“What’s the matter?” Pakura was interrupted by me and asked with some confusion.

“We may be in some trouble.” I stared at the figure that was going away, frowned, “I didn’t expect to meet this guy here.”

“Who Huh?” Pakura looked around, but didn’t see anyone.

“Do you know Deidara?” I asked staying calm and collected.

“Deidara? You are talking about the Missing-nin of the Hidden Stone, the former member of the Hidden Stone blasting unit, the grandson of Third-Tsuchikage?” Pakura said in surprise.

“You know?” I was a little surprised. I didn’t expect that she really knew about Deidara. “Yes, it’s him.”

“This kid is quite famous. After all, he is the grandson of Third-Tsuchikage, Kekkei Genkai who owns Explosion-Style, and he is Missing-nin in Missing-nin. It’s pretty high on the wanted list.” Pakura shrugged, “Why did you suddenly ask him, could it be that what you saw just now?”

“Yes, I just saw Deidara running up the mountain. “I gazed the top of the black mountain, frowned.

“What?” Pakura was stunned, and was silent for a long while, looking serious, “You mean, you just saw that Missing-nin Deidara run up the mountain?”

I am nodded, indifferent expression.

“Are you sure?” Pakura asked me with a serious face.

“OK.” I said categorically.

“What should I do now, go back to the village and report to Hidden Stone, let them handle it or let us follow first.” Pakura hesitated and said, “It stands to reason that I, as Kazekage, saw Missing-nin You should shoot the uniform directly, so you can get a lot of benefits from Hidden Stone.”

“I also think this is better.” I nodded.

“But this Deidara is S-Rank Missing-nin. The strength is very strong. I’m not sure I can win him.” Pakura said silently, “I don’t know how much his strength is like Third-Tsuchikage. Yes, I can’t beat Fourth-Kazekage Rasa, and Rasa’s strength is probably not even half of Tsuchikage’s.”

If it were my original Peak strength, I would definitely be able to win Deidara, but with my present If the strength of Lightning Attribute is used to restrain, at most birds of a feather, and there is no guarantee of winning 100%.

“But I think based on your strength, we two should join forces and it should be no problem to win him.” Pakura suddenly looked towards me, “Back when you killed Fourth-Kage Mizukage, I was famous for a while. Thinking of your current strength, even if you can’t compare with Tsuchikage, it can’t be far behind.”

I laughed in embarrassment and didn’t say anything. If she knew that my current strength might be similar to hers , I don’t know how I feel about it.

However, we should have no problem fighting Deidara together. Even if it is lost, even if he blew himself up, I have no problem running away with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Let’s go, let’s follow and catch him if it is convenient.” I took Pakura’s hand and moved towards the top of the mountain and moved quickly.

There is a small temple on the top of Shenxie Mountain, dedicated to worshippers for worship. When I came to a place a few hundred meters away from the temple, I stopped.

“Why stop here, you can’t see the situation inside the temple so far,” Pakura said.

“I’m afraid of being discovered by that guy. In this way, I will sneak over and take a look. You are lying in ambush here, watching my signal. If anything happens, come and help me.” The handle Flying Thunder God Kunai handed it to her.

“Will you still escape? Oh my god, what is your strength?” Pakura was surprised to take over Kunai, “It seems that I have to step up training, otherwise I will leave you Farther and farther. Be careful.”

I didn’t respond to her, and I got close to the door of the temple invisibly and looked inside.

Deidara is sitting in front of the Buddha statue, concentrating on pinching the clay, like a youngster playing with plasticine. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on his handsome face, showing a beautiful painting.

“Why is this scene so familiar.” I was frowned, trying to remember.

Suddenly, three silhouettes appeared beside Deidara, my pupils shrank.

“Itachi is the three of them.” I stared wide-eyed, “damned, how come I didn’t expect it, this is the segment where Akatsuki conquered Deidara.”

“Is Deidara? Join us in Akatsuki.” Itachi said coldly.

“Akatsuki?” Deidara fiddled with the explosive clay in his hands without raising his head. “Sorry, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to concentrate on my art, eh.”

“Art?” Sasori asked.

“Yes, I injected Explosion-Style Chakra into my clay work, and then let it explode. At this time, its existence will become more perfect.” Deidara’s eyes are full of Fanatic, “At that time, it became a real art, because…”

Deidara deliberately lengthened the voice, and then roared: “Art is an explosion!”

“Forget it, let me come.” Itachi took a step forward and walked to Deidara.

“Why, do you want to fight?” Deidara turned her head, looking murderous aura.

“Yes, if I win you, you have to join Akatsuki and serve us.” Itachi said blankly, as if to state a fact.

“Don’t underestimate me! And my art! Hmm!” Deidara stood up and threw the clay work in his hand towards Itachi.

“Hah!” When the clay flew in front of Itachi, Deidara detonated it.

But Itachi walked out of the smoke unscathed.

“Stop talking nonsense, go on!” Deidara took out several more clay works.

“Since this is the artist’s final blow, let me make your death an art.” Itachi said coldly.

“It seems you are not bad, but…” Deidara smiled evilly.

A clay centipede crawled out of the ground and entangled Itachi.

“Die!” Deidara growled.

“Before doing anything, you should weigh yourself carefully.” Itachi looked at him coldly.

“What?!” The clay centipede instantly entangled Deidara, “Genjutsu! When?”

“at first is when you see Itachi’s Sharingan Split second, you have been controlled by his Genjutsu.” A voice said slowly.

By the way, Hoshigaki Kisame is dead, so who is this person?

I followed the sound, stared wide-eyed.

The man has short, light blue hair, a handsome face, and shark-like teeth.

“This is…Hohzuki Suigetsu? No…impossible, the current Suigetsu should be the same as Sasuke Naruto and they are only a child. Then this guy can only be…Hohzuki Mangetsu?” I analyzed Dao, I didn’t expect a butterfly effect occurred because of my appearance. Not only did Hohzuki Mangetsu not die, he also joined Akatsuki, replacing the original position of Hoshigaki Kisame.

At this time, Itachi walked into the afterglow, the golden light overflowed, looking like a god. Deidara was completely conquered, staring at Itachi’s Sharingan in a trance.

“You lost.” Itachi unlocked Genjutsu, and Deidara knelt on the ground all of a sudden, with a dull expression.

Suddenly, Itachi glanced at in the direction where I was, with a surprised expression, but immediately turned his head away.

“It looks like you found me.” Not only did I say with a bitter smile, but I also caught Deidara. Fortunately, I met Itachi, otherwise it would be really dangerous.

“Let’s go quickly, it’s dangerous here.” Itachi said that the words “Go” and “Danger” bite very hard.

Indeed, I have to quickly notify Pakura to retreat. Sasori and Hohzuki Mangetsu, plus Deidara, is not something I can deal with, and Itachi can’t help me clearly.

“Someone!” Hohzuki Mangetsu suddenly took the knife from his back and threw it at me, “Lightning-Style, thunder!”

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