“How can I, hahaha.” I scratched my head awkwardly, “Ms. Pakura’s valiant and formidable looking, how can I forget, hahaha.”

” Really?” Pakura looked at me playfully, “It’s been five years and I haven’t come to Hidden Sand to see me. Do you look down on me Pakura?”

“How can I, I have been there before Anbu, there are many missions, no chances, and I don’t know what capacity to visit Hidden Sand. After all, you are now Fifth-Kage Kazekage, and you are no longer the little girl at that time.” I said silently, “I can’t deal with it. It’s so easy for someone to rise to the diplomatic level, and I can’t afford it.”

“What are you two?” Nara Shikaku looked at me and Pakura with confusion, a little confused, “What’s the situation? You two know each other?”

Pakura did not pay attention to Nara Shikaku, and continued to each minding their own business and said: “I heard that you got married not long after the war, tsk tsk, drunk land of warmth and tenderness, forget the old friend.”

When I heard this, my face instantly solidified, my smile gradually disappeared, my face became firm, and I could feel the murderous aura all over my face. .

“Which pot does not open or lift which pot, women are truly troublesome.” Nara Shikaku covered her face with a headache.

“Why…what?” Pakura noticed something wrong in the atmosphere, combined with my reaction, realized something, and put away the hippie smile, “I’m sorry, what did I say wrong?”

“We only had a relationship before, and we can’t talk about an old friend. Besides, you are an ambitious Kazekage. I am just an ordinary Jonin with no ambitions. I am not qualified to be your friend.” I said coldly, “I’m a little tired. Anyway, the mission is also escorted. I’ll go to the inn first. I won’t be able to accompany me.”

I didn’t wait for Pakura and Nara Shikaku to stop me. I walked away, and according to the road signs, I found a room specially provided by the station for the mission, and took the key to my room.

“Xiaoxue…” I lay down on the floor, gently stroking these eyes with my hand, thinking about its original Master, “How I want to open my eyes and see my yearn For day and night.”

However, no matter how many times you close your eyes and open your eyes, you will always be disappointed and sad.

My whole body relaxes, unsuspecting, and my exhausted heart makes me fall asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, I slowly woke up, and when my consciousness became clear, I felt an aura by my side.

“Not good, someone!” Many years of Anbu life made me react very quickly. I jumped up instantly, pulled the Kunai from my leggings, and aimed at that person.

“Wake up?” A female voice came into my ears.

It seems a little familiar. I rubbed my eyes and looked intently. It turned out to be Fifth-Kage Kazekage Pakura, sitting at the table in the room, drinking tea and looked at me.

“Hoo…” I sighed in relief and inserted kunai back into my leggings. “It turns out to be Lord-Kazekage. Next time I ask Lord-Kazekage not to appear next to me while I sleep, otherwise it may Injured by mistake.”

Next time, it seems that I cannot relax my vigilance. This time I slept too deadly. Fortunately, I am not an enemy. Otherwise, I would have died eight times.

“It seems that you are still brooding about what happened just now. I heard Nara Shikaku talk about you, but I didn’t expect such a thing to happen to you. It’s because I’m too speechless. I’m sorry.” Pakura walked to me, bowed deeply, and said sincerely, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, please forgive me.”

“Actually, I didn’t blame it. You, it’s just that you mentioned Xiaoxue, let me…” I lifted Pakura up and said to her, “It makes me feel a little uncomfortable.”

“Let’s go for a walk outside the village, maybe this way you It will feel better.” Pakura suggested, “I also lost a loved one. I understand how you feel.”

“Outside the village? Why not in the village?” I asked my question.

“You forgot my identity? As Kazekage, I can’t go shopping grandiosely. Even more how and ninja in the outside village, I will be…” Pakura said helplessly.

“Yes, it seems that being Kazekage is not a good thing. Freedom has been lost a lot.” I emotionally said, “Well, I will take you out with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but Kazekage has disappeared in the village. Will nothing happen?”

“Don’t worry, it’s the evening. People in the village are all having dinner. No one cares about going out for a few hours.” Pakura’s playful stuck out the tongue, Not at all like an old girl who is going to run for the third time.

“I changed into casual clothes, so it’s not easy to be recognized when I go out. Kazekage clothes are too garish.” Pakura said.

I nodded: “Well, then I’ll make it for you…”

I didn’t finish my words, but with a bang, the smoke cleared, and Pakura had changed into casual clothes.

She wears black sleeveless tight clothes and has a very good figure. Her brown hair is tied into a ponytail braid, and a few green bangs are drooped down.

“How is it? Is it pretty?” Pakura put her white arms on her hips and turned around in front of me.

I’m nodded and didn’t say anything. Pakura can be said to be a beauty, not only has the look of an angel, but also the figure of a devil, which is really eye-catching. It’s just that I only have Xiaoxue in my heart, no matter how beautiful a woman is, there is no fluctuation in my heart.

Pakura saw that I didn’t react very much, and was a little disappointed, and then his eyes lit up again.

“Let’s go.”

“Un.” I put my hand on Pakura’s shoulder, thoughts move, and came to Shenxuan Mountain.

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