“Here is it?” Pakura looked around and said, “Is the Land-of-Rivers God Mountain?”

I am nodded, different expression.

“I wanted to come here a long time ago, but I haven’t had a chance.” Pakura smiled and said, “Flying Thunder God Jutsu is really convenient. I want to go where I want to go.”

“So what can I do.” I said blankly, thinking, “Flying Thunder God Jutsu, no matter how powerful it is, how can Fourth Hokage go to Yomi with Kushina, I haven’t lost my love yet,” It can’t change much.

“Let’s go, let’s take a walk, don’t be unhappy.” Pakura saw that I was in a bad mood and said.

I’m nodded, didn’t say anything, and walked up with her. Shenxie Mountain is very high and there are many steps. It takes a long time to walk up slowly.

After walking in silence for a long time, Pakura finally couldn’t help it. Start to talk broke the embarrassing atmosphere: “Don’t walk like this, or tell me your story.”

I shake one’s head and said: “You should have heard a lot of my things from the rumors, and there is nothing else worth talking about. As for my personal affairs, I don’t want to talk about it.”


“Okay.” Pakura shrugged helplessly and said, “Then I will tell you my story.”

I am slightly nodded.

Pakura recalled the gazed blood red sunset glow as he walked: “I was born in a very ordinary family in Hidden Sand. In childhood, I lived very peacefully and happily. Until one day, I found that I could control the temperature. , And then condense a hot Fireball. At that time, I was very curious. I performed it in front of my partner, and accidentally burned a partner. This time the basket was so big that the Lords discovered my secret and took me. It’s closed. I heard from them that I have special ability or something. Later I learned that my ability is Kekkei Genkai —Scorch-Style.”

“Land-of- What is Wind’s attitude towards Kekkei Genkai? I feel It shouldn’t be too good.” I said, “I know Land-of-Water is very repulsive to Kekkei Genkai. Once you find it, you’ll be killed.”

Pakura sighed, and then said: “Although it is not as serious as Land-of-Water, Land-of-Wind is not much better. People still reject Kekkei Genkai as such an alien. There is Kekkei Genkai. People will be regarded as monsters.”

“After being discovered, your life must be very difficult, will you be discriminated against by the villagers.” I can’t help feeling a little distressed about Pakura, because I remember the original work The white who owns Ice-Style Kekkei Genkai is the mother who was killed. He avoided chasing everywhere, and finally had to wander around the world with Momochi Zabuza. Pakura is in the same situation as Bai, and it is probably not much better.

“It’s affirmative to be discriminated against, but it’s not that simple. If you are found to be a Kekkei Genkai owner, you will be controlled by the village, trained strictly, and trained as a fighter machine. You must be in the forefront during the war. My Scorch-Style is inherited from my father. My father gave up his identity as a ninja, disfigured and died in hiding, and wanted to live a stable life. As a result, he was discovered by the village because of me.”

“What happened later?” Listening to Pakura’s recount of her memories, I couldn’t help worrying about her, and I couldn’t help asking.

“After being discovered, my father, in order to protect me and my mother, voluntarily continued to sell his life to the village. Later, in a conflict with Hidden Mist Village, he was betrayed by the village and was hit by Hidden Mist Village Anbu. I was sieged and sacrificed.” Pakura said sadly. Although her face was expressionless, I knew she was numb. “After my father died, the village didn’t let me go. I was arrested despite my mother’s obstruction. In the ninja training camp, every day all conducts very cruel training. My mother grief and indignation were mixed, and I got sick and passed away. And I was also numb, just like a robot. I did what the village asked me to do. There was a battle I always did. Rush to the first one, hoping to be reunited with my parents when I die.”

Listening to Pakura calmly recounting these, as if telling someone else’s story, I couldn’t help feeling resentful for her. .

“Until later, with the name of Scorch-Style Pakula, I became famous in World War I. As the reputation grew, it was difficult for the village to continue to treat it as before. I, let me come to the front of the stage and become an ordinary Jonin, but I know in my heart that when there is a battle, I still have to be in the forefront. My life is not worth mentioning.”

“I didn’t expect that you had such a hard time before. It’s really…” I was a little moved, but I didn’t know what to say. Seeing her determined expression, I couldn’t help admiring her a little.

“The people in the village, all because of my Kekkei Genkai, are either afraid of my power or hate me, wishing I would die sooner, or use my power to let me do things for them. In short No one treats me well.” Mentioned this, I saw Pakura’s eyes flicker, “I became Kazekage because the people in the village are afraid of my power and have no love at all.”

I don’t know how to comfort her, listening silently. Suddenly, I noticed a silhouette running towards the top of the mountain from a distance. From the dim light, I could tell that it was a young man about fourteen or five years old, with a very delicate face, a yellow long hair, a ponytail braid, and he didn’t know what to hold in his hand, and he looked very excited.

“This…this seems to be…” I stared wide-eyed at the young man, and did not listen to Pakura.

“Until I met you later,” Pakura obviously didn’t notice, and said while each minding their own business, “You are different from others. You really regard me as a friend, sincerely. Help me and rescued me at the risk. Actually I am to you…”

“Hush, don’t talk, there is something.” I saw Pakura still each minding their own business and said, and quickly covered it. Closed her mouth.

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