After listening to Naruto’s seemingly funny, but extremely persistent and persistent words, I thought a lot.

Yes, although his dream seems so far away and unrealistic, I know that Naruto did become Hokage in the end. It was just the process in the middle, which was extremely difficult.

Then what reason do I have no desire to improve? Xiaoxue is still waiting for me, I must save her, at all costs.

One year later…

In this year, I have been training very hard, and I finally upgraded my strength to the level of ordinary Jonin, not far from Elite Jonin. In another month, it will be the graduation ceremony of the Academy, and the vacation given to me by Third-Kage is almost the same. Kakashi eager to get into action or start on a task and I are ready to welcome the newly graduated Ninja students and lead them to grow. It is a real ninja who can stand alone.

I know the situation of Kakashi. In the past two years, no new Genin will pass his test. All of them will be sent back to the Academy to study again. It will not be until the emergence of Team-7 two years later. Change this situation.

As for me? Do you want to be like Kakashi? To be honest, I don’t know. Take a look when the time comes, I don’t know how to test these fledgling little Genin.

Kakashi and Guy are still young, and I, after a year of standing, have gradually become more stable, without the enthusiasm and vitality of that many.

One day, Third Hokage suddenly sent Anbu to the house to summon me, which surprised me.

“Senior Kurone, Third-Hokage asks you to come over.” My reputation is not small in the village, and I have been in Anbu for a long time. This Anbu should be a newcomer, look He respects me very much.

“Well, did Third-Hokage say anything about it?” I replied.

“No, looking at the look of Third-Hokage, there should be some important missions to be issued. Please seniors to come with me.”

“Okay, let’s go. “I sorted my clothes, then put my hand on the shoulder of the Anbu, thoughts move, and came to Hokage Residence.

The Anbu was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted and said with admiration: “worthy-of is the black lightning of Konoha, Kurone-senior, your Flying Thunder God Jutsu is really amazing!”

“Where and where, I dare not be, I dare not be.” I said with a bitter smile in my heart, now my strength is just an ordinary Jonin, and Flying Thunder God Jutsu can do it well.

The Anbu led me to the door of Hokage’s Office and retired, and I knocked on the door and walked in.

Third Hokage was reviewing the documents. Seeing me coming in, he happily stopped his work and said with a smile: “Aiya, Kurone, how is this year? Look at your face, I guess You should have recovered well.”

“Thank you Third-Hokage for your concern. I am fine now. I am be eager to have a try. I am going to take Genin.” I bowed to Third Hokage. , Said with a smile.

“It’s good, it’s very positive, then I’m relieved, Kakashi has also stepped out of the darkness now, I’m very pleased.” Third Hokage lit the cigarette again, “I’m calling you over again? There is something, it can also be said to be a mission. I have to trouble you because I really can’t find a candidate.”

“Third-Hokage, please tell me, it’s my duty.” It happened that I was also one year old. I haven’t received any major missions, and I’m getting sick soon, just to move my muscles and bones.

“Let me ask you first, what did you think about Itachi back then, to be honest.” Third Hokage became serious.

Seeing Third Hokage’s serious expression, I put away my smile, got serious, and said, “Itachi’s personality is very clear to me. He is impossible to betray the village. Although I was not there at that time, I Guess, he should be the coup-d’état who was ordered to suppress Uchiha Clan, and then go to Akatsuki as an undercover agent.”

Third Hokage heard my words, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and then sighed in relief, Said: “As expected, I know I can’t hide it from you. When Itachi was there, he also said that if you are still alive, this matter must be hidden from you.”

Nonsense, of course. But I am, but I have written all these in a small notebook, besides, such an important plot, is it impossible to forget it.

I want to return to thinking so, I still keep a serious expression, and ask: “Is this mission related to Itachi?”

“Yes, since you are understood, then I too I won’t keep anything.” Third Hokage took a breath of smoke and continued, “When I asked Itachi to go to Akatsuki as an undercover agent, I ordered him to collect information about Akatsuki. Now it seems that I have collected almost the information, but Itachi is inconvenient to come back. And information is very important, so I have to send someone to the connection and get the information back. But only a few people at high level know about Itachi. If you send Anbu, it might reveal the identity of Itachi, so I thought about it and thought. You are the most suitable. First, you know the identity of Itachi and are very familiar with him; second, your Flying Thunder God Jutsu is very suitable for this mission. So, would you like to take a trip?”

“Of course, it just so happens that I haven’t seen Itachi for more than two years.” I nodded.

In fact, it hasn’t been two years long. A year and a half ago, after the battle with Pain, I was still saved by Itachi, but I didn’t report that’s all in this paragraph, so I can’t say anything about it.

“This mission is top secret, there is no rank, and no mission scroll.” Third Hokage said solemnly, “The mission location is at the Land-of-Rivers Shenxie Mountain Altar, and the connection time is the morning of the day after tomorrow. Point, Itachi will wait for you on the altar ladder. Quickly go and quickly return, pay attention to safety.”

“Yes, I will set off immediately.”

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