recovering from injuries at home, I gazed Moon every night, and my heart aches.

“Xiaoxue…” At night, I couldn’t breathe with heartache. Every time, I had to rely on alcohol anesthesia to sleep.

I should have recovered from the injury in three months. Because of my muddleheaded, the injury continued to deteriorate and repeated. It took half a year to completely recover completely.

After recovering completely, Third-Kage was worried about my situation and gave me a half-year leave. There will be no missions above C-Rank in this half year. And temporarily stopped Kakashi as a Genin Guidance Teacher mission, and also took half a year leave to help me with training.

Speaking nicely, it is to help me train. In fact, it is nothing more than being afraid that I can’t think about it and do something stupid, and want me to untie the heart knot that’s all. However, the pain of losing my beloved sweetheart is so easy to forget. Besides, Xiaoxue’s Sharingan reminds me all the time that she has left me.

“At the beginning, Third-Kage asked me to accompany Kakashi to help him melt the darkness in his heart. I didn’t expect it to be the other way around. It’s ridiculous.” I mocked myself and leaned on the Yugito Nii pile on the practice ground. , No fighting spirit.

“Kurone, how come your strength has dropped so much.” Kakashi looked at my training results, frowned, “Now you, let alone Teacher Minato, even me and Guy, you are worse A lot. How did you become like this?”

Yeah, how did I become like this? In fact, the side effects of the technique of schism are only on the surface, more psychologically.

“Perhaps I am destined to be a loser.” I said with a bitter smile, “I can’t protect my best friends, sweetheart, and enemies. I am a loser from head to tail.”


“Shisui and Huaxue’s matter is not your fault. Don’t blame yourself, Kurone. You should cheer yourself up. They don’t want you to be like this in the Spirit of Heaven.” Kakashi earnest and well- I was meant to persuade me, but there was no fluctuation in my heart.

I understand the truth, but…

At this moment, the sound of throwing shuriken came from not far away.

sou! Click! sou! Patter! Whoops!

Judging from the sound, the thrower’s technique is very bad, let alone hitting the bullseye, Shuriken can’t get to the target at all, just kissed the target, and they landed on the ground one after another.

“Hateful! I won’t admit-defeat!” The immature voice came into my ears, “I can do it!”

It sounds familiar, I slowly stood up, and then moved towards the direction where the sound came from.

What catches the eye is a little boy with yellow hair, eight or nine years old, with three beards on each side of his cheeks, who is not Naruto.

Little Naruto was struggling to throw shuriken, brow beaded with sweat, but none of them hit the target, all fell to the ground in front of the target.

Little Naruto is not discouraged. Instead, he repeats an action very persistently. After the shuriken is thrown, he picks it up and continues to throw it.

I didn’t bother him, just gazed him in a daze.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally, a shuriken successfully pierced the target. Although it was in a very marginal position, it was also a great encouragement for the little Naruto.

bang bang bang bang! I involuntarily applauded him.

“Kurone big brother!” Little Naruto saw me, immediately threw away the shuriken, and ran over to me excitedly, panting with rage and said, “Kurone big brother, you haven’t been here for a long time Look at me.”

“Sorry, I’ve been busy recently. It hasn’t been long since I returned to Konoha.” I touched Naruto’s little head apologetically.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Kurone big brother, you have worked hard, I will ask you to eat Ramen Ichiraku.” Little Naruto stuck in his waist and said old-fashioned.

“Forget it, you don’t have any income. Let me ask you. I take your kindness.” I touched Naruto’s head again, and then looked back to Kakashi, who was not far away. , His eyes narrowed into crescents, smiled nodded towards me, and then disappeared with a bang.

“Then let’s go.” I took Naruto’s hand and walked towards the village. As I walked, I asked, “Naruto, why are you working so hard? It will be exhausting to practice like this. “

“Because I want to be Hokage, only promote strength, let everyone recognize me, I can become Hokage.” When mentioning Hokage, little Naruto’s eyes flashed with rays of light.

It seems that little Naruto has grown a lot. He already understands that it is not just for being recognized by everyone to become Hokage, but for someone recognized by everyone to become Hokage.

“What is the motivation to keep you going?” I continued to ask.

Little Naruto said without hesitation: “If you want to be honest, this is my forbearance. Being a Hokage is my dream and I will not give up. Besides, Kurone big brother, you told me , I will succeed, because I am Uzumaki Naruto!”

Listening to Naruto’s words, I fell into deep thought.

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