Third Hokage didn’t say anything when he got the scroll, but was slightly surprised when he heard Orochimaru had left Akatsuki, and then he thought about it for a while without saying anything.

“Orochimaru this guy, I really can’t touch him.” Third-Kage smiled wryly, shake one’s head, and said: “Kurone, you have worked hard. Go back and rest for two days. Two days later, I There is another mission that you need to complete.”

“Yes.” I nodded and left.

Two days later.

“Third-Hokage, please give the mission.” I stood in front of Third Hokage and said full of energy.

“Yes, I’m very motivated.” Third Hokage praised him, and then said: “That’s it. After several years of development, Hidden Sand has basically recovered the losses of the last war. , Began to move towards normal. Because of the last war thanks to our Konoha’s help, Fifth-Kage Kazekage wanted to formally form an alliance with Konoha and let us send a mission over.”

“Fifth-Kage Kazekage, Pakura?” I recalled the Scorch-Style girl I saved back then. I didn’t expect five years to pass in the blink of an eye.

“Yes, Fifth-Kage Kazekage also specifically called you to go.” Third Hokage said, smoking a cigarette. “Did you two know each other before?”

“En? Call me to go?” I was taken aback, “I know, before the war, when the mission was outside, I happened to rescue her. “

“It turns out that this is the case. It couldn’t be better. You saved her. Fifth-Kage Kazekage must have a good impression of you. It’s a good fit for you. The possibility of forming an alliance is very great.” Third Hokage said with a smile.

“But…I don’t know how to negotiate. I’m afraid that if I go, what kind of agreement will be signed and what damage will be caused to Konoha.” I said embarrassingly. After all, this is not my ability. Things within the scope have to speak frankly.

“Don’t worry, you are not the only one to go, the staff will also send someone, you will be the head of the bodyguard of this mission, responsible for security work, and good relations with Fifth-Kage Kazekage. . Shikaku will take care of the negotiation.” Third Hokage waved his hand, said.

“Then then I can rest assured.” I was relieved.

“If there is no problem, you can start in the afternoon. This is the scroll of the detailed mission.”

In the afternoon, at the gate of Konoha.

All the members of the mission are already in this episode. There are a total of 20 people, including the eight negotiating team led by Nara Shikaku and the twelve guards led by me. In the escort, except me, the remaining eleven people were all drawn from Anbu.

“Ha, Kurone big brother, I guessed it was you leading the team, remember me?” An Anbu came over to me and said with a smile.

“Why don’t you remember, Hyuga Heiji, we haven’t seen you for a long time.” I said with a smile, and patted his shoulder.

That Anbu took off his mask. It turned out that it was my old subordinate Hyuga Heiji. He laughed at me and then put the mask on again. After all, Anbu’s operations are still confidential.

“Yes, it has been almost three years since our sixth team was disbanded.” Hyuga Heiji emotionally said, “It’s really fortune plays with people.”

“Okay. All are here.” Nara Shikaku suddenly stood in front of the team and said, “I am the head of the mission and the leader of the negotiation team, Nara Shikaku. This is Captain Hatake Kurone of the guard unit. I think the big guy I know both of us, so I won’t say much.”

“The guards are scattered outside to protect the negotiating team, and go!”


Twenty figures filed out from the gate of Konoha and moved towards Hidden Sand Village. Because there are a lot of people, I didn’t use Flying Thunder God Jutsu. With my current strength, Chakra cost too much.

Moreover, the distance is not very far, just because the member physical strength in the negotiation team can’t keep up, so the whole team stopped and went, and it took three days to reach Hidden Sand Village.

A few hundred meters away from the Heaven’s Line gate of the village, Fifth-Kage Kazekage has already greeted us there with a lot of people.

“It seems that this Fifth-Kage Kazekage is really polite. He came out so far to greet us.” Nara Shikaku said with a smile.

“Well, it seems quite sincere.” I laughed and responded.

“Welcome the Konoha mission to visit my Hidden Sand Village, the station has been arranged, please.” A female ninja dressed as a secretary came out next to Fifth-Kage Kazekage and said to us.

“pay respects to Fifth-Kage Lord-Kazekage, I greet you on behalf of Konoha, thank you for welcoming.” Nara Shikaku bowed and said.

“The messenger is polite, please, journey fatigue, you take a day off, and tomorrow we will start discussing the alliance.” Pakura waved his hand with a smile.

“It’s so good, please.”

So our mission and Kazekage team walked side by side to the village.

“Lord-Kazekage is really young and promising. I became a Kazekage at a young age and led the rapid development of Hidden Sand Village. It is really admirable.” Nara Shikaku said politely while walking, although they were all To be honest, but I do sound flattering. But that’s right, when you get to other people’s turf, of course you have to say something nice, so you can’t make people unhappy, right?

“Thank you. Speaking of young and promising, you have a lot of talents in Konoha. The late Yellow Flash in your village and the incumbent Ninxiong Third Hokage are both young and promising. Hokage. And Hatake Kakashi, also an outstanding talent among the younger generation. Copy Ninja’s Daimyo can like thunder piercing the ear.”

I was listening to the conversation between Pakura and Nara Shikaku blankly. , Pakura turned to me suddenly and said: “And this one, high-spirited and vigorous to kill Fourth-Kage Mizukage, Konoha’s black lightning, Hatake Kurone, also Dingding Daimyo.”

Shocked, I didn’t expect she would mention me suddenly.

“pu chi…” Seeing my embarrassment, Pakura laughed coldly, “Why, I won’t recognize me after five years, Hatake Kurone?”

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