“Hateful! I found me!” In desperation, I had no choice but to show up and respond, “Wind-Style, Wind Cutter Jutsu!”

Originally, Wind Attribute restrains Lightning Attribute, but my Wind-Style only weakened his Lightning-Style, and did not block it.

“Crystal-Style, the crystal array wall!” I had to use the crystal array wall to block in front of me.

puci, I didn’t expect that the hard crystal didn’t knock the knife away. Instead, the knife was inserted tightly, almost an inch away.

“I didn’t expect my strength to drop to such a level.” I helplessly said with a bitter smile, not only the decline of Chakra Reserves, but even the formidable power of Ninjutsu was greatly reduced. Wind-Style can’t stop Lightning-Style, Crystal-Style is easily pierced, and even the penetration that I was good at was discovered.

“Crystal-Style? You are Konoha’s black lightning, Hatake Kurone, right?” Hohzuki Mangetsu stepped forward and asked loudly.

“Yes.” I couldn’t lose the imposing-manner, neither servile nor overbearing responded, “You are Hohzuki Mangetsu, worthy-of is the elite of Hohzuki clan, and the sense ability is so strong. “

“Thanks.” Hohzuki Mangetsu stared at me disdainfully, mocking said with a smile, “Daimyo of black lightning is like thunder piercing the ear, I thought you were a very strong character. I didn’t expect it to be only this.”

Hohzuki Mangetsu said that I was dumbstruck and unable to reply. This is to be placed at my strength Peak. Even if compared to Pain, I will not let it go. Let alone him, he will definitely be damaged badly with many teeth knocked out by me. But now… it’s bad luck for labor and capital, it’s really no choice but to suffer in silence.

“I know that you used to be one of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, and Seven-Swords will be skillfully used, but now, your sword can be with me.” I had to try to find some reason. Lower his fighting spirit.

“As far as your level is concerned, do I still need to use a knife? You just know Ninjutsu more, enrich that’s all. It’s a vain person.” Hohzuki Mangetsu doesn’t care what I say, looking at me contemptuously .

“You don’t need it, then I’m not welcome.” Just when I came out for a walk without a decent weapon, I drew the knife from the wall of the crystal formation.

“Fuck, isn’t this my Azure Edge Sword?!” I stared wide-eyed and stared at the weapon I pulled out. It’s absolutely correct. This is my original weapon, Gai Nie The Azure Edge Sword that my predecessors left me was lost during the previous battle with Pain. “Why are you here?”

“This turned out to be yours?” Hohzuki Mangetsu also looked a little surprised, “This It was given to me by the leader some time ago, saying that I am good at Lightning-Style. This Divine Item is more suitable for cutting iron like mud, blowing hair immediately, and you can also attach Chakra Attribute.”

“It’s you Yes, but what about that?” Hohzuki Mangetsu said disdainfully, “Now it is mine, so I will lend you to play it for a while, and you can get it back when I solve it later.”

” damned.” This scoundrel really regards Azure Edge Sword as his. With the blessing of Azure Edge Sword, it is not certain who wins and who wins.

“Itachi, you can watch a good show here for a while, and I will ask you to go out after I clean up him.” Hohzuki Mangetsu looked at Itachi somewhat dreaded and motioned him not to interfere.

Itachi didn’t say anything, just nodded, and instructed me to do my best with his eyes, this person is very dangerous. Then I stood aside with Sasori of the Red Sand and the newcomer Deidara, watching my contest with Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Although Itachi didn’t help me directly, he dragged down two very troublesome enemies, Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara, and reduced the pressure on me.

Although I can directly use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape, Pakura is still staring outside, so I can’t escape selfishly. Besides, if I run into expert now, it would be too bad for my image. So, I must fight him.

“This is the first time I have seen Hohzuki Mangetsu take a shot. Interesting, jié jié.” Sasori smiled coldly.

“Is it possible to see the battle just after joining Akatsuki? Interesting, I don’t know who is stronger than my art in his strength?” Deidara was also quite interested in sitting on the doorstep. Pinch the clay side to look.

Only Itachi, frowns head, looked worried at me. If there is only Hohzuki Mangetsu here, he will definitely help me, but there are two Akatsuki people next to him, and he can’t kill all three.

“It seems that I can only rely on myself.” I shaking one’s head while laughing bitterly.

“Hey! What are you whispering about? Fight seriously!” Hohzuki Mangetsu looked at my indifferent expression and called me angrily, “Let you know how good Hohzuki clan is! Water -Style, the technique of water guns!”

Hohzuki Mangetsu raised his hands as if holding two box guns, peng peng peng! Water droplets in the shape of bullets were shot from his hands continuously.

“Fuck, is it so exciting to come up?” I dare not slack off, my fingers flew up and down, “Vapour-Style, huge hot steam!”

The air in front of me is rapid As it heats up, even the space begins to twist. When the water bullets flew in front of me, they all melted into droplets and fell to the ground.

“It’s time for me to pay my respects, Crystal-Style, the art of crystallization of thousands of books!” I originally wanted to use Ice-Style, but the temperature of the air in front of it has not yet cooled down, and Ice-Style was melted when it was shot out. , So use Crystal-Style.

whiz whiz whiz! Several crystals broke out and hit Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t even hide, and stood there directly, Jing Qianben penetrated his body like a water curtain.

“damned, how can I forget that Hohzuki clan has the ability to hydrate the body.” I wrinkled my frowned head. It seems that ordinary physical attacks have no effect on him.

“Where do you look!” Suddenly, a sky-splitting sound appeared behind me, and my subconscious glance back.

pu! plop! Qingfeng pierced a body made of water, and Hohzuki Mangetsu passed through my sword and kicked me in the chest.

“wu!” I flew upside down for several meters.

“It seems that I can only use Lightning-Style to restrain him.” I struggled to stand up, “With my current strength, it is a bit hard to use Raikiri, so let’s use Chidori.”

Noisy! The dazzling lightning condenses in my hands, like the singing of thousands of birds. However, how can I use Chidori without a supplementary thing?

My eyes quickly closed and opened, and they became blood red. Three tomoes slowly revolve in their eyes, looking for the opponent’s weak spot. It feels like fighting side by side with Koyuki.

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