Lost Sasori’s control, the Puppets in the sky seemed to have lost their lives and fell one after another.

“Oh my God, that’s amazing! Kurone! You are so amazing!” Pakura reacted and shouted excitedly.

Although it only destroyed the Puppet Hiruko, it could not kill Sasori, because the reproductive nucleus, that is, Sasori’s heart, was still there.

At the moment Hiruko was destroyed, I saw Sasori’s reproductive core jump out and sneak away. Now I don’t know where to hide.

Damn wiped the blood flowing out of his eye sockets. It was a pity. Just now that move Yawata ran out of my Chakra, so I could only watch Sasori’s regenerative nucleus run away and there was no way.

“Be careful, Sasori is still dead, and there are other enemies.” I reminded.

“What? I won’t die if my head is broken?” Pakura said in surprise, “What kind of monster is that? I won’t die like this.”

“That’s just a Puppet. Sasori’s main body is just his heart and the regenerating nucleus in his chest. The destruction is considered to kill him.”

“I didn’t expect you to know my details so well. It seems that you can’t leave you. “A tall figure stood up from a pile of Puppets, “You destroyed the Hiruko I made so hard, and I must make both of you Puppets!”

“Third- Kazakage!” Pakura screamed.

Pakura reminded me, and I also reacted. Sasori once killed Third-Kazakage in a sneak attack, then defected to the village and made Third-Kazakage into a Puppet. He is the strongest among Sasori’s Puppets. He can use the Kekkei Genkai and Magnet-Style before his death to control the iron. Sand is difficult to deal with.

“Third-Kazakage is the Legendary of Hidden Sand Village. It is called Strongest Kazekage. Mysterious disappeared back then. I didn’t expect to die in your hands.” Pakura looked angrily at Sasori.

My frowns head looked at the Puppet of Third-Kazakage. Now my Chakra is exhausted. It is impossible to use another move. Even Flying Thunder God Jutsu can’t even use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but it can’t expose Itachi. identity of. With my current strength, it takes at least one minute for Chakra to recover to be able to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Pakura, help me hold him for one minute, as long as one minute is enough.” I pleaded.

“Leave it to me.” Pakura rushed forward without looking back, “Let me see the gap between me and Strongest Kazekage!”

“Since I am called Strongest Kazekage, that would definitely not be a false name, Pakura, be careful, don’t be firmly resisted.” I reminded.

“Is it finished, I hate waiting for someone.” Sasori controlled Third-Kazakage’s Puppet, slowly drifting to the sky.

“Let’s give you an appetizer first! Magnet-Style, Iron Sand Drizzle!”

shua~ shua~ shua~! The black iron sand is condensed into a kunai shape between Third-Kazakage’s hands and shot at high speed.

“Pakura, be careful!” I really want to use defensive Ninjutsu to block it, but Chakra doesn’t allow it. I can only hope that Pakura can follow.

“Don’t worry, I’m also Kazekage anyway, not that weak.” Pakura looked back and smiled at me, her fingers flew up and down, “Scorch-Style, flow fire boring!”

bang! One A huge fiery-red boring appeared in the sky.

The so-called boring is a kind of cold weapon, which evolved from a gun. It is similar to the halberd, except that the branches of the halberd are straight upward spikes, while the boring branches are curved into crescents. Thorn-like or serpentine. Boring, like a halberd, has both offensive and defensive capabilities, but only people with very strong arms can use it. Of course, it’s a bit far.

At this moment, Pakura is holding the flowing fire boring in the sky, flying up and down, constantly picking off the shot iron sand.

“Whhhhhhhh…” After picking out the last pinch of iron sand, Liuhuobo disappeared. Pakura gasped and laughed at me: “How about it, I’m okay.”

“Great, worthy-of is Kazekage, it seems I underestimated you.” I gave her a thumbs up.

“That’s not it, I’ll tell…”

“Are you funny, what’s the use of picking, I will…” Third-Kazakage’s expression suddenly solidified, his hands Frozen in the sky and stopped moving, “What? What’s the matter, why is the iron sand unresponsive.”

“Is it demagnetized.” Itachi said coldly.

“I see, the Scorch-Style you used just now has a very high temperature. It is used on the iron sand to eliminate the magnetism of the iron sand, so he can’t control it.” I suddenly realized that I couldn’t help but admire it even more. Start Pakura.

“Smart! I know I can’t hide it from you.” Pakura smiled hehe and said, “Third-Kazakage is well known in Hidden Sand Village. Of course I have studied his Magnet-Style, which is a coincidence. Yes, my Scorch-Style just happens to be useful for his Magnet-Style.”

“No wonder, I said you are so confident.” I let go of my hanging heart a little bit, but, I think Third-Kazakage will not be defeated so easily.

One minute, just postpone one minute, I thought to myself silently. In my opinion, the strength of Pakura is far inferior to that of Third-Kazakage. Even if Kekkei Genkai restrains, winning is impossible. However, delaying one minute should be enough and to spare.

“Just now it was just an appetizer. I didn’t expect it to be delicious, jié jié.” Third-Kazakage smiled strangely, “Let’s have dinner!”

“Pakura, Don’t be careless! You can’t beat him, just hold on and delay one minute!” I had a bad feeling in my heart, fearing that she would be too confident, so I hurriedly shouted.

“I know, you can rest assured Refining Chakra.” Pakura frowned said with his back to me, “Betting on the name of Kazekage, even if you die, I will hold him one minute!”

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