“Magnet-Style, iron sand Tianyi!” Third-Kazakage opened his hands, and countless iron sand gathered behind him, forming two wings, just like Konan’s Like paper wings.

hu hu! Although the iron sand is very heavy, the Iron Sand Wings is very light to wave. Third-Kazakage slowly lifted off, looking down at me and Pakura.

“My Puppet is immortal, and eternity is the real art!” Sasori, who lives in the Third-Kazakage Puppet, said proudly.

“Explosion is the real art…” Deidara mumbled quietly underneath.

Sasori didn’t pay attention to him, each minding their own business looked at his Pakura glaringly, and said coldly: “Just let you see my art, you will feel that you become my Puppet It’s an honor.”

“No, hmph! It’s better to be alive.” Pakura coldly-snorted.

“fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness! Magnet-Style, iron sand knot attack!” Third-Kazakage raised his hand, and the huge iron sand quadrangular pyramids aimed at Pakura. “Get out!”

With the third-Kazakage shouted, the iron sand quadrangular pyramid moved towards Pakura flew away. There are five in total. If this is pierced, it will undoubtedly die. Seeing this, I squeezed a sweat for Pakura.

“Be sure to stand it up, in forty seconds, I will be able to extract Chakra.” I secretly kept it up to Pakura.

“Scorch-Style, the art of burning!”

Huh! From Pakura’s mouth, a large group of flames exploded, covering a wide range of iron sand quadrangular pyramids in the sky.

Although it is a flame, it is completely different from Fire-Style. The flame of Fire-Style does not exceed eight hundred degrees, and the flame of Scorch-Style used by Pakura, in terms of color, is absolutely thousands of degrees. Pakura that move makes people become terror-stricken at the news’s Scorch-Style Super Steam Kill, which instantly raises the temperature to thousands of degrees, and instantly evaporates the whole body blood of the enemy, which is very terrifying.

Iron sand The four-sided pyramid turns red after being burned, just like iron just coming out of the furnace and waiting for forging.

“Water-Style, Great Waterfall Jutsu!”

The main attribute of Pakura is wind and fire. Water-Style is not strong, and there are no rivers or lakes nearby. So there was only a very small stream of water.

As soon as the water hit the burning red iron sand quadrangular pyramid, smoke came out and made a sizzling sound, which was very ear-piercing.

“Wind-Style, Wind Cutter Jutsu!” Pakura’s Ninjutsu is very consistent, and the hand seal is like flowing water.

su su 簌! The original hard iron sand quadrangular pyramid became very crunchy after being stimulated by the sudden cold and heat, and the invisible Wind Cutter became many small pieces, which were scattered on the ground.

Another wave of Sasori’s offensive was resolved by Pakura.

“Worth-of is Fifth-Kage Kazekage, I didn’t expect it to be a bit of ability.” Sasori praised it without hesitation.

“many thanks.” Pakura neither servile nor overbearing said.

But I can hear her aura is very rushing. Those few shots just now should have consumed a lot of Chakra. Especially that move Water-Style: Great Waterfall Jutsu. Forcibly using Ninjutsu that does not match its attributes, not only will the formidable power be greatly reduced, but the consumption of Chakra will also increase exponentially. It is a very unwise choice, but Pakura has no choice. .

“But, you will end here too.” Third-Kazakage raised his hands, “Magnet-Style, iron sand locks the world!”

“This is! What a mess! “

Suddenly, countless iron sand poured out from the soles of Pakura’s feet. Pakura was caught off guard and was wrapped in iron sand.

“Oops! The iron sand attack just now was just a feint. It was to distract Pakura. He repaired the plank road and kept the warehouse secret. In fact, Sasori secretly got the iron sand underground. His real purpose is For the sneak attack Pakura.” I reacted instantly, “No, I can’t wait any longer, it seems I can do it!”

“Be my Puppet!” Third-Kazakage suddenly squeezed his hand. “Magnet-Style, iron sand binds you!”

“Pakura!” I roared and rushed over. I just ran for two steps and stopped.

Third-Kazakage was also shocked: “Is this…?”

Iron sand is not under the control of Third-Kazakage, and slowly falls off Pakura’s body. And Pakura, the whole body is covered with flames, just like Asura from hell, very terrifying.

“Scorch-Style, Pakura!” Pakura growled.

bang! A flame erupted from her body and went straight into the sky. Even standing ten meters away, I can feel the heat wave.

This is probably Pakura’s trick.

“Scorch-Style, heart-scorching arrow!” Pakura made a bow motion, and a dark red arrow was condense from her.

sou! With a sound, the arrow went straight to Third-Kazakage.

“Magnet-Style, iron sand shield!” An iron wall appeared in front of Third-Kazakage, which firmly protected the Third-Kazakage behind.

clang! The arrow pierced deeply into the iron wall, and the remaining power remained undiminished. The arrow pierced the iron wall and plunged into Third-Kazakage’s shoulder.

Noisy! The scorching arrow immediately scorched Third-Kazakage’s shoulder, and the arrow disappeared.

Because it is Puppet, Third-Kazakage does not feel the pain, but wrinkles his frowned head and says: “I didn’t expect this arrow to penetrate so much. I underestimated it.”

Pakura didn’t say a word, and kept pulling the bow and releasing the arrows. Every time he pulled the bow, the flame on his body would be less.

The arrows that looked at him constantly, Third-Kazakage pupils shrank, immediately thickened the iron sand shield. This time, the arrow only pierced the iron wall, and did not hurt Third-Kazakage.

Although he couldn’t hurt Third-Kazakage, Pakura kept shooting. As the arrow disappeared, many holes were left on the iron wall, but they were automatically healed by iron sand.

I know that Pakura is to delay me.

Finally, after firing the twenty-seventh arrow, the flame on Pakura’s body completely disappeared, and Pakura also softened and fell to the ground. It seemed that Chakra was exhausted.

“hmph, is Chakra finally exhausted?” Third-Kazakage removed the iron sand shield and condense an iron sand quadrangular pyramid. “It’s time to send you off, Magnet-Style, iron sand Strike!”

The iron sand pyramid moved towards Pakura and flew away.

“Scorch-Style, brown Madara is bad!”

A dark red leopard rushed out and crushed the iron sand pyramid.

“What? Why is there Chakra?” Third-Kazakage was very surprised, but immediately reacted, “No, it’s not for her. I didn’t see her hand seal.”

“Yes, it’s me.” I have picked up Pakura, Pakura’s whole body is hot, all my skin is burned, and my clothes are burned out. I use Ice-Style to attach to my hand and barely bear her. Body temperature.

“I…I still can’t beat him…” Pakura said angrily, “Is there enough time?”

“You have done your best, my Chakra We have recovered a lot, don’t worry, no one can stop us now!” I looked Pakura and said softly.

“Sasori of the Red Sand, we’ll meet again some day.”

Without waiting for Sasori to react, I thought move and came to Izumo nook.

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